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  • You aren't making any sense. When I play killer and the first person I down dc's immediately or suicides on hook of course I feel bad, yes I understand how screwed you are because I also play survivor and have played through this situation countless times.. but I'm not going to go easy on anyone. Sorry man, your teammate…
  • I have also seen this, more times than I'd like to admit. And the thing that always kills me about this is they don't even loop the killer a reasonable amount of time. I get it, not everyone is going to be amazing in chase, but you lose 2 health states in like 15 seconds and then DC or suicide on hook?? For what, so you…
  • You know I have a strange feeling that the same people saying "I leave when there are Fend/Cladette's in the lobby" or "I leave when there are 2 David's" are the same teammates that I get that suicide on their first hook after going down 10 seconds into their first chase.
  • I love playing this game, I main survivor, primarily solo queue but I also duo with my girlfriend quite a bit, and also recently started playing more killer games(which are much harder than people give it credit for especially as I've started to rank up). These forums/reddit/twitter I've found are just a cesspool of…
  • I see a lot more SB and Lithe than I ever did before, even Head on. So yeah I'd say things have gotten pretty shaken up.
  • If you aren't having fun don't play the game man, it's not good for your sanity if you're tilting off every match. At least take a break for a few days or a week and come back to it and hopefully you're feel reinvigorated and have a more enjoyable experience.
  • Then get to the point of your argument. Because everyone in this thread is basically disagreeing with you, and then your rebuttal is "Low MMR" or "non skilled survivor use a get out of jail free card". The point of the perk is to be a 2nd chance perk, would you like it removed from the game? You don't like the perk, great…
  • Yeah it's a skill-less perk, definitely no issues on your end at all... /s If it's that meta then play as if every survivor has it, or you test for it and if they have it then great you now know and can play around it/bait it out. Yes sometimes they are going to time it into a pallet drop, but stop pretending like that is…
  • Child's Play. Could you imagine trying to loop Chucky? Even loops with high visibility he would be near impossible to loop.
  • It's a skill issue on your end, DH doesn't need another nerf. Although I will agree with you that in some situations like dead zones this version is better than old DH and can get you more distance to make it to a safer loop, but overall the perk seems to be in a fine place at the moment.
  • This has actually been my idea for awhile and I don't see why this isn't the case. I have every survivor prestiged to at least prestige 1 for access to their perks, but I main Feng/Nea so I have so many items/add ons that I don't use sitting in my other survivors inventories. Sure I will occasionally play on a different…
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