Good advice.
thanks for the advice everyone I was able to get all of the killer challenges some of them I farmed for but yeah got them all now i'm working on the survivor ones.
I agree
only if you're good at it
I don't like No Mither it's one of the most useless perks in the game
sounds like a good idea thanks for the advice
not trolling yeah right maybe for you but for me I hate playing as the killer i'm not a killer main
those sound like a good combo but I don't really play as the killer so I don't really have my killers leveled up but I have 15 fully bloody survivors
I see i'm not good as the killer
I also have dyslexia
yeah I know just not happy about this they keep making them hard and I have autism they need to make them easier for us disabled people
- This should answer your question.
It would be cool if PS4 could get them.
Did you hear this from the developers or is it your personal opinion?
unless they add the Ghostface from the Scream Parody then that would be ok I guess.
agreed and a Zombie from a zombie movie like I said on my Zombie Killer post a zombie killer would be amazing.
nah dude parody characters are weird that's like adding Anna Farris their too comedic not really horror like.
no idea dude but hopefully one of these days they add a survivor from Scream and Texas Chainsaw Massacre cause to me it doesn't feel right just getting the killers.
thanks for agreeing it might not happen or it will they just have to get the license and their golden
Also a Texas Chainsaw Massacre survivor has to happen too.
I agree with your comment but i'm still sticking with my decision I would love Sydney to be in Dead By Daylight she survived every movie it has to happen.
I agree that their complicated but anything is possible in the world.
That doesn't matter to me if she is tied to him or not we need a survivor from his movies like Laurie, Quentin, and Detective Tapp came with their movies we need a survivor from the Scream movies
have the devs said anything about adding the donkey jacket into the store or bringing it back for an event cause I am still waiting.
I also second that I would love a Hollow Blight Feng Min and Legion.
Yeah matching can be a problem but the red pant's of outfits David King has can kinda match.
lol funny but I don't agree I think the Red Donkey Jacket looks cool and I really want it.
No you can't buy the Legacy skins they were only a certain amount of time in the early phase of Dead By Daylight when it first came out for PC.
It could be difficult and if it would take time for them to reopen them we players could wait it wouldn't be a problem.
Well the thing about Legacy skins is different cause those are PC only and if they were to put those on console it would upset the PC players that earned them we just need a compromise about the 4 event cosmetics I don't think we're missing out much on Legacy skins cause we have fully bloodies so that's something.
I also wish the devs would respond, at least say never or that this is something they would consider. I understand they are busy though.
I understand those who previously got the event skins deserve them back. However will you allow people to get them in the Dead By Daylight store, in a future event, or in a future rift? Please and Thank You.
yes I understand this I am well aware of this thank you for the comment I am just seeing if we can have some sort of way for everyone to get them where people don't feel like they wasted their time to get them
i was kind of in a bad mood when i made my Event Cosmetics post calling people entitled wasn't very civilized and i apologize for that
i agree they should be available in the Dead By Daylight Store i said a post like this but i was calling people entitled that were saying that players that didn't do events shouldn't get event cosmetics cause in my opinion i believe that everyone deserves a chance to be able to get things not just some people i completely…
thank you my English isn't perfect I agree
hopefully others do as well
thank you for putting it that way I agree with you 100%
yup I do and video games have humans playing them so your point is
nah dude you're proving my point that you want to just have what you got and not give equal rights to other humans that play Dead By Daylight
so you're saying that people don't deserve to have equal human rights
so you're just proving my point that you don't agree with equality of human rights
dude you're sounding bad now when you say that only the people that did the event deserve it you don't see me saying that what I worked for shouldn't be given out now do you
I own the Kate Denson barbeque shirt and the Hillbilly Propane Hammer and I personally don't care if other people get them cause i'm not entitled and comparing event cosmetics to legacy cosmetics is unfair Legacy is for the original players who struggled through blood webs
doesn't matter if it was like that what matters is that us people that didn't get to do the event should have a chance to do the event, get the event cosmetics for free, or get them in the store no offense but everyone deserves a chance to have cosmetics not just certain people I don't think people should be entitled and…
i don't agree with the people that say that other people don't deserve them because they didn't earn them like those people earned them it doesn't matter if we didn't earn them we started the game after you had them we didn't get to do the event so either bring the donkey jacket event back for those that didn't get to do…