Reduce cooldown to some degree is the solution then
So can that affect be combined i.e. Pop + Oppression so it stacks? Or Overcharge with Oppression to gain that affect on the other 2 gens? Then you are buffing the perk indirectly.
It does vary, you hold the button and it is like a hook with random chance it seems. Or just increase the time to get out of the trap like cleansing a totem. This means you could also get add ons that increase the duration so it is always more reliable / predictable.
Appears well detailed. I will say that under no conditions should a killer in Bronze be playing 4 SWF all rated Iridescent grade and vice versa. ( Happens to me sometimes )
I absolutely agree with this and Clown needs one too as I never seen one for him. Maybe better variety in addition also.
"really cares about having high fps in menus?" - I agree because also, this is actually an option in AAA+ games. i.e. COD. You have a frame setting cap for menus to allow down to 20 fps ( 20, 30 and 60 are the options I'd have ) This will help to reduce GPU and CPU load on the system and some players leave it open or alt…
What about with Fearmongerer perk?
Also needs more variety. I have never had a Clown Daily before.
I'd love it to be on Linux
- for perk ref.