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  • I would honestly say it's way more of a blend between Blight and Pig with a tiny splash of Wesker, dash-wise. You don't quite have the same turning rate you'd have with Oni and Billy, and doing flicks, if even possible, doesn't really work much as Oni's flicks. In general, I would say his power is way easier to get a grip…
  • Have you checked your in-game inventory (like, on Hag and Elodie characters themselves)? Because outside of claiming from Twitch notification and confirming it on BHVR account page (which you both already did, judging from screenshots) - you don't really need to do anything else to get the rewards, they should already be…
  • So, um, I don't know who's came up with the new DLC pricing logic, which started with Nicolas Cage paragraph, but it's low-key greedy and not ok, in my opinion. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's not only my opinion. BHVR, can you please stop overpricing new Chapters for skins, which aren't even…
  • I'm pretty sure Pyrocynical is a YouTuber. And the word you were probably looking for is Pyromaniac :) Greek mythology characters are already part of an existing Collection, so imo it would be kinda weird to expand it on an actual character. Same goes for Norse one - I feel like characters from myths are better fit as…
  • With addons - it completely depends on a killer. Not every killer has it and not on every killer it's very viable. Plus, on vast majority of killers you either get Mangled or Hemorrhage, not both, so it wouldn't even be equal replacement. The only killers, on which taking an addon instead of a perk for this would make…
  • You don't actually have to perform a full-on save, btw. You just have to blind the killer while he carries another survivor. So, for example, successfully blinding the killer during the hooking animation should still grant you the challenge. That should be easier.
  • Well, unless BHVR officially deny this, one could make the argument that it's Cage's character from The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, where he plays fictionalised version of himself, while sporting pretty much the same look as in DbD's teaser trailer.
  • This way you also get everything unlocked, but save up 10k more (1 entry challenge gives 50k, 2 regular challenges give 60k). So in total you'll get 350k BP and 35 Rift Fragments (+20 from Epilogue) collected. And 430k BP and 43 Rift Fragments saved up.
  • It makes exactly zero sense to make a FNaF paragraph and bring no animatronics in it (and I'm positive that animatronics wouldn't work as survivors). It'd be like making "Ash vs Evil Dead" paragraph without Ash.
  • The fact that Trouble and Suspicious Minds aren't perk names should be considered crime.
  • (iirc, second Robin pic at the top isn't from Stranger Things, actually lol) Yeah. Robin has been my to-go option since forever (sorry, Joyce believers). But I do feel like if Stranger Things ever returns with Chapter 2 - there should again be two survivors, not just one. That's where Hopper can come in. Or Joyce (Project…
  • Hm. I wouldn't really call it a "retcon", though. Those aren't necessarily the same characters per se. Remember, BHVR made it crystal clear long ago that DbD's world has the multiverse. Some of the first Tomes mention Observer seeing different variations of Claudette in the Trials and visiting Terra, where Dwight is…
  • While I can only speculate on whether BHVR actually has some adequate plotline to complete in mind, I do feel like there's place for conveying a coherent overarching story with Entity either winning and ultimately feeding on the entire multiverse, or getting outsmarted by her playthings (survivors and killers). And latter…
  • They are the cheapest items in the game, along with Common ones, so you really are saving a lot of BP by just buying them in Bloodweb, which is already a win in of itself. Plus, they're kinda like collectibles, which I personally wouldn't wanna lose. I don't see how having piles of them in the inventory is a problem that…
  • Scream's Ghostfaces don't ever speak on-screen unless they are about to unmask themselves. All the talking is usually done over the phone, when we don't actually see the killer. And while Danny is a brand new character, who doesn't necessarily share universe OR methods of intimidation with Scream characters, I don't think…
  • The main thing that bothers me is that you can't get it for any characters past Roots of Dread. In a year or so these frames will just look out of place. After all, it only shows in your list of characters. I wish they added this portrait frame as reward for P100 too or smth.
  • The Witcher (specifically books and games) is the closest to my heart, so if we just vote favs - that's gotta be it. Though, if one of these licenses were to come to DbD as, say, skin for Knight - I would have to go with souls-like games. Be it Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring or whatever - they always have the coolest…
  • Idk, I haven't had any more DCs than usual. Neither as killer, nor as survivor.
  • Something like that. Basically, everything that's not "Not" qualifies as "Hot", but there are different layers of hotness.
  • I'd imagine it might be fun for first few matches, but inevitably will become stale, boring and unfun real quick. Don't forget that with it coming live - you will NEVER get any Moris, unless you win the game or play a very specific way with Pyramid Head, Sadako or Myers. And when you will win the match - there will only be…
  • We already have AI Zombie mechanic with Nemesis. With Beta in play, BHVR could expand this mechanic immensely, letting him control them in some way, for example. Governor is just a guy with an eye patch. Negan, as much as I love him, is just a guy with a bat. That's it.
  • The main appeal of this addon is that it effectively gives you -4 sprays right off the bat, even if survivors are stealthing and chasing gods. And even with that - you'll still have to work hard to eliminate all 8 sprays left and hope to god that survivors don't know what dodging hits is, have like 5 hours in game total…
  • First game to truly scare the living crap out of me on my first playthrough, so it's kinda near and dear to my heart. And it is the only game franchise left, which I actively would like to see in Dead by Daylight someday, given Left 4 Dead, Silent Hill and Resident Evil are already here. Though, I would actually prefer to…
  • I used to spend hundreds of hours in Left 4 Dead (115 h) and Left 4 Dead 2 (544 h). Also, Paladins (314 h) used to be a big thing for me, back when they were Early Access. Some other multiplayers here and there, like Counter-Strike 1.6, Hearthstone, PAYDAY 2, though not that much time went into those. So yeah, definitely…
  • Reactive Healing - Resurgence might synergize with it (as it gives passive healing for being unhooked), Self-Preservation also goes in hand with value from your teammates getting hurt. But you could always also pair it with Medkits and healing perks, so that you don't rely on RH heavily for healing. Wiretap - Pairing it…
  • Hello Zepp. Hello Eric. Your Test. Just Begun. That's all I'm gonna say.
