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  • I'm all for this. Make it drain the battery a lot. Will help a bit as lets face it, its only really used in that way as an annoyance/bm tactic. Sure people will still do it but make there be a cost.
  • I agree. Especially if the Killer is running Nurses Calling. You may be aware of it but your teammate might not. I've died a number of times from actively trying to run away from a healer when I know the Killer is close with Nurses Calling, yet they manage to get the start of the heal in when I'm hiding. You don't have…
  • I likewise have only missed one or two hooks due to boil over, and that's usually because of intervention from other survivors adding to it. I agree with the suggestion that it should remove all hook auras or increase the sway quite a lot more. Problem is that increasing sway is equivalent to speeding up wiggle meter.…
  • It happens quite frequently when I'm killer, that I will meet survivors in the first few seconds, around the generator that's closest to my spawn. You can say hide but on some maps there isn't the cover around some gens. Take for example a map with generator next to a hill. When I find survivors there in the first 5…
  • I like the idea but this is a fair point. Anyway the devs have confirmed changes are coming to Decisive Strike and they already know what they're gonna do with it. I don't know what the proposed changes are though so if anyone could tell me I would appreciate it!
  • These are some of the key reasons that I think a lot of people overlook with Self Care. Of course Medkits provide a safer self-heal but they are limited in use and require a resource investment from the player. This has been a good thread and I've changed my opinion since my original post. After playing more with Self Care…
  • Note that in the latest dev Q&A they talked about healing and self care a bit. I quite like their ideas and think this should be the next step in balancing out Self Care, then more steps can be taken as necessary. You can see the vid on YouTube.
  • I'm not comparing them and I'm not saying it will work because Friday 13th does something similar. In fact I'd never even seen Friday 13th when I came up with the initial idea. It's a natural progression of the generator idea to add other elements to help open the doors, after all its the survivors main goal. Other than…
  • It really needs to be fixed. 1 out of 3 hatch situations turns into a hostage situation or a hatch standoff. If Exit Gates are open, Hatch should not open. If X amount of time has elapsed since Hatch or Exit gates open, survivors aura is revealed. After X more time, survivor is Exposed. After X more time, survivor is…
  • We all want more survivor objectives to help fix this. However I do like the suggestion that a Ruin-like effect is present at all times (and removing the totem aspect of it of course). Unfortunately it's kinda annoying as a gameplay mechanic for survivors (sitting at 1 gen for ages if you aren't hitting great skill checks…
  • Play with another person if you can, it helps a lot with this sort of thing in the lower ranks. If you see a survivor in your team that's a good team player or you have a laugh with, send them a friend request at the end of the match and ask if they want to team up. Another option is to keep levelling up one character and…
  • On PS4 I don't get many salty messages, but some of that is due to me being on EU servers so there are a lot of different languages. I actually get quite a lot of GG or nice messages which is why I don't disable messaging, I have made quite a few DBD buddies through messages. Yes on PS4 people can send messages via a…
  • I find that finding other people to heal me can be hard or very time consuming on certain maps which is one of the reasons I think Self Care is so valuable. Especially if there is only one other survivor left or on big maps with lots of cover like Swamp. I'd be fine with a longer healing duration for Self-Care or just in…
  • I only have medium Red/Green color blindness and I find it a massive issue in this game. The biggest offenders which could be easily fixed are the red auras of generators and hex totems, which blend in too easily with the environment when you have red/green colorblindness. Hex totems in particular are incredibly difficult…
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