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  • You could even make FC a Scourge Perk, unhooking scrouge applying the oblivious and blindness status effect to all survivors for 30 seconds. Paired with Floods of Rage, you got yourself a very nasty build that lets you sneak up survivors and secure a hit or two.
  • Arguably she is the most interactive chase killer. Because a perfect counter to hag is having two survivors chase her.
  • If Hag were any stronger, she'd easily be No 2, right behind nurse. The skill gap between versing Good survivors and Great Survivors is massive, you're not use to playing against survivors that know how to play against you. Remember Hag still has a semi-decent chase potential with Traps, the most important thing as hag is…
  • Agitiation, Star Struck, Myc, Stbfl. Make their healing useless. though tbf Hag chases should be quick 10-14 seconds long, anything longer and the problem is that you're set up wasn't good.
  • No because their are 8 gens. Best Case scenario you three gen and you can proxy guard one with dragon's Grip, but even then multiple survivors on a gen will render it moot. Because it has negative synergy with ruin and is essentially worse off then Pop, it's not worth running unless you're meming in which case I Recommend:…
  • Just Crouch, If you gen rush instead of disrupting her traps then you've already lost half the game. Honestly its one of the funniest things to systematically disable each of her traps and watch her teleport swing into thin area as you run her towards the other side of the map. Or even better setting off all her traps at…
  • Strategically you have no little to on other choices, you've been genrushed with two remaining, you don't have a viable three gen or any means of getting slow down perk activated. Then the best choice is to place preassure on hook saves, and hope that enough people try to save that you get some preassure to be able to play…
  • Combo Eruption and surge 8% regress from surge, 6% for Eruption and you got a consistent 14% regression especially if you slug. If they stack it will be stupidly strong, especially for hag, nurse, spirit, blight any killer that can get quick downs, 1% gen progress is 1.25 seconds so together you get 17.5 seconds of…
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