how could that be fixed? i mean like, how do other games doesnt have latency issues like that? why its such a big problem in dbd? 🤔
november 2016. i miss the old times - i know a lot of things had to be changed, but the community was smaller and nice, you kinda knew the other players at red ranks, you know they are good etc. killers had to be good to outplay pallet vacuums etc and i really miss those days. i still love this game, but i dont like a lot…
i hate that people talk about "winning" and "losing" in this game, like playing esports dbd huh? a 4kill/4escape should be rare and only happen because of extremly good gameplay on killer/survivor side. like the emblems. iridescent is the best performance, which should not be easy to get in my opinion. started playing back…
ok so i guess i have to accept it and take a deep breath every time i get hit around a corner 😑
thanks guys. aaaand... do we know if the devs are doing something about it? or do i just have to accept it? 😑
i was almost with the feet on the ground. i really do like hits like this. not. 30 ping btw.
hit validation... hitboxes??? this makes no sense... how could he hit me behind him?
Thanks a lot!
i get hits like this a lot. i dont think this should have hit me with a 47 ping (EU servers). the hit doesnt connect at all.
Okay thanks for your answer. I just had a match were I was hit - again - from miles away with the weapon nowhere near me ( i had a 28 ping btw, so i should be fine). I do play a lot and since 2016, i know hitboxes are weird sometimes... :-( but when the hit validation is in favour of the player with the higher ping, i…
true. its an ultra rare add on, so they could have just changed it to repair half a gen (at least) with one BNP and continuous skillchecks. the new size of the skillchecks is ok, so there is a possibility to fail and waste the BNP. if u have a bnp in your bloodweb now, there is no reason to spend 7k points for it…