  • I would vote Evan, just for the sheer fact that he's probably the fiercest Entity opposer in DbD's killer roster right now, but I like the idea that survivors aren't the only ones trying to fight back and becoming the monster ties well into Evan's history. It's a punishment he has to bear, but doesn't deserve to live in…
  • Yes, they stack and can be used together. In general, if I remember correctly, almost all killer addons stack, unless description states otherwise.
  • "Hello Zepp" is one of the most iconic themes in horror movie history, no matter what you think about Saw franchise. It's almost a crime that it hasn't still been implemented into Dead by Daylight. Especially given that Mikey, who released year and a half prior, had his theme implemented alright, so it's not even like they…
  • They are pretty random, tbh. And it's not like Ash, where you'll definitely will get a voiceline if you wait long enough. I noticed that they might sometimes trigger after selecting a character (so you might try switching between character you want to hear and any other characters until you get a voiceline). And if you…
  • Each of your killers has their own separate MMR rating, hence the reason why you can't change killer while searching for lobby (although you can change survivor). Survivors all have a collective MMR rating, which isn't tied to specific characters, as far as I know. Haven't encountered such issue myself, might be a regional…
  • As much as I love Kirsty and non-requel Sally Hardesty, I see more potential in Left 4 Dead (and have more personal connection with it, for that matter). Witch would make a great killer, so would Hunter, Smoker, Spitter, Charger and mini-Tank (like in RE6) - though, I feel like Witch would be easier to implement. As for…
  • I wish she got Leather or Team Wesker outfit, instead of Cowgirl one. I considered maining her if that were to happen, but alas. I am currently planning to get her to P3, as my Ada and Wesker are already P3. And most likely after that I won't be focusing on her as much. Maybe someday I'll get her to P6-P9, but currently…
  • If you want "backpacking" then Iron Grasp is the only choice out of these. With Starstruck anywhat smart survivors won't go near you. With Forced Penance anywhat smart survivors won't go near you as soon as you use it once. Both are counterproductive with Mad Grit in play, because with MG you actually want people to keep…
  • I do prefer "chill games and almost nobody cared". But it has nothing to do with rank matchmaking, in my experience of playing this game for two and a half years. I still think that difference between SBMM and old MMR is either non-existent, or so small it's negligible. I've said it before, but it's simply nocebo effect in…
  • I actually like pretty much all the changes. The only thing is that BHVR should stop "fixing" symptoms and finally fix the problem. I don't like the fact that perks are being nerfed for everyone just because one Starstruck Nurse exists. I don't understand what is so hard about making successful Blink Hits an M2 Attack,…
  • You know that it's still powerful af, right? You can technically use it up to 6 times per match (2 times on each teammate). If anything it's better now, in case you happen to have several teammates hooked and on the verge of hitting next stage. The only difference is that now you can't abuse it with 4-man-squad,…
  • Answer is quite simple, I guess. Because people don't take this game as seriously as you obviously do.
  • I don't wanna be that guy, but Tomb Raider never really was horror-related, I don't think it fits as anything other than maybe skins. Maybe Lara Croft legendary skin for Meg Thomas or something. Like, the 2013 reboot was going to be survival horror initially, but in the end they got rid of "horror" part. The whole…
  • Wesker is my favourite videogame villain. Ada is my favourite female videogame character. And I adore Rebecca to pieces. I don't really have any choice lol
  • Unironically my favourite video-game villain, who happened to get into my most-played game with a pretty fun power and a lot of potential. Of course I like him! :)
  • No, you will have to get to Prestige 3. Or wait for Off the Record to appear in the Shrine again after that. Shrine hasn't changed much - it unlocks the perk, but it doesn't give any extra progression to the character whose perk you've unlocked. Easier to just presige her to P3 at this point. That way you won't have to…
  • Still want Robin and Billy in the game. Most kid-actors are adults (Noah, who plays Will, is 17 if I'm not mistaken). But all kid-characters are still underage by the Season 4 finale. Max, Lucas and Will are 15. Eleven, Mike and Dustin are 14. All teen-characters, on the other hand, are around 18 and above.
  • Wendy Torrance looked like a sex-bomb model in books, iirc. And the movie version I wouldn't even call ugly, tbh, that's a bit harsh. And why "the ugliest survivor", there isn't a single ugly survivor in the game so far. Quentin-goblin was fixed, don't see any others 🤔
  • Played with and against around 5 survivor cheaters, all of them got banned on their respective accounts due to my (maybe not only my) tickets. The only cheater-killer I versed was a Spirit. But she threw the game, let us farm and escape, and also took me to the moon. Literally. So yeah, haven't met malicious cheating…
  • Adult Danny Torrance would make a perfect survivor, actually. More power to The Shining / Doctor Sleep parallels. Map is Overlook Hotel, there really can't be much more, that building is too iconic. Snowy maze and the outside with animal-bushes are nice too, but it would be like adding Sewers or Jill's apartment building…
  • I have only finished first two seasons of AoT and am yet to watch third and fourth seasons, so I have no idea whatsoever who this Kenny guy is. That being said, I genuinly think it is the best AoT survivor skin of the bunch - feels like something Ace would actually wear himself too. Hange and Mikasa are pretty fine as…
  • This data also shows that Wraith is stronger than Nurse. Do you actually think this data is worth taking into account as the only truth?