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  • What ive learnt from this thread is that it is actually a thing. Im gonna take a break from dbd. Thank you for response :)
  • Yeah but a zombie hit is maybe once on 50 games? sure its fun after 50 games but at the same the small laugh i can sacrifice to get a buffed tentacle strike instead lol. i know nothing is gonna happen with us discussing or with this post because developers never really cares about player opinions, but i hope something will…
  • Yep, annoying when they get to a hill and comes to the edge of it and they are there for the remainder (spell) of the game. i cant reach them because dead by daylight is what it is lol, but yea no, i used to like zombies aswell but they are simply just non existent at this point, id rather be able to tentacle strike a…
  • tell me one time when zombies has been useful except for just body blocking the nemesis himself lol
  • Iits just easier to play survivor role than killer role, and now im just a solo survivor and not in any swfs
  • That was back when i wasnt a working man, now i have a job and i feel like i can play survivor and just chill instead of playing killer, i used to main nurse before her big nerf. They did her dirty...
  • So a really good SWF group then, i simply just got outplayed.
  • thanks guys, it worked
  • i dont know even know" sorry for the bad spelling lol, im frustrated lol
  • So do u think they will rework the infinity loops that only includes windows? its one annoying little infinity window loop thats just making me lose a easy 4k win to a 0k lose
  • So i know this dosent belong to my disscussion thread but why im i rank 1 meeting rank 20 and rank 17 survivors? i played my main (Nurse) they didnt even touch a gen? i ended the game within 2 minutes and 39 seconds (Yes when i play Nurse i put on a timer on myself), is matchmaking broken or something?
  • its only one double pallet location on every map except "The Game" map where one location is by the basement and one location is above the bathroom. but yes, there are atleast one double pallet location on every map, but since im a nurse main i kinda want you to use pallets but in this situation when i played any other…
  • The folks who says they're doing just fine without hex ruin, what killers are you playing and what ranks are you? im at rank 1 atm and i am forced to play nurse to maintain that rank otherwise im screwed lol.
  • Note that a sacrifice is like 3 minutes, and 3 minutes is 3 gens
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • And also, the asylum map, they should atleast block one of the two infinity loops on there, its sickening seeing there, chasing there when one window is blocked they just go onto the other and when thats blocked they go back to the other, but hey, as long as that works and killers dont get any hooks unless they are playing…
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • Some games i win, some i lose, but when i lose its because the survivors are not making uncessecary mistakes. for an example; good survivor: Runs away from the generator when i arrive: Bad survivor: Tbags me and goes back to the generator when i arrive(yes start of the game usually happens at all times). another example:…
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • you see, there are loops and around 20 pallets on every map expect The Game, which i dont get often. I am always stressed when i play killer, speciallly when a survivor runs DS or its a full SWF
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • 10/10 games i have against a full SWF they cleanse all totems :P
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • Because they killed themselfs lol, and i dont camp every game, only when i am being gen rushed for an example; if i get my first hook and exit gates are active or if gens are 50m away, its kinda hard to hook some1 that fast, u know, loops exists?
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • You do know, that i win my most games because survivors are not doing gens right? they're looking for my hex ruin or they simply do not do gens, and how does one keep map pressure if 4 gens are all 50m away from each other?
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • So games accodring to you should take 5 minutes whilst a complete sacrifice takes 3 minutes? ok then.
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • I am Rank 1, otherwise i wouldnt have these problems lmao
    in Kids Comment by Freddan January 2019
  • Thank you all for your answers, i am now running enduring at it works much better, but it still sucks when i play leather face, man i dont run enduring on him :P, however it works better, but the gens are still getting made very fast xD
    in Loops Comment by Freddan December 2018
  • Its the same for me, broken, ive healed and done so many gens so many times and nope, still stuck on 23 seconds.
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