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  • Just another case of the general public having no clue about what goes into making games and just assuming that everyone is involved in everything. In no way does having a consultant program make the Fog Whisperers useless or meaningless. Fog Whisperers promote the game. That's it. There are plenty of Fog Whisperers who…
  • They desperately need to add a way to see what your perks do. There are way too many perks and you wouldn't want to use 75% of them in a normal game. I have no idea what a lot of the perks even do when I get them. I'd be shocked if 5% of the playerbase could pick out leverage from the icon and explain what it does. Lots of…
  • Are you looking for real life explanation? A big enough shock will make you lose control of your body so you wouldn't be able to jump into a hatch. In video game reality, it fits with the logic of the game.
  • No. The game is in a pretty good spot right now. Probably the most balanced it's ever been. Gamers just want to complain. Solo queue is also fine. I escape more often than not, and they already buffed it with the UI indicators. All they need to do is let us see everyone's build and it'll be perfect.
  • Blight is only stronger because he's 115. Spirit's power is stronger and if she was a 115, she'd have the top spot.
  • How do you know AFK survivors are being penalized? You can report survivors and killers after the game for being AFK and that should theoretically lead to a penalty if they're reported enough. I've never heard about anyone penalized for going AFK though.
  • Demo with Lifeguard Whistle and Resin is really effective against uncoordinated and/or teams, but most competent survivors figure it out pretty quickly and can play around it. It's one of the few ways you can actually get value out of Devour.
  • That's not the issue, and it's not what's getting fixed. You'll still be able to do that. You won't be able to do it indefinitely so the killer can never go interact with it again. It's also stronger than it sounds and will hinder survivors in most situations. You're basically keeping Ruin on the gen. It'll take longer to…
  • Well, if you're winning with M1 killers and understand the meta aspects, it shouldn't take that long to learn Billy. He's not that different. Spend a couple of nights grinding with him to figure out his chansaw and you should be competent with him.
  • If you're losing the majority of your matches just from switching killers, it means you don't really know how to play DBD as killer. I'm guessing you only play Nurse and/or Blight. Start with a basic M1 killer like Wraith and actually learn how the game works. After that, it's pretty straight forward to move between…
  • It's not really a compromise since it heavily favours killers. Adding the limit without buffing killers would have been perfectly fine.
  • You won't come close to regressing a single gen 8 times if you're playing normally. Go play ten games and report back how many times the 8 regressions would have come into play. The number is going to be zero unless your normal playstyle is to stay at one gen and kick it over and over again or you're hard camping à three…
  • It's crazy to say they're only taking stuff from killers to appease survivors. It's a pretty significant buff to killers. They're doubling the regression you get from kicking a gen and getting rid of gen tapping. Both are pretty huge and potentially affect every game. Eight regression events on a gen is a lot and will…
  • What you're asking for is already included.
  • It's not that tricky. Run away from the three gen. She only has a limited number of drones and can't have them everywhere. She's also probably going to be holding on to one or two. She can't have a drone army around all the paths away from three gens. There are no free hits if you're holding w. If she chases you across the…
  • I'm not really sure what you're saying, but if you aren't finding time to do gens because you're busy doing something else, that's fine. If you aren't finding time to do gens because you need to crouch in the corner just in case, that's not so fine. If you're good at chase, having the killer chase you is the best thing you…
  • It sounds like you just don't really know what to do. It's really easy to break a three gen against any killer who is protecting three gens from the start. You sit on a gen and run away when you see her coming. That's it. If she chases you, everyone else is doing a gen and you win. If she doesn't chase you, go back to the…
  • Yeah, I don't think you understood the change they made. There's no more maximizing emblems. You get the 4k, that's it. Done. Unless I misunderstood you and the maximizing emblems wasn't related to Dredge.
  • Either you didn't try for many adepts with the old system or you don't know how the new system works. The new system makes the adept achievements pretty much trivial and you don't really have to put much thought into anything. With the old system, there were so many ways you could fail.
  • It sounds like you just need to get better at chase. Running the killer around the map is the most fun you can have as a survivor and you definitely feel like you contributed to a win if you looped them while multiple gens got done. If you ran the killer for 13 minutes and your teammates just crouched in a corner, you…
  • I'm not sure you understand how the perks work. OTR is something you run for yourself as it activates when you get unhooked. BT is for survivors you unhook. They serve different purposes. You run OTR when you're worried about getting tunnelled and BT to help out your teammates. Running them both works well too. You can…
  • I play solo queue survivor all the time and enjoy it. There's a ton of fun to be had as a survivor. You won't win every game and you'll have bad teammates fairly often, but none of that really gets in the way of having fun unless the only way you can enjoy yourself is by winning. I'm also not sure what streamers you're…
  • They're already extremely easy compared to killer, which are still pretty easy now. You just need to escape once.
