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  • So, first you say "it doesnt happen anymore" so it kind of doesnt matter, now when i tell you it's recent and still happens, and it happened to me today and i have a clip as well, and it actually happens to me quite frecuently, even using ds, going to waste, and getting hooked as the perk is wasted, happens a lot, yet i…
  • Fixed last patch? that happened today on a live stream.... lol
  • I bring that up, because you talk about how broken a perk a is, for you ds is broken, for me it's broken that the only pallet i used in a whole game was insta destroyed, i got 1 shot with noed and facecamped, but whatever at this point, whatever i say you just gonna say it's nonsense too and that i pull "this crap" out of…
  • This isnt what im asking for either, but you make legit no sense, saying that killer is harder to play and 1 perk can break a whole game, when it's way easier to get high rank as killer than survivor, and even at high ranks, i still see survivors use ds and go down INSTANTLY, i would even record it and make a whole clip…
  • @Malakir Actually yeah, legit played games today where i dont even run crutch perks, first thing that happened, i got tunneled to death and off hook, i couldnt even play at all, and why was that? i spawned next to a hex ruin, started cleansing it, so the killer tunneled me and even camped so i wouldnt cleanse it, and that…
  • Again, it's broken and unbalanced when facing swf.. it always comes to swf, i always played and will play alone, and will have to eat all the garbage nerfs because of swf toxicity, great BALANCE IDEAS
  • You main spirit, with more than 2400 hours, and you are complaining about ds? you played as killer before 2.1.0 and you still think it's unbalanced? k im done, sorry for bothering lol..
  • Man, what killer do you even main, and how long you even played this game lmao..
  • Oh and, forgot to say, you complain about ds stunning you even if u have enduring? fear not, we get hit thru pallets and window vaulting :shrugs: lol
  • Wat?? after you hit ds you still have exhaustion dude, it only goes to 0 when you are hooked, and when you are running it doesnt go down, so u can legit use an exhaustion perk once per chase, and killers are way faster than survivors now even when you have the sprint burst buff they still catch up, and yes ds is relevant…
  • Man, most of your frustration i bet it comes from toxic swf, i honestly never escape from a killer on high ranks, me and all my teammates always get demolished doing 2 or 3 gens, again, solo players are too weak for killers, if you have problems with swf dont lead them to every survivor on the game, i play alone, and i…
  • Well on my region aka south america you can have a lobby with 50 ms and then suddenly as u get o nthe game it goes up to 120 or 140, most likely happens on 90% of games, and the other 10 are just lag switches, and yeah i always get told "just adapt to it" yet i see killers later complaining about ds, but hey if i see…
  • Yeah so does survivor.. I legit have to run 2 perks i definetly dont want to run, thanks to tunneling and camping, if i knew for sure that killer will not tunnel and camp, i wouldnt use them, and personally would use something else, and by that i mean ds and adrenaline, or even balance landing, or self care, honestly all 4…
  • See this is the proble, you think you lose if u dont get 4k, sometimes u get 4k, sometimes u dont, sometimes you survive and sometimes you dont, you know i use ds a lot, but not cus omg it's easy and #########, legit im tired of getting tunneled and camped to the point i cant even do 1 gen, i legit wouldnt run ds if that…
  • no, it's not my connection, when i play as killer everyone on my lobby has less than 50 or 60, if i had a bad connection everyone else would have a bad connection as well, i RARELY find games taht have the same net, still when i play as killer and i lunge to windows, towards survivors who have low ping thanks to my good…
  • The perks survivors care the most are probably noed, ruin and spirit fury honestly, everything else is honestly just, nothing, even nurse call is not much of a deal. EDIT: I think my man you havent played killer before 2.1.0, if you think killer is weak rn.. lmao should of played before 2.1.0... as a survivor main i say…
  • I mean, bbq and chili can be punished by having survivors hiding in lockers? here let me give you an ez tip, run iron maiden, gives you a free exposed effect on whoever who runs into a locker and their location for 4 seconds, they "nerfed" to give a buff, tho i dont see the "nerf" was needed honestly, but it's not much of…
  • We are talking about looping, like if it were idk, before 2.1.0 where survivors exhaustion would regen as u ran, had 2 million pallets, pallet vacuum, safe window vaulting, and killers didnt have spirit fury, right now we dont have any of those, plus bloodlust got hella buffed, getting chased for 3 or 4 seconds and…
  • It's not a vs man, you are complaining about a perk, like if it were something so relevant, im just really tired of ppl complaining about ds, and now that killers got so buffed i still see ppl, camping, tunneling lag switching and yet saying "well you have ds so" legit stupid, i sometimes dont even run ds just to see if…
