Exactly, it's not you dodging, it's the Xeno missing or being over ambitious with the hit.
The Alien generates 1 charge of Crawler mode per second. In the tunnel and while moving, it's 8 charges. The Alien reach the crawling state after 35 charges. So it can reach it by just walking or in the tunnel. The Ovomorph add on increase the recharge rate by 25% so it takes 28 seconds to charge Crawler mode. This timer…
My problems with the game: Stomp or be stomped, very strong killers like Nurse, Blight, Billy, the extreme difference of value between perks, unecessary bleed out, every game being a slog against the same killers (yesterday i got 3 Blight in a row with the exact same build and add ons ...........). The constant bugs and…
Xenomorph. Going back to old dbd, i would miss my Alien. Plus, turrets beeping and the Xenomorph animations would be so cool with the old dark and foggy atmosphere.
The chase music itself could be improved since it was causing headache to some people. But the terror radius was godly. A shame it was changed entirely, only the 32 meters part remains similar to the old one.
Hello, The Alien is a very unique killer in the sense that it is very lethal up close and survivors have to outmacro it to keep it at bay. You are right, the Alien is very hard to loop (maybe even impossible in good hands and a non bustes tile). So, to answer your question: In the early game, try to start slow as it will…
Hello, some niche things for my main, the Alien. Tail attack: - The verticality allows for some unique hits. For exemple, if someone goes bellow the stairs near the helicopter of RPD and you are upstairs, you can hit a near 90° tail strike from above. This logic applies for nearly every loops like this, meaning you can hit…
"You see it too ? For me it's always like this..." On a more serious note, you are lucky it's in the morning for you, i stopped survivor entirely for now because it was just too frustrating and unfun for me. For now, it's killer or another game.
Alien, they knew players liked to tunnel so they added a tunnel power.
Wesker, Billy, Blight
Bioshock, Amnesia, BatDR, Bloodborne, Dying Light, It, Addams familly, i mean there is so much variety in horror, i don't think they will outlive their own potential.
Enjoy the treat, you now have the best character ever made both in and out of dbd. Yes, i'll die on this hill. More seriously, you can't do much about it, so yeah, try it, maybe you'll like it and join the Xeno gang, we're like 6 right now.
After how Alien was received and got put in the trash bin, im curious to see if Jason will remain played for more than a month or if he is going to be despised, called boring, bad design etc. Just like Alien, we're going to have massive hype with "omg, waited 6 years for that, massive fan and yare yare", then if the power…
By (very) far the Alien. The only killer in the game where you need to set up against. Everything in it's kit is super armospheric from the beeping to the roasting. Love Alien, love that it's in the game, to face and to play, best killer ever.
Nah bro, it's Xenomorph, this killer is always tunneling.
We are talking about Light's Out, not the base game right ? I agree that talking about balance in the base game is both interesting and important. As for you message. Devs makes changes for us to enjoy the game and buy things so they can make dbd live another year and so on. They will not listen to "the community", they…
You should not care about balance at all. Light's out is meant to be a scary little mode, pick your killer, have a weird pathing and just try to immerse yourself in the experience. If you are not capable of that, then yes, by all means, stay away from this mode. I prefer to have few people that are playing to have a great…
Raising the numbers of control stations is what Xeno needs the most, having double entrance/exit would make the Alien so much fun/better, you could really play with it's main thing, the tunnels. I agree with everything else except the anti predrop thing. It's not a bad change at all, but it would be weirdly implemented i…
Light's out is coming, facing Xeno is going to be so atmospheric. I hope i can find some.
Excited for Light's out, it's my favorite mode.
Alessa - Getting burned. Xenomorph - Getting burned. Damn.
Why would you do a complete rework for players that will ditch it after 2 days because "it's boring, i don't like it, when is the next killer coming, hope it's x", Xenomorph already has a good pickrate and dedicated players. The base design is perfect, devs could tweak some stats but otherwise leave it be (don't start a…
Amnesia and Bioshock
My favorite chapter in the game alongside Silent Hill so no, im not disapointed in the slightest. Could it receive some changes, yeah for sure, does it need a complete rework, absolutly not imo. I would love more tunnels, more entrances/exits so i can use the tunnels more. I'll explain: Having only 7 stations makes…
Thanks god im not alone thinking this ! Could not have said this better, Xenomorph is really great, more tunnels would be cool
Xenomorph is my favorite (im one of the 3 xenomorph mains in the world probably), Pyramid head (honestly same) and Nemesis. For survivors, my favorite is Alessa. I love the Alien IP (probably my favorite IP overall) and Silent Hill. For Nemesis, i am no fan of RE as a whole but i really loved RE3 and Nemesis himself, so…
What is the point of playing Xeno ? I don't know, maybe it's a character that will appeal to fans of the Alien franchise for one. Maybe despite the biais towards it, it's actually a unique killer that has many aspects than no other killers in the game have. Many people are annoyed by turrets and the tail strike (mainly…
Xenomorph: Brutal/Tinkerer/Trail of torment/Machine learning Add ons: Cat carrier + Cereal
To each their own i guess. By far my favorite killer in the game alongside pyramid head. Lucky you, it's pretty rare to face one, not a lot of people care about it and the others simply hate it and wish it could be removed from the game (ironic since it was one of the 3 most demanded IP since the creation of the game). Im…
Yeah, true, im seeing this with the fun glasses, but people would just abuse it to bully/gain an advantage. Sad reality...
