first off he didn't win the chase to mori? i'm not down so why can he straight grab me from like 6 feet away? second off still walks faster than survivors and has blood lust crutches? 3rd it's not that slow if you stalk close to someone and not a mile away...
they all suck lol well besides dance with me, needs longer duration? idk seems meh
but they are nerfing Brand new parts but not adjusting tombstone, blinks, why can myers just straight grab and mori you without downing or hooking? why can nurse blink 4 times? sure she staggers but can instantly do 4 more blinks..
which is why camping is dumb, and Ruin needs adjustments sure but how can they make it work better for both teams? Remove Totem- make great skill checks happen anywhere in the line, but in doing so make it last only so long before it wears off? like 5-6-7 minutes? It would help early game then? weakness is duration so good…
you say its bad for the wrong reason, the effect is super strong, the weakness is the totem that's how balance works. Super Strong Effect, RNG Spawn weakness. Remove the Totem then ruin effect needs a nerf.
ruin would be fine , the effect is already stupid
hex ruin is in every build because it's good if it was bad no one would use it. the totem system is bad yes but the effect of ruin is ridiculously strong. yes gen tapping is a thing but it's so slow. and for Camping? so it's okay to ruin the fun for a player that got downed once? and they get death on first hook? you say…
i can literally record videos of face camping leather faces
they are on xbox
Freddy* and i said easy to pip don't need a 4k to pip genus and what do you call a killer that stands next to the person on hook? and if he has a chainsaw or is myers?.....
i play killer it's boring easy to pip... and Face camping is still a thing
lol yeah seems fishy
anyone that camps is a ( input bad word ) just saying get good