  • So, a total playstyle that can ruin a whole game, "oh we are sorry" but 1 perk that just triggers u cus u cant get a 4k, "######### LET'S FIX IT" that's just plain dumb lmao im done mate
  • Broken perk? you know what's broken dude? get on a lobby with 50 ms and suddenly as you "loop" the killer a little bit just to survive, POOOF 400 ms stuck on a window and game connection turns normal when you are on a hook, that's broken, and you know what? that's been on this game since it came out and it wont be fixed..…
  • So you are getting 3 kill games and you are complaining? lol you know a victory is not escaping, or killing all 4 survivors, a victory is having a good amount of points and piping in some cases, if you are getting 3 kills and 1 escapes thru the hatch then dont complain man.. You are pretty much saying that even with ds ur…
  • BBQ doesnt even need a nerf, i swear devs never listen to the community lol
  • Why not running enduring with spirit fury, maybe your chases wouldnt take so long, to literally catch 1 survivor after 5 gens were done, when i play as killer i dont even run ruin, u just have to learn how to chase, if u decide to chase the survivor with ds as well, after he's been looping u for hours, then learn from it…
  • Issue: fps drop Processor : amd fx-8350 4.0 ghz Graphics Card : amd radeon r9 270 4gb ddr5 Ram : 8 gb Fps randomly go down for legit no reason, i can be standing still and they will drop by 20, i lock them at 50 and before the ptb they are always at 50, now they randomly drop and it gets hard to record, plus new lighting…
  • Man wolf, there USED to be a lot of pallets, wont deny that, even before the spirit, there were many pallets, but what's the problem right now, killers got a combo that's really strong, aka enduring + spirit fury, i see experienced killers running that along with ruin and noed, and they legit get 4k everytime, even without…
  • Maybe> @Wolf74 said: Maybe i should start playing as killer? i got to rank 6 as killer without using ruin or noed, as a crappy pig, if u dont face swf, playing against solo players who are not organized and start panicking over 1 hooked dude is easy, it's a simple fact, and 5 or 6 pallets per survivor? lmao i bet you are…
  • Man welcome to the new dead by daylight, where solo survivors are actually called the slaughtered and killers complain they are still way too op, even tho there are like what, 5 or 6 pallets per maps, window vaults are slow, and the only viable tactic to actually escape is doing gen rush, which is the most unfun garbage i…
  • yeah, while in chase, ill stop for a few moments to read next time, is this a locker or a window option? man i get close to a window, i expect my character to use a window, a window im literally facing, not the locker that's behind me and im literally giving my back to it, but whatever, lately, whatever a survivor…
  • low rank problems? im at rank 1 bro lol
  • It has happened to me only on lerys memorial, like map is absolute garbage with no pallets almost, or every pallet is like, "pointless" since u can just move around it, no need to break it, and there are lockers in front of almost every window, everytime i get this map i straight dc, and so do half the survivors, even when…
  • I have it recorded on a video, legit closer to a window than i am from a locker, and instead of vaulting i go inside the locker.. but kay
  • as boring as i see to gen rush, it's the only viable tactic as long as killers keep spamming -slugging, facecamping-tunneling- which been going on since they got the first strong buff, flashlight saves are honestly dogshit hard now, no even worth to try to time it, flashlight is only good for pallet blind and get away a…
  • Want to start the game with 2 injured survivors and 2 hooked already too? lmao
  • Also forgot to say, if i could i would set a rank to stay always at high rank, aka 13-20, the game is much more fun in there, i know maybe some of us below to low rank but, it's not even enjoyable honestly, lot of pressure for getting cought, and if u do, "oh god he's gonna camp and tunnel" and lot of things like that, now…
  • I have over 400 hours on the game, p3 on 2 killers and p3 on 2 survivors, im not so "new" into the game, and lagswitch is my internet problem? even tho after the game is done legit the 4 survivors complain to the killer? listen man if i start a game with 50 or 60 of ping, and then mid game i start rubber banding…
  • yeah it's pretty much that, right now as a solo survivor, or just match making, with no groups or friends, i feel like killer is really damn op, against an organized swf, might be not strong, i think they should just change the way the queue system works, or matchmaking, decide if u want to go against a 3/4 man swf or not,…
  • It doesnt need to climb walls and stuff like that, if you are a fan of alien, u would know that no all aliens can climb, as for the rest of the thing, i would have many ideas of how to add a xenomorph into dbd, keeping the xenomorph tematic and also dead by daylight style with hooks, but well that wouldnt happen sadly
  • I play both sides pretty much, i used to main killer like a year ago, it was quite hard, well not quite it was very hard, lots of looping, swf, flashlights etc. I feel survivor was pretty broken before, specially more with swf, but right now, i play survivor as a solo player, and i honestly find myeslf on the point of…