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  • Definitely noticing a drop in quality on PC/Steam. The game chugs along during certain things, usually when a killer picks up a survivor or certain parts of the map. Auto Heaven going through the entrance of the garage once it's open as killer caused some severe frame drop when passing under the flickering lights for…
  • Doesn't ever bother me, but some of the replies here solidify that I'm making the correct decision to not broadcast it if/when I stream my gameplay. Someone has to be doing something especially egregious for me to care, and even then the times I've thought to check... I can't even remember the streamer's name anymore so it…
  • I mean, that depends. As killer? Doesn't matter. You'll get red rank survivors who just want to make the game unfun and teabag. They'd rather sit in 20 minute queues than understand the game needs both killer and survivor to enjoy themselves for a healthy community. If you're a red rank survivor, dude... Either get friends…
  • Yeah I see that. It's... it doesn't even make sense. Killer mains baffle me, because any time I read the forums or watch one stream it feels like they just want survivors to run in circles so they can kill them without effort. Doing gens? TOXIC. Looping well? TOXIC. Perks like DH, DS, or Unbreakable? TOXIC. "Bad survivors…
  • So survivors were doing gens efficiently, and you lost because of it. Oh no, they were literally doing their gameplay objective and you came to whine about it. Poor baby.
  • Most of those are counterable by your own gameplay. Don't want someone to use Unbreakable? Maybe don't slug them and leave them there. As someone who's been left to die bleeding on the ground... I'd be happy if Unbreakable was straight up available to everyone 100% of the time. Cause otherwise it sucks. (Like, at 1% if you…
  • I don't like it. It's just going to lead to me dodging more lobbies when I go in with a killer I don't have prestige 3 with all perks unlocked because 0 part of me wants to deal with 4 people running flashlights and I can't swap to a killer with Franklin's. Not to mention all the times I'm busy spending BP while waiting in…
  • Alright so here's what happens. You, a rank 13 killer pop into a game against a SWF of rank 2-4 players. You look around until you find one person and start a chase. They loop you. A gen gets finished, you realize that this person is better at looping than you and you'll just lose gens if you chase only them (they're…
  • I'm so sick of it. I just want to work on my archives and I'm constantly getting stuck against red ranks while I'm way, way below that on Killer. And it's a never-ending cycle because the more I get paired with red rank survivors as a green killer, the paler green I go until I'm grey because guess what... It's REALLY HARD…
  • This. I've been trying to work on my killers and I swear I'm like... A green against reds. I know they're better at the game than me. It's obvious in the first few minutes. It's not fun, and I'd rather sit through a 20 min survivor queue where I at least have a chance than have my green rank thrown against people who are…
  • Honestly, I liked the grinding ones more because at least I could do them. I've got one left, the Dark Senses "Master Challenge" for tier 4. I've been at this for I don't know how long and I've finished 3 of the required 4 generators in so many games. At least one of them I said beforehand I was working on the challenge…