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  • if they add these features, then i feel like sfw won't be as strong as they previously were and solo survivors will get a buff, that being said, bhvr could start balancing the game with "survivors being able to communicate" in mind and sfws will be less of a menace to face, this seems like a win for solo survivors and…
  • its almost as if some perks are all around useful (meta) while others are niche (killer-specific/playstyle specific), just like how red rank survivors are forced to take perks like DS, BT, unbreakable, etc.
  • Because then the perk would be too strong and can basically ensure a free hit or a down every 60 seconds, especially in maps that have many buildings. Does every new perk released have to be gamebreaking and meta-defining?
  • Maybe you’re just unlucky, I’ve played killer recently on pc from rank 20 to 10 and they were pretty much all babies and I 4k’d each time. Reaching rank 10 gave me better survivors even red ranks, but I still get at least 2k so it’s a pretty even game each time. Matchmaking seems to be fair for me at least
  • Not sure why everyone is so butt hurt over a character in this game being a member of the LGBTQ community... it’s not gonna take time out of bug fixing or implementing new content. It’s just representation, people pick a character that they like either for their cosmetics or their personality. It’s not gonna affect the…
  • Thanks for the replies, I’ll try what y’all said. Also can you get blinded from the side of your face? I noticed that I picked up a survivor near a wall and got blinded from what I assume the side of my face. Was that lucky or is it working as intended?
  • Considering how Legion is fast and can vault windows pallets mid power, being able to down a survivor with two feral frenzy hits would just flat out make them way too strong . You might as well accept your death if he ever sees you.
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