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  • I mean, "Death is not an Escape" is literally the tagline of DBD, makes sense. I just want different game modes in general. Like one with multiple killers in one match but even more survivors, a more official 1v1, etc. Maybe even SOMETHING single-player, but that's probs asking for too much
  • Oh wait, just double checked, it's only possible with an adapter. Earlier I had just went and looked up what PS4 games worked with M&K AND Crossplay, and Overwatch was one of them. Didn't see that it was adapter only though until now
  • If I'm honest with myself, even though I try to keep it 50/50, I'm significantly better at Survivor, but I just have more fun playing Killer. I'm not running into the same issues you are, but playing Killer is just inherently more of a challenge and I feel way more invested. Playing surv especially at higher levels and…
  • I think that'd be pretty useful for both survivor and killer
  • I don't think it's actually all that common, but some examples are Final Fantasy 14, CoD (Warzone, Modern Warfare 2019, Cold War, Vangard might), Overwatch, War Thunder, and They Are Billions (kinda) are the only games I know of that have both Mouse & Keyboard support AND cross platform play. I'm glad more and more games…
  • On the theme point, people already aren't playing as intended with the themes of the game. It's supposed to be played as if you're scared of the killer, and nobody outside of newcomers in the lowest ranks really plays like that. Plus, they worked just fine in F13 and made that game more fun if anything. (I see half of this…
  • Gotcha. Surprisingly enough, survivor tends to be the one that takes longer for me
  • Ah, makes sense. I usually just wait an extra second or two for them to stop before I go for the hit when they're doing that, but just spinning a little with them using Bubba's Chainsaw tends to be a good counter for that as well lol
  • Awesome, thanks for the detailed response my guy
  • Is there any sort of advantage when playing with Crossplay off?
  • 10 Minutes is just the usual MAXIMUM, most of my games are within 30 to 60 seconds when I play at my usual time which is after I get off of work and start playing around 7pm EST, which I also assume could be considered within "peak hours" for the game. Just stating my maximums since a lot of people on this forum are making…
  • On Survivor side it's been perfectly fine for me, playing with Survivors and against Killers right around my skill level 9/10 times. It's been starting to get weirder on the Killer side though. For every one round I get with players on my level, I get three with hella toxic Survivors that just annhilate me. That could be…
  • Like you said, it's not even that amazing of a build, why so upset with it? Your problem with Hoarder might not even be around that much longer anyway, something tells me the devs are going to take away yet another interesting gameplay tactic by making Hoarder not work with the Box (the one that you opened? that I came…
  • I tend to ignore parts of the Tome that require me to use a perk I have no interest in equipping or force me into using a killer I don't care to play
  • This guy's points with the killer side of things is exactly why I'm so surprised there's this much whining about NOED in the first place. Also, I'm in the camp of "if you're so fearful of something that may or may not be in the match, take precautions just in case and bring a build that will help in the worst case…
  • I've kinda been having the opposite happen to me, especially ever since the new system was implemented. It's been like a week since I've waited longer than 2 minutes for a queue (then again, I only really play in the evenings after I get off work so maybe I'm playing during good hours or something). I haven't had issues…
  • I will never forget the first time I got stunned by my own dream pallet and I just stared at my TV with my jaw dropped for what felt like the rest of the match. Good memories
  • Hasn't it always been that way? I've been having to treat killers as if they're Luffy from One Piece for years now lol
  • Nah, you missed pretty badly with that last point. People want more done about DCs because it has become so frequent and it's very hard to even enjoy the game properly with all of this happening like 30 seconds into every other trial. As Killer all it really does for me is take away a lot of the intended challenge, and as…
  • Unfortunately the game itself still has issues with crashing and such, so solutions are kind of limited until those are worked out. I do absolutely think at the very least it should be able to tell when someone has actively opened the menu and pressed "leave match", and that should come with very harsh penalities. I also…
  • Could not have said it better myself. Yeah, getting camped and tunneled in solo q is annoying, but playing a successful game as survivor is still considerably easier than playing a successful game as killer, survivors do not need even less objectives.
  • Personally, I would love if all the killer and survivor perks that currently aren't "meta" all got really good buffs. Give me more really strong/viable perks on both ends, make me actually have to face more tough decisions when deciding what my four perks will be, and make games more unpredictable overall. In my experience…
  • I absolutley think that in the POST GAME LOBBY you should have the right to know if you went against a swf or not, and if so how many of the survivors were in it, but maybe not saying what player names specifically were in it (have the screen showing what swfs you went against being different than the screen that shows all…
  • As someone who plays killer and survivor equally, I think people who DC in general are just babies and deserve higher and higher time penalties and/or being sent to the Salt system some people here brought up earlier. I don't care who the killer is or how bad your luck is, survivor DCs just make the game less fun for…