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  • Sorry friend, but this will likely get ignored. I gave video evidence of a surv/killer working together to get me killed and the killer letting them leave. Nothing happened. Countless reports of this, and other things that were unsportsmanlike, have gone unresolved. At least, evidence of a speed hacker DOES get response.…
  • Only noticed a few survivors skipping around, but I think that was their connection to the server. Some audio issues with sounds being delayed after the physical actions (ie breaking pallets). Other than that, everything seems smooth and better than normal . Connecting to lobbies was smooth and quick as killer. One other…
  • Lots of reading, but I feel your pain as a killer main. Don't forget to mention that, at times, lobby waits can be upwards of 10 minutes. And after that long a wait, you get a SWF (with flashlights and insta heals) all running DS, MoM, BT and Adrenaline. It can be very frustrating, especially if you play the way survivors…
  • Favorite Myers build... Ruin, PWYF, Devour Hope, NOED with Broken Mirror and Boyfriend's Memo add ons and Lery's glasses offering. Favorite Hillbilly build... BBQ, Franklin's, Spirit Fury, Enduring with Carb Tuning Guide and Thompson's Mix add ons Favorite Doctor build... Distressing, Unnerving, Ruin, BBQ with Calm and…
  • So, a killer that everyone loathed and was fairly fun to play, is just gonna be a killer everyone ignores. I get the changes to make the mend timer not moving in terror radius. But to lose Frenzy because of a missed hit? A killer that sucks in end game, will now be forced to camp and tunnel so they have any chance of…
  • My sentiments exactly. You won, leave. Don't be a d***. But to the survivors that do this, remember 1 important thing. If I catch you in another match, you probably won't see the exit door through your own character's eyes. You want to make it a point to kill my fun.....😈 payback is a b****.