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  • As a survivor I got no perks at all ( a perkless run ) so you shouldn't complain.
  • That's the worst thing you can do as killer. There's no need to stack 2 or more perks just to vault faster. Everything this killer can do is countered either by crouch, going the opposite direction or the native slow this killer has to deal with. Right now he is like 85% M1 killer with long cd on spells and not a single…
  • Counterplay already comes in forms of items. Right now survivors ( if lucky ) can get good items that will make spells even worse to use to the point where this killer will be another M1 killer with good visuals unless very specific addon set is used ( yes, another addon dependent killer, so great ).
  • Probably the most useless set of perks that killer could have. Weave Attunement - Survivors will quickly realize killer is using this perk because the depleted item will get dropped. It's likely survivor will simply pick the depleted item asap so killer doesn't get any benefit of aura reading, wait out the oblivious effect…
  • These winstreaks work right until an organized swf team is matched. That is when all those streaks end because survivors are playing efficiently, more organized and sufficiently bold to keep killer occupied or away from gens that are being repaired.
  • It's them trolling you. There's a modifier added for 48 hours. Check it out.
  • Charlotte won't be getting 10% movement speed buff unless Victor downs someone and latches on, isn't that so? So everyone is wounded but nobody is down and they can still try to crush Victor. You need to down a person, then you get switched to Charlotte and gain 10% Haste so long as you don't hit anyone. Basically Victor's…
  • The best case here is to hit unhooked one asap to minimize the distance lost. If unhooked survivor still tries to body block after that then it's 100% DS in play so killer can just down them and make DS go waste. When it comes to body block it's commonly best to punish body blocker asap to save the time trying to bypass…
  • That's what I mean, everyone will be wounded at best but when it comes to downing you can now down only one person as Victor no matter what as opposed to old one where you could down only wounded people, but that could be entire survivor team. The only question is will this 10% speed buff be enough to get there in time to…
  • Theoretical counter is being near wounded survivor. From my understanding Victor can injure multiple survivors now, but once he tries to down someone he will end up latching which means your control is restored to Charlotte afterwards and you get 10% haste unless you hit someone. The problem here is if there's another…
  • One of perks is good for slugging build. The other one requires you to adjust your play around having generator done while you are in the chase so you can benefit from the perk effect. The last one is an exhaustion debuffer perk that triggers when survivors heal each other. Probably decent on Legion, if it works with…
  • Correction : You can have a comeback if someone plays bad and makes mistakes. If you are way behind in hooks or gens and everyone plays well then it's generally over. It's easy to suggest better gen pressure but : Not every killer is equally good at spreading pressure. Apparently killers like Nurse, Blight, Spirit are…
  • People bring those, get killed in the first minute of the match afterwards. It's no wonder they go for Escape Cakes instead as survivors. Same happens to killers - get genrushed with 1 hook and the next match it's all sins of hell commit with salty pudding. Some people just don't want to have fun anymore.
  • In that case absolutely every killer should tunnel the first survivor asap instead of doing so when there are 2 or 1 gen left for equalizing the match. Does that sound fun to you? By leaving less and less options for a comeback you essentially say to players - want to win, go hard or don't complain afterwards. This also…
  • You should note that some people may make the server ''crash'' when they don't like how things are going. You could be victim of this doing.
  • This is the bane of SoloQ gaming. The moment I see a team mate does that I just stop taking that particular match seriously.
  • It's common courtesy to play nice and non oppressive to your opponent whenever one side decides to. You can't really restrict one side from doing things just because it's not as much of the fun to another. Everything else is up to devs to allow / ban but even that has to be done within the reason to avoid massive backlash…
  • Good BP farm event. I wonder what will happen with the offering that has been disabled almost from start.
  • Or you can be even smarter here. Approach illusion from behind while crouching. If it's an illusion, the dispel prompt will appear. If it doesn't, then you know it's a killer. Doing so also won't alert killer of your presence so you can crouch out unharmed.
  • Spirit in right hands and good headset. Now #4 is something that worth debating for. Billy / Wesker could compete for that one.
  • Zombies need lunge attack. I don't understand why they made zombies that weak in DBD when in RE series those were dangerous enemies, even the basic ones.
  • Plenty of times. Usually it's subtle cheaters but it is still possible to figure out by observing how players react to certain actions. Had few blatant cheaters too, those don't even bother hiding they cheat. Can't say much about reports, but that's the least you can do so it's still better action than doing nothing.
  • Maps require walls and survivors should be hugging those. Most people who know how his power works will simply avoid doing so. Even if he hits 2 or 3 survivors at once, which is most common during unhook, survivors will begin getting rid of the effect immediately, unless it's one of those orbital trickshots. The moment…
  • He is the only killer so far who is getting weaker by participating in chase.
  • Have we learnt already that every next version of a killer ends up being worse than the previous one?
