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  • I think a better idea is ruin dose to much over all, leave a gen is regresses fine but at 150% speed. spit it into 2 perks one is when survivers leave a gen it regresses defult 5% another new perk could be regresses speed is 200% that way the current ruin power takes 2 perks slots and 1 totem effect meaning after the totem…
  • See i understand your correct, but it effects all players and in my opinion removes some of the fun from the game. Maybe add a extra button to settings to make flashes only once a second.
  • A nice gatekeeping, If you want to gate keep there is the golden bloody skins for those few older players back in the early days.
  • A round robin system so you can't play agenced the same killer 3 times in a row would be nice? but aside from that no banning is a bad idea since spirt and nurse players just would never get a chance to play.
  • Yes it sucks and it wastes everyone time and It should be seen as abusing gameplay just like infinites and thus should be reported as unsportsmanlike gameplay. Since face camping is an easy 2 hook 2 kills in higher ranks and has a good chanse at 3-4 kills in low ranks. Changes that prevent facecamping don't lead to 100%…
  • you can't just abused a system like this facecamping is an abuse of gameplay, and swivel hooks don't solve the problem they just prevent easy grabs when facecamping. maybe change the numbers around like if you spend 70% of your game on a hook there is a way to balence this.
  • Actually I play him, and he is quite fair and balanced so I don't think he should be changed to adress your points. A good myers will 99 you and won't activate teir 3 in front of a pallet loop. Yah, that's fair I do miss that, I wish that was reverted. It's myers not ghostface, lore wise at least myers would'nt care to be…
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