  • The funny thing about everyone complaining about how bad playing survivor is that playing survivor has been so much better recently. I've had way way more teammates who understand the basic fundamentals of the game. It is mostly on the players for the miserable experience. Behaviour has done quite a bit to improve the solo…
  • It's a seven-year-old PVP game and there's nothing else like it. Skills from other games don't transfer over. It's an impossible task to make it friendly to new players. The only way to attempt to overcome this is to have a friend or a group of friends who can help you get up to speed. It's the same for any other game…
  • Your devotion level is meaningless. You don't know how Skull Merchant works or how to play against her if you think she's anywhere close to the most miserable killers to go against. Wait until you go against a good Pyramid Head, or a face camping Bubba, or a box camping Pig. Current Skull Merchant is middle of the pack…
  • With how much you've been complaining about the drones and how strong you think they are, you sound like a new player. Just learn how to play against her. She's not strong at anything anymore except getting you to leave a loop and most of the killers in the game have that going for them.
  • A lot of survivors are babies, will complain about anything, and didn't bother actually learning what the changes were. She's definitely not the worst killer to go against.
  • I don't think you understand how her drones work now. There are a bunch of ways to avoid detection including standing still. It's really hard to get a claw tap on a survivor who isn't a potato. Is she fun to play against? Not really. Is she awful to play against? Not really. Is she strong and oppressive? Not at all.
  • Who cares if the killer DCs? The queue times are basically non-existant.
  • That just sounds like bad survivor play. She has to hit you to build condemn when you have a tape, and she doesn't have much to help in a chase. Grab a tape, spread out, do gens. If you need to get rid of stacks, stay on a gen until she's chasing someone else. Don't let condemn build past half so you can take a hit of you…
  • You're asking why everyone is an #########, but in reality, the vast majority of people are lovely. Some people are jerks. Stop letting them get to you so much. Ignore them.
  • You contradict yourself multiple times while answering your own question. Doing nothing but teleporting doesn't work against most survivors. Grab a tape and she has to chase you and you get to participate in the match. If she isn't running the iri that makes you have to run across the map to deposit your tape, it's pretty…
  • Run away. Hold forward on the left stick.
  • If you're just dropping pallets and running away, you are not wasting the killer's time. That's just factually wrong. It may not be the optimal way to run a loop, but if you're being chased and you drop most pallets, it's going to waste the killer's time. This is especially true for god pallets. If you drop the shack…
  • It's very straightforward. It's a video game. You're rewarded by having a good time. If you're not having a good time, stop playing the video game. There are no rewards from any games unless you're a MLG pro gamer.
  • If I had fun during the game, that's a win. If I didn't have fun during the game, that's a loss. Plenty of 4ks and escapes that I'd count as losses.
  • So if you remove the ability to maybe pull yourself off hook maybe once every ten games, people will lose all hope and quit the game entirely? What about the 97.43% chance that if you're sitting there on the hook, one of your teammates is going to unhook you? Letting people try and unhook themselves doesn't give them hope.…
  • Or, you know, don't let people kill themselves on hook. Somehow, that's an unreasonable solution. Give them a Rubik's cube or something if you're that worried about survivors getting bored on hook.
  • Mindbreaker is kind of a noob trap. It seems like it does a lot, but against decent survivors, it basically does nothing except with a few killers or builds. End-game builds are also a pretty good way to ensure the rest of the game is miserable for you. Are you looking for strong builds? Fun builds? Builds for specific…
  • If someone is using Plot Twist in the first two minutes of the game, that's giving the killer even more value from Corrupt. In reality, how often is someone going to find a survivor who happens to be running Plot Twist, hit them, have them escape the chase, find a spot to plop down, and plop down in less than 90 seconds?…
  • He's the most hold W killer in the game.
  • Run up to snowmen. Some of them explode. Find two.
  • You're making a pretty rock solid argument that it isn't a waste of a perk slot. Corrupt is the most useful perk in the game on pretty much any killer.
  • Not a huge nerf at all. He's still a top four killer, just a tad less oppressive. It was eliminating an exploit. They also didn't quite fix it. You can still get to 135 or so. Same thing that happened when they did the same thing to Blight. We know how Blight just plummeted after they took away his 180 flicks.
  • Do you know how Demo works? They're not that similar at all. It's closer to Freddy, but still not all that similar.
  • They should really make undying base kit. Hexes still wouldn't be that strong, but it'd let you get at least a little value out of some more interesting builds. Always having a lit totem on the map is also a positive. Devour Hope with lifeguard whistle is really the only Hex build I have much success with.
  • How is it good or bad for you if you already own it. If you really just want to buy a single chapter, you have a month to do so, and they'll probably be dirt cheap right after Christmas.
  • They've answered that they don't have a problem with people killing themselves on hooks because they might be trying to legitimately unhook themselves and missing skill checks. However, I bet you won't be able to ######### on hook sometime next year.
  • DBD doesn't track wins and losses. It's also on the survivors for not finishing the gens.
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