  • Xeno is much better. Most players seem to be getting weak opponents and still think Unknown is a good killer when in reality he is glorified M1. Xeno has a much more reliable means of map traveling and can land tail hits during vault animation. Unknown can force survivor out of few loops but other than that he is solely at…
  • You are not bad. The killer is simply weak against survivors who do look back at you and dispel your illusions. He is an M1 killer with mediocre anti-loop capabilities and unreliable map control. He requires very specific build and green + iridescent addon combo to work. There isn't anything good about this killer so…
  • He needs green and iridescent addons just to function properly at basic level. This killer needs buffs to his power because right now any decent survivor can get rid of weaken status and dispel illusion like noting.
  • Tunneling when done early and efficiently is still the best way if not to win, but at least ease the game afterwards. Even devs admit that once one survivor is out, the remaining three start to suffer massively because killer can pressure with less effort. Comp players try to spread pressure at start because there are more…
  • It just shows that quite often killers have to tunnel someone asap or else they simply lose the match. There is a line between tunneling someone at 5 gens or 2 gens but it isn't currently regulated by any means. It's just killer courtesy to switch the aim at rescuer, but in doing so killer only makes the game harder for…
  • Probably because it's considered to be a dirty move to go for recently unhooked survivor by some people yet it's commonly done by competitive players because they understand the importance of getting a survivor out of the match asap. For average pub player it may mean they don't get to play at all, especially if they don't…
  • Showcase matches with Otz and Hens commenting. People there were more organized on average.
  • Tunneling isn't a thing too - it's killer doing their objective efficiently. Why killer must switch focus on rescuer instead of recently unhooked survivor when the very same survivors try to swarm a hot generator even when killer disrupted them instead of going for the fresh one?
  • I'm not talking about Otz streak. I'm talking about videos which Otz and Hens commented. To be fair, his streaks should not be used as the measurement of killer's quality. He is undeniably a talented DBD player but what he does can't be applied to every scenario possible out there. He has 50 killstreak on trapper but does…
  • Green addon reapplies weaken every time a gen is done. However, if survivors don't try to interact with killer and instead concentrate on gens, they can have that weaken effect on them as it won't do anything at all and can be removed in convenient time. What I'm saying here is the weaken status is pretty much harmless to…
  • Well, you used those videos as argument, not me. I can do you a favor and sum them up - red and green addons, killer tunneling the guy of the hook asap. The rest is obvious.
  • Rewatch videos Otz and Hens commented. The performance of killer and survivor variers massively because in some cases killer was more experienced and some other - survivors. Give this killer a try yourself. Preferably against survivors who do try to get rid of weaken status and don't waste time doing senseless stuff and…
  • Take a better look at how he and his opponents played.
  • When killer is so map and addon dependent, as well as relies on very specific playstyle to do it's job and even then may be outplayed by a competent team that does not fool around, then yes, the killer is a garbage. A good garbage dispenser that can only handle equal type of garbage opponents.
  • Specific playstyle and MM did the job. Otz has many 50 winstreaks done by many killers, does that mean all of those killers are S or A tier?
  • I'm talking about the match during official livestream. The one where twichers played together. The one you listed is played by comp players and commented by Hens and Otz. These were made when killer was released recently. Back then people didn't have much experience playing against killer and counter play wasn't so widely…
  • I'd say slowdown perks are often the necessity than fun. On some killers I have only deadlock as a slowdown and often those matches are 50 50. I noticed that current RNG simply doesn't allow the use of large amount of perks, as well as Hex totems as killer. When it comes to survivor, plenty of perks can't be used in soloQ…
  • I mostly have matches where these perks aren't needed because people are relatively easy to find, but then I also get those swfs stacks, where chasing someone usually takes time and other people just slam gens. TTV players are somewhere in between those. Of course the honorable mention goes to WH / MS cheaters and squad…
  • It's a show match. In matches like these people don't play at their best so you won't see the true pressure neither from survivors ( full meta loadout, good coordination and time efficiency ) as well as the similar pressure from killer ( full / proxy camping, tunneling out of position survivor, doing lots of bait moves and…
  • If killer is weakest in the early game, how come there are so many games where all 4 people are sacrificed and 0 gens are done? This game is designed around RNG. Got good spawn and gens are well spread? Good for you. Got bad spawn and killer found you in the first 5 or 10 seconds of the game? That's too bad. This game's…
  • The moment you try to be creative and go perks that don't contribute to gen regression you get always get 2 or 3 gens done before your first hook. It's the known standard against competent survivors ( I'm not even talking about sweaty swf, let alone MS / Wallhack hackers who are rampart in the game ) and from that very…
  • It was as you said - a show match. All chill no sweat experience. In reality this killer has a very small window before the weaken effect can be re-applied on the target and most of the time survivors can dodge the projectile because the charging, aiming and projectile speed give ample amount of time to react. In other…
  • There still are people who want to make already a mediocre M1 killer even weaker. How about trying to play as this joke of a killer first and see what he is capable of?
  • They respect strength. Being kind and friendly is considered weakness of the character. Don't tell me you expected different result in competitive game?
  • Try to last longer than 1 minute in the match and you will be getting 30k+ per match as survivor without any problem.
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