The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • I think pallets, just loops in general like the really long rocks in Temple, where the killer can do absolutely nothing except bloodlust are genuinely awful. A killer should either be able to mindgame it, be forced to break it, or both. The survivor shouldn't be able to endlessly loop, never drop the pallet, and not get…
  • The one I've found recently, is that a lot of survivors are just disrespectful. I play so nice, going out of my way not to tunnel, not to camp, just going for chases to farm bp. And what do I get? tbagging, clickies, keys, dcs, and salty end game chats. I am trying my best to accommodate everyone, so that we can all get…
  • "Oh no, the item I brought was useless!" Well yeah.... y'all do realize that the killer is supposed to be the dominate force right? Like... survivors shouldn't have anything that straight up counters anything the killer can bring. Now this changes with things like maps and totems but that's because sometimes it can be…
  • I can understand why survivors just see this as good fun but imagine it from the killer's point of view. How frustrated must they be? They got hit by head on, are just tryna get the grab, and are constantly getting loud noise notifications.
  • To me it has only ever happened when I played really badly. Like I'm playing Nem, I can't m2 for the life of me, and I've basically given up. I'm in a chase on Haddon once and literally 3 gens popped at the same time and I just stopped mid chase, the survivor looked at me, and I just kinda looked at the ground and walked…
  • There's this constant thing of "Do bones!" "But I don't wanna, I wanna do gens, and besides I need a map to find totems." When the answer is very simple, if you see a totem just do it. If you get to EGC and NOED activates then someone messed up or things are super hidden, oh well that's the game. Now you can either run the…
  • This, this is good stuff, I like this.
  • That's what I've been doing, at the cost of ranks it seems. I feel lucky to black pip, hell a pip up would be amazing.
  • I played a game as The Wraith once, and the survivors brought extra crates, and extra luck, to my confusion. Game went on, it was ok, very hit and run, got 1 kill but gens were flying. Then it just stopped. The game just stopped, I never found anyone, and if I did they would simply vanish as fast as they could and heal up.…
  • I've not played RE2 so I can't comment on it but as a DBD map it's probably the worst they've ever introduced. It's huge, it's intricate, it's almost entirely indoors, every game is just killers unable to find survivors and survivors just unable to find gens.
  • Hi, yeah, I made an account just to comment this. A lot of you are getting the point in that "killers shouldn't chase into deadzones or for very long!". But what you are failing to see is that in a match you will often have 2-4 survivors who do just that. So now you've broken off one long chase into a deadzone to go chase…