What about the opposite ? You can choose like 1-3 killers to favor (the MMR will try to match you with these killers) meaning the Blight lovers can play with them and i can take the everhated Xenomorph or PH from everyone.
Since Pyramid head already got some love, i'll do Xenomorph. This is a first try, please feel free to correct me if i overdid some things. Brown: Cereal rations: The Xenomorph can see the auras of flame turrets while travelling trough the tunnels. Exiting the tunnels will destroys every turrets in a radius of 6 meters from…
I do think so yes. Billy is for me number 2 right behind nurse. In short, he has low cooldowns, instadown and insane mobility. Also, people overexagerate his difficulty i think, not to say he is easy to play, but he isn't very hard either, and since he is not very punished for trying/missing, i think he is very beginner…
I already have my Pyramid head P100, so i'll get Xenomorph now, after that, Nemesis and Alessa.
Xenomorph is an overrated killer, it is not that strong imo. The tail is dodged very similarly to the Nemesis tentacle and it has a massive cooldown. 3s in 1.2 m/s is massive, almost no other killer in the game is crippled like this. It does have a "wind up" before striking, it's just very short. If this killer could be…
Hello, here is my experience : - Im very biased since Alien is very important to me, i was going to main this killer whatsoever, i also main Pyramid head (P100 recently, finally), and Nemesis. I think this killer is a very good adapation, the creature is so versatile you can make it pretty much whatever you want in dbd…
I disagee with it not being unique: - It's tail attack which is the least unique thing is different than nemesis (which is the most comparable one), the verticality allows hits than no other ranged killers can do. You can hit a near 90° making you able to strike people from above and below gaps. Numerous exemples on RCPD,…
We are a small, but dedicated hive ! Hats off to you fellow Xeno main. If you have some tips, then go for it.
Alien is by far my favorite chapter ever, chucky is very solid, end transmission is one of my favorite, singularity is such a great design it's unreal. And possibly the weakest for me but still good, all things wicked. When a chapter that great is the weakest, yeah, Behaviour has done a great job imo. This year was…
You will get the hang of it if you persevere, aim high, don't m1 even if you throw, use verticality to your advantage and drag the hit box, Xenomorph can do it even better than nemesis. The biggest thing to adjust is the Nemesis muscle memory. With Nemesis, you are used to prep the tentacle by the corner, hitting part of…
Pyramid head - The corrupted. Awesome skin on an awesome killer. In an ideal world, it would have been a tie with the Queen Xenomorph but i find it to be really ugly and poorly done. The crest is great, the mouth is badly done, the little arms are horrendously bad, the butt is enormous and not at all like the Queen in…
I was a Pyramid Head main once, and then i took a Xenomorph to the knee. Usually, when i play killer, i tend to almost always play Xeno until playtime's over. I can do this with Pyramid and Nemesis also since they are my 3 mains (but i do it more with Xeno because it's recent and i've been playing the two others alot in…
The Alien, turrets gaming is really fun and rewarding, nodds are SS+ tier and it's animations and details are just the best in the whole game imo. Shame we can't interact with the tunnels, i would have loved to do a Dallas before getting hooked.
It's really sad to see. I got people complaining yesterday about the absolute powerhouse that is Xenomorph up close and i understand. Many times in chase, im like "they could drop this pallet right now, but im Xeno, or i could not play this setup if i wasn't Xeno". The thing is, there are games where i don't even see one…
Pyramid head, Alien, Nemesis, Dredge and Singularity. The 5 killers i play and my favorites.
Pyramid head, Alien, Nemesis, Dredge and Singularity. The 5 killers i play and my favorites.
According to distressing, the terror radius has something to do with the smell. Sooooo, i guess Wesker stinks a lot.
It stops when you hit something, sometimes, you shoot directly at a survivor but the tail just hit something next to them and you "miss", it feels wrong because you see the tail hit them but nope, you have to be more precise than Nemesis. Nemesis can just "scan" a zone and hit you where Xenomorph need to not collide with…
Not only this, Xeno's tail completly stop if it collide with something. With Nemesis you can smash a wall then drag it to hit the pallet or the survivor directly. It makes him really forgiving because you can adjust your missaim + you have a way shorter cooldown than the tail attack. Add to this 1.2m with the T3 and a…
They added two of my favorite IP's ever - They added and revived Silent Hill - They added Alien