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  • Illusion of Hope rewards not camping and not tunneling but you still need to hook each survivor once for it to become active. So no it does not reward bad players. If they are bad they wont be catching and hooking you as is. If they are good they can do that and then give people time to play the game do gens get chaised…
  • Thanks so much for your feedback! I've been working alot on these and a bunch more that i havent posted. It's nice to get feedback on what can be improved and how to better balance them. Ive had to post this thread a few times because it randomly got deleted but then they all reappeared at the same time so i have alot of…
  • Also. As for the Perk that counters camping Spit-fire. This perk is to give you a chance when you are being camped by the killer. It doesnt outright counter camping as a straight but it gives you a chance to potentially free yourself and get a bit of distance. Because if your in that situation ur probably going to get…
  • Ah i get what your saying. Well instead it should work like spine chill and just light up if a survivor is within 32 meters. :) Easy change. I didnt think about that when making the perk totally forgot about it.
  • Yea the toolbox thing was a typo its decreases all of your repair speeds when near allies not just toolbox and then increases them when they are away. As for bond and stuff that wouldnt really matter that much. the point of the perk isnt about seeing if survivors are near u because ull know if the perk is deactivated that…
  • Yep. Also for Trailblazer the whole idea is that its for people that actually want to have their scratch marks last longer even tho that seems like a downfall it could actually be a good thing with the right build. But it also has to have a benefit for the people that don't see that value. I plan on making a bunch of…
  • Thanks ! And yea i was actually not sure on that one. IT would have to be balanced carefully around that aspect to make it fair. So im not sure what a good range would be for it. IT needs to force the person using it to move around if they are within range of other survivors. So if its too low then it could just end up…
  • This happened to me tonight as well twice by billy. Killers are ######### babies. Survivors take our nerfs like a man repeated nerfs and killers get one nerf to hex ruin and go off the deep end. Its really quite pathetic. There has been a influx of this type of behavior since ruin was rightfully nerfed. Which to be honest…
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