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  • This post is soooooo spot on. Why the heck are killers going so sweaty? I played the huntress..,slugged nobody only threw hatchets and got 150k blood points.!!! My add ons were brown. Just got done with a wraith . Silent bell...hook camping. Seriously? Live a little!!! This is like the wrath of all the tears killers shed…
  • Very simple. They are stronger as a base. Teams have no mither, and one game was given zero perks. Sooo basically everyone is out of whack as far as survivor goes. Case in point… im seeing a lot of Huntress and very strong killers. Their points are low because.. they are doing what they always do.. over power with the…
  • Question for the bubba mains... I thought every chain saw hit was an instant down. For a while I thought I got it but last two matches the hits only injured
  • These posts are all about making killers stronger. It gets old. Survivors have nerfed perks and it gets old. Even the new characters have pretty much useless perks. I play survivor and get hit with something crazy and like....whoa what is that!!! Oh that's a cool perk. Here though anything good gets a big crying show that…
  • Dear BHVR ... Please tie up survivors, nerf all their perks and give us one button to push for a 4k. Thank you Geeesh
  • This worked!! Ugh almost. Some maps it was better others the same
  • So happy to see this thread. As a survivor I managed but it was so off. As a killer I could barely hit a person. I was ready to cry. Love playing this game and was worried they did something that forced me to upgrade my computer
  • Subtle cheating how? I see odd things but honestly can never tell. Just curious what to look for. Had a killer that found me twice. I was using distortion. I asked him how he found me and he said audio cues. Plausible however both times I was not moving and crouched also forgot to mention not injured. I reported just in…
  • I had one match against a good team as Pyramid Head. Caught a group healing at the gate. Behind the wall and with his move I managed to down the one and get one kill that game. Sure it was only one but dang if that one didn't feel sweet. Lol
    in So explain Comment by Doxie April 5
  • And not to harp...but you still haven't mentioned your kill rate. How often do you take everyone out or... Let them live because you've completely schooled them?
  • I don't think they understand that killers don't want to chase, or play and especially don't want to be nerfed. They just want more and more to make it easier and easier. Cool down would be good. If exhaustion is a cool down a chain saw should have one too. Keep it even and such
  • I'm ok with a rework.... Just not a buff.
  • And what is your ratio with Freddie. Seems everyone likes to leave that out. That's quite literally the whole point of this.
  • This comment makes me laugh as it purely a killer response....all the time. If you lose to Freddie, you are not skilled. If you get one down due to devour hope you need to change your perks. I can't beat good teams with Freddie.... Freddie is too weak. Never once is skill level questioned. Perhaps you tunnel and this…
  • So honest question... A few bad matches.... That's all you mentioned. I read that and see basically you can't beat everyone every time. That's how I feel most killers what the characters. You lose to good killers, you lose to good survivor teams. Maybe I'm bitter because when I post "devour hope is bs" the answer I get…
  • First do you play survivor and second .. is this your build always and third do you spend the game looking for totems? Then let's add a killer like the newly buffed Huntress… there is little risk. Just went up against one .. 1 gen completed, two of the three hexes found, two people quit and bots took place. Guess we should…
  • Being still feel ya. I finally got a lot of killers and survivors prestiged and playable. I am going to miss this a lot.... However it will be nice to feel like I don't have to play all the time and just kind of get in there and enjoy
  • Again...I'm being punished for preparing for totems where I will lack in gens or some other. For the other comment, I don't need to run devour hope .... I want to actually play. Chase them off gens, chess match....not just walk up, stab them once and feel good about really doing nothing. I don't get how that's fun...that's…
  • Ok but.... Without knowing the killer that point is mute at best. Yes there are counters… but you'd have to go in knowing. If I saw Michael waiting for me in the lobby, I'd change my build in a heart beat. Point is .. if I only do gens, or if I only hide and try to escape.... I'm punished....point wise. Why is this not the…
  • Now I have to look up background player. I'm not a troll but seems effective.
  • I played several games against a clown that would meticulously hook every one twice. Was soooo fun to play against. So basically don't let the stupid people get to you. As for the toxic talk... I eat that up personally. My word slinging and trolling is better than most.
  • ok I don't play killer much and I'm new but what is this auto aim? Doesn't sound legit. Just saying
  • When I accidentally tunnel someone. It happens, you cross paths too soon. I make sure they survive. I don't play like that. Winning isn't all that important.
  • Would absolutely love a bleed out faster option. They won't though. They seem to like survivors suffering. Just my opinion. Suicide out is frowned upon, they don't care about tunneling and camping. I doubt they ever will
  • Let me field this. First game... Tunneled out...second game...tunneled out. So third game ...caught right away..not worth finishing. They bot out and and go to next game. You can't beat camping killers and 70 percent of them camp. That's why.
    in 1st chase Comment by Doxie March 24
  • Billy got buffed too much. I don't know what more convincing you need.
  • Nothing but campers and quick games all night. This is really unfun. They need to do more for survivors. Three matches were so bad that one person bot out. Three matches!!! They should be keeping track of that and realizing how unfun it is
  • Id love to see a version of that Blackout mode or darkness. That was epic and so much fun. Killers couldn't come in sweaty and survivors had to really work at movement. I can honestly I loved every moment of that event.... Even the losses or woopings I got
  • And this is what's wrong with killers. There should never be guaranteed 3K or 4K
  • I'm the opposite... I think everyone should have to read it. Call out the tunneling and camping. Or better yet... separate the console with PC. Consoles have an advantage anyhow
  • Definitely the Artist. I wanted one of her perks so I ended up getting her and then having to do a few challenges. First game or two I was like.... Eh. Then I started to figure her out and now she's my absolute favorite. Great Gen control no need to camp or tunnel. Constantly hide and seek. I still have a lot more to try…
  • If you cry enough as a killer ...they listen. Apparently killers couldn't kill everyone every game so they had to fix it so she could. You aren't supposed to survive.... you are just meat for the killers!!! Lol
  • I have written a few times that I would LOVE a bleed out faster option. It's not fun laying there especially at the end of a game. Let's make this happen!!
  • And how often does this happen? Today all three trials were repair gen... One survivor caught and hooked... Camping, trade hooks, hooks... Slug, slug slug... It literally stops the game. So for the ONE team that's legit trolling you are gonna punish the masses. Great way to keep a game fun
  • I will counter with, if you are tunneling you are bad at playing killer. I tell that to every killer that does it. I call them out and tell them to keep practicing and be better. Totally agree with you get destroyed by good groups .. all you can do is learn and hope they don't troll you. If you do...stop playing and stand…
  • Tunneling drives me crazy. I play survivor with a good group on voice and 3 out of 5 games the killer tunnels....soft camps. Sure we can leave a friend to hang and easily survive 3 of us but that garbage. The issue is killers egos. Killer is super easy. I've only been playing a few months and can get almost 4 kills (if I…
  • Because killers have big egos and if they don't kill everyone it's a failure even though killing one is considered a success. Killers are too strong...period. now they tunnel and camp because they aren't good enough....period. want proof? I play 75 % survivor and 25%killer. I don't run sweaty add on as a killer. I'm…
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