Personally I like these two the most
Cant you just use a xim adapter for keyboard and mouse on console?
Me who is seeing everyone say Jonathan is the rarest non-exclusive skin while I have Jonathan and main him:
It’s cool and all but definitely not the best rift we’ve gotten so far, I would say it’s either the second or third best we’ve gotten so far.
Maybe in the future, but I can’t see them changing it anytime soon, it’s been like that for quite sometime now.
Saw, tapp as survivor, but mark hoffman shares the killer role of the pig with Amanda young (like the legion) silent hill James replaces Cheryl so it actually makes sense Texas chainsaw gets full chapter with stretch/vanita Brock as the survivor with the sawyer house as a map. stranger things replaces Nancy wheeler with…
Me when I saw the title of the thread
This happened to me once I believe when I was on survivor As Jonathan Byers like three months ago, but that’s about it
Don’t forget noed
I would like to see bleach in the game, personally vasto lorde ichigo as the killer and ulquiorra stuck in a gigai with no access to his reiatsu/powers as survivor (ulquiorra would be the first non human survivor In dbd which would be cool)
Had a four man swf of Steve all dc because I didn’t let them boop the snoot while playing as pig
Why I swf now
you can always try the boop the snoot tech, It’s a 50/50 that it’ll work, she doesn’t need a nerf at all!
Star Wars, with anakin/Vader as the killer for the chapter, the survivors can be up for anyone else to decide but I just want Vader in the game to be honest.
Who would even be the killer for a second ringu/ring chapter? Survivor for it would most likely be Reiko Asakawa (Yoichi’s Mom)
Stranger things part 2
L reward, I legit have prime cause I thought I would be getting exclusive skins/charms so I could fill up my collection, not these hot garbage rewards that we’ve gotten for this month and last month.
This post…
Wouldn’t the deadman (the undertaker/mark calaway) or the warrior (drew McIntyre, cause he can use his sword as a weapon, maybe with his 2010 appearance being a legendary skin) fit more than the patriot/jim duggan though? (Not that wwe could ever get into dbd lol)
Dead hard, I get why it was reworked but it was hilarious dead Harding through trappers traps and such.
I only dc if there’s a cheater
Jonathan/Steve P20 Pig P16
its mainly her power that’s just kind of annoying to go against, thankfully I rarely go against her.
Meanwhile I’m gonna do it with Jonathan
Watch YouTube videos or something, happened with a wesker who left me on the ground while I played as Jonathan the other day.
No, it would cause an uproar if old dh got added back into the game.
this is what I hope for, getting pig in my games, for me to get pig as the killer when I play survivor is as rare As seeing another Jonathan Byers in the lobby that’s not myself.
Mark Hoffman from Saw whether it be as a legendary skin for Amanda/Pig or the killer for a second saw chapter.
Look on the bright side, if Eddie gets added then all the tiktok Eddie Munson lovers will come to dbd to buy and play as him, meaning free Elo/rank and mmr since they’ll play like bots.
Steve Harrington wearing the old man mask that Steve Boswell wore in the haunted mask 2 (joking) (This is meant to be a joke as it probably wouldn’t happen considering Steve is licensed, but funny enough Netflix follows r.l. stine on Twitter I believe plus they have the goosebumps tv series on Netflix) but If we’re being…
I watched are you afraid of the dark long times ago but I was more of a goosebumps person, seeing this now Makes me want a chapter for goosebumps in dbd now if they manage to ever get the rights to goosebumps by rl stine/Scholastic Corp, I finished the goosebumps books and tv series a long time ago cause of me being a big…
If they made a dbd 2 wouldn’t that mean they would have to reacquire all the licenses again?
Depends honestly, but if it’s a Jonathan 100% yes.
I’ve literally never seen a survivor use it before, definitely the worst perk in the game.
Billy Hargrove, but as a legendary skin for Steve, since Eddie should be his own survivor.
Because there is no Jonathan Byers pfp on the website and Steve is the closest thing to Jonathan, considering his legendary skin is Jonathan plus steve is my second survivor main (right behind Jonathan) anyways.
funny enough I don’t get meat packing plant all that much, I mainly get maps like Macmillan, coldwind or the crow map.
I can confirm this, as me and my friend went against gtvel’s Billy once.
Me and my friend have played against like five killers non stop for the past few days, nemesis, nurse, plague, Oni and blight, we get different killers but it’s very rarely only happens once or twice that we get a different killer besides those five.
Is this thread really still going?
did you mean Wesker is Felix but better and cooler?
yeah, except the “reskin” can hit/throw survivors against walls, vault over pallets and windows with the dash, has unique voice lines for every action, different mori animation etc.
I’ve played with hackers on three separate occasions before as survivor (all of them were me playing as Jonathan, except for the third time which I played as Steve) one was against a hacking pig who used the video tape add on and had something where we couldn’t get the traps off our head, the gens were at 99 and as soon as…
Just killswitch the game at this point
I main pig and I know what you mean by playing pig to troll, but my methods of trolling with pig were… very questionable.
Because bhvr wants to milk the aot Oni skin as much as possible before kill switching him I assume.
I get why in the first ten seconds of the game he dc’d, but it ruined the game, thankfully the huntress was nice enough to let us do the gens as soon as the Steve dc’d.
Not really a problem per say, but it can be annoying.
It really is a fun build, a smart dredge or a killer with Iron Maiden can counter the build tho that’s the thing, I used the head on flash bang build with deception and ds and couldn’t stop using it until dredge came out like a few weeks later.