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  • I disagree. Mainly because most of the supposed God perks you mentioned and that I can think of require an action to be done for it to activate or leads to exhaustion. Killers don't have to deal with that. And keys? We killers can see people bring them in before survivors even know who they are dealing with, and can easily…
  • I play killer and I agree with you. This is actually why I hardly use any of my iridescent add ons unless there is a challenge, or a team is asking for it because many of them are just straight unfair. You like literally do not have to work at all when they're used. For all the complaining killers seem to overwhelmingly do…
  • I'm honestly confused. How does someone playing with someone they may know equate to imbalance? I'm honestly 100% curious because I don't see the problem. In my eyes that would essentially mean no game has balance.
  • Honestly? I don't mind SWF. There are many things that are a part of the game that both sides don't like, but SWF is unique in that just because people CAN communicate it doesn't mean you can't kill them. All those who are killers likely will have to play against friends at some point. Use it as an opportunity to learn.…
  • As someone who plays killer this game is painfully skewed in the killers favor which is why I think you see less and less survivors. As a killer people you have to have a game plan and CONTROL YOUR GAME. That is literally one of your main jobs. Seems a lot of the complaints on the forum seem to be just drivel made by those…
  • So you are essentially complaining....because you got juked? This is where we're at right now? "The survivors won't let me hit them, it's an issue." All they do is nerf survivors, I seriously doubt they will touch their mobility, and if they do God help us all with matchmaking. This is exactly why people need to plan…
  • Yes I supposedly make the forum toxic, and yet you chose to attack me for no reason over an opinion...Your logic certainly makes sense. For the record? No, you didn't understand anything, obviously because you didn't want to.
  • "self-congratulation?" Interesting how you are so angered over someone joining in on a open forum. Especially since you didn't read and or actually pay attention to the post. It's surprising that people wonder why the DBD community is so rife with toxicity and hate mail, when people who act like you are abound. Good grief…
  • As someone who plays both, I have to say you make a good point. I for one however see nothing wrong with gen speeds as they are. Killers have abilities and a advantage, period. Rather people want to accept this fact or not is up to them. But in my eyes people who complain either need to practice more or come up with a…
  • Honestly there is no way you can change gens as they are without a lot of blowback and without essentially overhauling the game. Gens are boring to do, and could have been done better but touching them because some killers feel they're unfair or whatever complaint they have isn't really a good idea, and isn't something I…
  • Killers are trying to kill and survivors are trying to survive. I agree with twistedmonkey if keys have to change them so would moris. That's just balance. Both require little to no input, albeit at least the survivors have to fix an X amount of Gens or have an X amount of allies die. Killers with moris have a easier time.…
  • My goodness, its easier as a killer for you to find the hatch than for the survivor to do so. If they make it, oh well they found it first because you failed to do so. Least you got a 3K. As someone who plays killer I don't see the problem
  • I concur there are problems with the game everyone knows that, but one would be hard pressed to find a multi-player game that doesn't have issues. The aim is to try to bring something to the table so devs can make your game of choice better should they care enough. But to try to excuse DCing means you are excusing toxicity…
  • Honestly I don't understand why they changed the nurse in the first place. I never really played her as she just wasn't my thing, but I never really felt she was unfair when I went against her either. There are less than a handful of killers I find just plain annoying to go against simply because I see their power set as…
  • This is actually why I am more likely to go for the "savior" when I'm the killer because that is extremely annoying to me. I don't see any problems in allowing a survivor who is already dying slowly to deny a hook, gotta start somewhere.
  • Yeah but there is a difference when you don't even really have a chance to escape, and no one said it should be easy. It shouldn't be easy for killers to get a kill either. There is a lot in DBD that is really out of your control as a survivor these days. You can't even stop someone from unhooking you while the killer is…
  • I concur. This would essentially kill the game I feel, many would just stop playing.
  • LOL what? I think some people here might be reading too much into things.
  • The hatch is a simple game mechanic and last hope that ought to be left alone, especially since often it is more easily found by the killer. However I'm lost behind the logic of someone who is still alive somehow "losing."
  • Well said. I concur. It's fine where it is and doesn't need to be changed. I never saw it as unfair myself because as you said it can be countered and stopped. I would say the game now should focus on abilities and their add ons more than anything.
  • Seems the forums have devolved into "This perk isn't fair" or "This strategy is too hard to counter" or "The game shouldn't allow this" People won't be happy until survivors have nothing. I don't think people realize that you arent supposed to have stuff handed to you. Earn your kills through strategy. Adapt to what people…
  • I dunno, I play both survivor and killer and I don't mind NOED or adrenaline as both can be countered beforehand. The former can be stopped by simply doing what you can at stealthing and avoiding the killer, as well as doing totems. They can't down you if they can't hit you. Teamwork can only help you as well, and many…
  • Don't think a flying killer would be easy to balance either.
  • I think it would be cool to see Stephen Kings Pennywise, or maybe The Thing. It would just be interesting and different to have a killer that can play mind games, and make the survivors possibly second guess each other.
  • Play by your own code, that's what I do. I'm also friendly in a sense that I call myself fair. For example, if someone rage quits early in the game which effectively screws the other three remaining survivors, I always let 1 - 2 go. If I'm chasing someone and they unhook a survivor literally right in front of me, I let the…
  • Toxicity is definitely annoying. I never actually saw the point of survivors camping near a gate just to teabag either. Though when it blows up in their face it's hilarious, if only it happened more.
  • I play as the killer and survivor. I actually think survivors can stand to be a bit stronger perk wise, or even have actual abilities like killers do depending on what they are. But if they went that route they would likely need to add more objectives or just more gens. With the perks listed I would let sleeping dogs lie…
  • I don't use hex ruin on a good couple of my killer loadouts because I don't necessarily subscribe to the stigma that you need it in order to win. For example, my Legion, Pig, Doctor, and Freddy don't have it equipped and most of my games everyone is sacrificed. I think people need to learn to come up with their own ways of…
  • I would support a slightly stronger killer if I am playing with friends. That would make it more fun IMHO, but that depends what the devs would allow
  • So basically you're asking why you can't be toxic when killers can be? Jesus people need to just shut up and play the game. Thing is, no one should be defending or choosing to be toxic, in general. Myself I just tend to ignore stupidity whether it comes from killers or survivors. The community as a whole has a maturity…
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