If you've tried playing her on console, you'll see every glaring problem she has. It makes me sad, because at one point, before she had been reworked. Learning and playing her payed off. She was a good killer, and worth playing. Now she's worthless, and we rarely see her.
They better not or I'll personally be pissed. I want a prestige 3 Susie.
I doubt, the community would be pissed.
Thank you, this is very cool, and I hope you're correct <3
Ok, they fixed q's. Still didn't answer the question. And they can try to fix FPS but I can promise you it wont work. And if it does. I'll apologize.
that's not an answer, nor is about the post. Dedicated servers will even the playing field, and fix all the issues for q's.
@Master I honestly think you're garbage. If you don't have something positive or constructive to say, then stay off my post. There is no PC MASTER RACE. This is Dead by Daylight. I've been rank one on both. So stop acting like because you have a pc you're better, go back to Fortnite and stay in the place where trash…
I've played nurse since the game came out. I have around 600-700 hours on her. I can blink fine. I have everything built into my mind. The problem is the FPS Drop and the screen quality that is constantly changing. The lack of auto aim and reduced lunge is way more infuriating then with it. I miss when It was all about…
you sure you're playing on console? I've been rank one since the damn game released for console. And I've seen a total of 1 P3 Nurse that we destroyed without any worry.