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  • I'm on PC so I guess it's a DBD thing. I'm not surprised
  • I run the killer a lot as survivor and as I run away from whatever I was doing I say "Gotta Blast" lol
  • Lol, see you. I play Bill/David usually so you'll see me around :)
  • That's why I posted, I was just confused a bit. I figured there was more but I didn't have the info, sorry if I sounding like a prick. Thank you for enlightening me
  • ohhhh okay. I get it now, I didn't know that before. Thank you for informing me, I didn't notice that stuff before
  • I assure you it's not my friend. I assure you it's not. I just want everyone to have fun
  • As part of the LGBT this confused me a little. I don't have a problem obviously with LGBT, like cosmetics would be cool but I also like the "make it your own", y'know? You personally get to decide what you see the character as, as they are right now they literally don't have a sexuality. If you want em gay, make em gay,…
  • Lol yeah my friends do that a bit, we got better with practice. But the rando does usually ruin the experience for us, like they won't do gens, won't heal anyone, etc. It's hard to find a good rando team so I usually refrain from solo queue
  • I think I've seen em around before while in solo queue, they're pretty cool dudes. The game is supposed to be fun and competitive, not an excuse to bully people
  • 1.) Flashlight saves are toxic if they're done through the whole match and abused like the usually are, same with head on saves. I'm not talking about normal use. 2.) We are skilled and make use of our time as effectively as possible, I'm just at Rank 4 and the randos we get are always super immersed, don't do anything,…
  • I'm not saying killers can't antagonize survivors, I'm just saying most killers probably don't and it's not fair to bully them. Bully killers are annoying and unfun sure, (I've had plenty of experience with that) but two wrongs don't make a right. Just do your best as a survivor and move on to the next game
  • I try to be 😄 I like chases a lot so I do my best in them when I am chased. I always compliment people on fun/good chases cause that's honestly my favorite part. I love interacting with killers and learning where my weak points are
  • Yeah, that's our goal cause honestly toxic survivors annoy me... They could be doing gens instead of antagonizing a killer who's just trying to have a good time too y'know?
  • Lol yeah I feel that for sure. I play killer top so I am aware not every SWF is a nice one. I just play to have a fun time with friends and to get better at a game I enjoy :)
  • Of for sure we do have advantage then, I can't deny that at all. SWF always has advantage it's just how they use it. We all run different builds that suit our play style and overall we just want to have fun with the game, and have everyone in the match including killer some BP.
  • That's exactly how I feel. I also play killer so I do know SWF is really frustrating sometimes, but not all SWF are good, even if they're being toxic. Sometimes they're too toxic and don't get gens done lol.
  • Personally I think there are better perks than others, but any perk can be used. I like my meta perks because I run an aggressive running the killer build (Iron will, dead hard, spine chill, resilience). However, when I play kyf we do perk roulette and get random perks to use/random killers and killer perks. Its not so…