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  • I played chaos mode today only, like 15 matches, lost em all, never got a single good exhaust perk… only background player like twice.... now I just give up if I realize I'm being tunneled again… and starting to give up on this game entierly.. and so many killer camps with wesker or blight, at a safe distance from the…
  • Yeah I am then... because I was playing with a friend and we both had the new survivor on. But I got to play the map twice today alteast
    in New map? Comment by LadLord March 15
  • Ok, ty for info. Could never have guessed that
    in New map? Comment by LadLord March 15
  • Well, I just met a deathslinger that shot me thru wall edges and tunneled me straight away, nothing I could do with windows or anything.. either bugg that he could shoot me thru walls, or he might be cheater (don't know if cheats like that exits) I have couple thousend hours in this game, but still get lobbies with people…
  • I'm so bummed, only got the chance to play couple matches, but failed to realize it was only one week. So when I got time for dbd again, it was gone... and I almost unistalled when I realized I also missed the trapper shadow banner...
  • The fact that behavior haven't even responded or make any/zero public statements about this issue for many days now, is really remarkable and not something one would expect from a popular game like this.. My nephew have same problem as everyone here, he plays on nintendo to. Tried everything.. And devs with no respons or…
  • It's not even that build... but thx for the tip, I might use that one in the meanwhile...
  • 3th attempt to make this comment... (if I edit and save, everything is gone from my reply.... again..) from level 45 to 5, I only got 1 typ of pruple add-on with the artist, even if I pick them all in the bloodweb, I only got rewarded bloodweb-pages with NO pruple add-ons, then the page after that the SAME add-on again...…
  • I almost only meet toxic legions.. facecamping and leaving people to die on the ground as last survivor etc.. and it's like you said, there is no hiding vs legion... u need to be good a looping and counting on that some pallets are still left. it's easy to understand why people dc vs legion, by a far margin the most boring…
    in Legion Comment by LadLord November 2022
  • I get so random censor that it's crazy. But the system dosen't censor the same every time either, so that is very wierd. I mean, I've gotten censored once for saying "gg wp" And almost all perk names gets censored a lot, but not always
  • Yeah Killers still face-camp, same as usual, if not more now. And they just change meta from iron will and dead hard to off the record and lightweight, the other "unintresting" perks are still not gona be used more, I believe. I guess it's a new learning curve with this new update, but my win-ratio as survivor has gone…
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