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  • A well organized team will be able to work around your pressure especially if you aren't tunneling, theyre body blocking and have perks like decisive, borrowed time and any endurance perk.
  • Wow dude, if you actually read what I was saying, I said the strategy is applying pressure appropriately, and it's impossible to apply pressure to literally every gen. Even the top killers and streamers say you have to rely on survivors making mistakes the majority of the time. I'm consistently a red rank killer, and I get…
  • Not to mention since I dont have a hook, theres still a possibility of 4 people on 4 different generators. And if YOU can put pressure on 4 different generator ANDget a down, I'd appreciate it if you could enlighten me. Particularly advice on a survivor sided map.
  • And it's not mindless tunneling. To drop a chase at the beginning of the game is a very important decision as I'm wasting time, AND pressure as the survivor is just gonna get back on the same gen and I waste time looking for the right gen to put pressure on. It's a lose lose situation,
  • That's a pretty good idea tbh. And, I'm personally not opposed to keys and moris. I'd just prefer them to be as strong as eachother in the live game.
  • And it's not mindless tunneling it's important to have a down before the first gen is completed. It's true you can start a different chase, but it's a very important decision to make, and am I suppose to just give up every chase that the survivor just so happens to run into a strong part of the map? Then I just lose…
  • So what if I dropped a chase after a hit, what is he gonna get back on that gen and I put pressure on a different gen? Then that one guy is gonna get back on that gen while I waste time looking for more pressure while MORE survivors have no pressure since I dont have a hook
  • These are just my opinions. You admitted gens go by fast in a normal game How is a killer supposed to pressure on two or three gens at once in the middle of every chase. If It takes me like 20 to 30 seconds to down someone in a very strong part of the map, and there's a gen with two people on it and another gen with one…
  • Seriously. I just had a match where the survivors send me to Ormond, and were a swf group (Can confirm cause I messaged them) of 3. Then had 3 gens pop in less than 2 minutes cause they were all on one by themselves. I had a relatively fast down, but how am I supposed to put pressure on three gens while I'm in the middle…
  • It's not just killers. If both sides say there are jerks, then both sides prolly suck. Just cause you're a main to one side, and you THINK you're being nice doesn't mean everyone else on your side is a saint, and everyone on the other side is obviously a jerk. It's pretty obvious even if you're simple minded. Just rub your…
  • Oh dude I totally get it. I think this game is very luck based. Even with SWF groups. Like, I just had a game where I was on haddonfield, and an obvious swf group that were way too coordinated, and frankly mean :/ They all escaped through the hatch in front of me, while the last few teabag, point, and stay in the game to…
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