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  • Experienced the same bug on Campbell's Chapel against ghost face. The bug did not seem active throughout the whole match, as it seemed to work normally for the first few break actions the ghost face did. My best guess is that it's either associated with cancelling a break action early, such as ending the break action on a…
  • Don' know what the agitating title is all about, maybe it's just that I'm new here, but It really doesn't look like it's helping the case you're trying to make in this post. You seem to be going off personal opinions that you're applying to "probably the majority of Billy players", which is not productive and makes you…
  • One time someone called me a cute killer, they were a rank 1 SWF back when I was like rank 17 and I think they either felt bad or realized halfway through the match what kind of killer I was. Their entire team was pretty nice about it and we had a good laugh but I specifically remember that person because they left a…
  • Wraith has some pretty fun things he can do with his terror radius, or at least his emanating "sounds". Coxcombed Clapper and "The Ghost" make him really hard to detect when uncloaking, leading to some really fun gen pick-ups. Bone Clapper can really mess with survivors if you know how to play Wraith really well, the…
  • Probably weasel builds. Like, the kind of builds that survivors design to give them as many shots at completely nullifying good killer play. I'm not particularly bothered by any second chance perks on their own, I just don't like when they're used in tandem with each other to make the killer feel like they're being…
  • If you want my honest opinion, I think second chance perks are fine. They make each game and each survivor interesting to play against in their own way, even if I get totally wrecked by them. Dead Hard I actually enjoy fighting against, it's a really solid survivor perk and I really just can't get mad at people who use it…
  • Ah, did not realize that was a thing. Sounds like it would have been interesting for him, I did not play while he was in pre-rework though. As far as I know Furtive is used now to switch obsessions frequently. However, that does seem like an interesting angle to take, in making it synergize really well with another…
  • Yeah, I'm definitely feeling that Huntress's Iridescent Head gets nerfed. Not fun in any real capacity to play against, you get Hillbilly's saw but at a far greater effective range. Never really like playing against Huntresses when I find out they have that addon, it's just so easy to slip up just ever so slightly and have…
  • This is such a dang hard decision... First off I just want to say all 3 of the 2016 release killers are like, in my top 3. I just have a massive soft spot for them. Wraith was my favorite to play when I first started playing at release with 2 other friends in customs because I thought being invisible was OP as heck. For a…
  • Okay, legit, I don't even think this perk needs a nerf. I don't even say that because I'm a killer main, literally I don't even like using it. I feel what it needs is adjustment to help it feel more fair. I absolutely agree that it's annoying as heck to be on the receiving end of, especially against killers that have the…
  • Hex perks slowing down the game will always be iffy, you come to expect that inconsistency with hex perks in general. It's practically their balancing factor that their effectiveness is based on how quickly they are found and able to be dealt with. Now, of course, that balancing factor could be too much for certain hexes…
  • Short Answer: Dark Devotion. Long Answer: I don't own this perk as a teachable or even own the killer that has this perk, but in customs it's become a running joke between my group that if there's an obsession its almost 100% because I'm using Dark Devotion. It's just such an interesting obsession perk to use and it opens…
  • Wow, thanks for the response! I thought it would be nice to look over the hexes as they're easily identifiable as their own "class" of perks. I would not be opposed to looking over the obsession perks... oddly enough I hadn't even thought about doing that until like, as I'm writing this. We'll see how it works out. Good…
  • I'm inclined to lean towards killers that aren't from any IP, mostly because I think there's already great representation in familiar movies and other media. If there had to be another licensed one, I'd prefer it be from a book, or John Carpenter's The Thing because a killer that can hide among survivors would be freaking…
  • Interesting viewpoint on that. Having stacking penalties for each hit and separating out the penalties a decent amount so that the first chase isn't partially a complete guessing game I think would help round it out. That's a good idea, my friend!