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  • Not fun to play as survivor with such a large hit box... very little change to dodge, unlike a Billy or Blight...
  • Even if you only allow to avoid 1 killer, a high mmr swf could use their 4 bans to avoid all Nurse, Blight, Spirit, and 1 other A tier killer forever. Giving them basically permanent easy games. So, they have easy games... What's wrong wit that? As long as both killer and survivors are having fun, I don't see a problem…
  • Not absurd to me: you play a game to have fun, if the game is not fun, you stop playing it, it is not a job. I suspect a loud minority influenced BHVR to make these patch changes, it broke a delicate balance between survivor and killer fun factor. Survivors expressing their dis-satisfaction in drastic ways (e.g. letting…
  • I don't think it is absurd to quit a game you are playing to have fun, when you are not having fun. Both killer and survivors have to see the game through the other side's eyes.It is not an easy balance to put together to make the game fun for both sides. As a main survivor, I did enjoy the pre-patch experience, games were…
  • Not standing still, I am pressing A or D to spin, but letting W off...
  • The new DH is not consistent for me too: I have noticed that during a spin it won't work (although I am exhausted after hitting the ground)... wondering if this is related to it not being functional when not movingL is spining not moving?
  • I am glad you are enjoying the new DH. It still looks like s### and yes, harder to use, and with much fewer utilitiy (by design, I know) than the old one. To my friend Killers that say it makes it balanced I say: The killer/survivor interaction is **not** supposed to be balanced, that is why this genre of game is called…
  • In general, I don't need my games (which is play, you know... for enjoyment) to make me feel vicerally sick. Who thought at BHVR that negative reinformcement was a good thing? How about instead of "debuffing" the survivor through a killer power, you buffed the killer? Win-win situation no? I mean, since when, as a…
  • Escaping may have been the goal a few hundred hours gameplay ago, making challenging hook saves or looping became quickly more rewarding. So, no, escaping is not the goal for me, it's become more and more the interaction with the killer, and being able to "fight back" does add spice to it.
  • I still enjoy the game and care for it, that's why I am here providing my feedback to make the game great for all, not just a sub-population. And I know it is a hard balance to strick to meet the needs of different types of players. Escaping and doing gens without getting noticed was the goal of the game for me the first…
  • Glad you didn't stop reading and thanks for your killer perspective. I did try killer a few years ago, but I prefer much to collaborative playstyle of the survivor side. And you are right, I am probably to worst person to give the killer viewpoint, which I why I didn't. I have played against skilled killers who knew to…
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