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  • Antiloop killers would be fine if they stopped changing or adding maps that have so many unsafe pallets.
  • You're basing your assumptions on what you think survivors will do in certain scenarios if they made changes like this. In my experience a lot of matches could have easily been won if someone didn't kill themselves on hook because of some silly reason. Removing the ability at least gives people the chance to see that all…
  • Hoping I can merge two accounts under 1 banner, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I have an old Xbox account with a lot of prestige lvls & cosmetics on most killers I would like to merge into my steam account which has all characters on both sides unlocked.
  • Cool what's the number one cause then? A valid reason not just because the player gets downed early or doesn't like facing a certain killer. A real reason that's actually part of the current game mechanics and not just some made up survivor BS excuse. Proximity camping is holding the game hostage because it's 99% of the…
  • Exactly, but it's not a valid reason to spit the dummy out is it?
  • I hope if we get cross progression from Xbox to PC it will allow accounts to be merged. I have my old Xbox account with almost all killers from p3-p10 and a lot of cosmetics. On my PC account I have every survivor and killer but most are only p1
  • I get constantly stunned on pallets when I really shouldn't. I also get constantly hit vaulting windows or pallets when visually I shouldn't. Basically latency issues even if you have good ping.
  • I just did it's called proximity camping which is probably the number one cause of people giving up. Getting downed early because of lethal pursuer is not a reason to give up. Facing a killer that you don't like is not a reason. Not getting rescued within 15 seconds is not a reason.
  • A nerf for solo queue and a buff for bully squads pairing it with vigil to have it up all the time. Good old BHVR logic.
  • Yeah not sure what's going on I tried unplugging mouse out of interest and doesn't seem to be that. Never had the issue in the past just seems to be after all the updates. I think it's probably server/host side. Just had a game against Trickster and I was around the corner of a house on Haddonfield and my lacerate metrer…
  • You could link accounts a few years ago for a limited time. I initially bought DBD with all killers on Epic because they had a huge sale and I think I spent around £60 for the game and all Killers unlocked. I only play on Steam now and had no issues with linking the accounts. Not sure if it's still available though. It was…
  • Someone got triggered that Ghostface dry humped them after a mori 😂
  • Merciless Storm seems very inconsistent at the best of times. Like it's super easy to hit the skill checks, but for some reason it always seems to go off near the end anyway even when you visually hit the skill check. Probably just some server side delay but it feels kinda off.
  • Haven't encountered any rubber banding this evening but mid match playing survivor on 2 games I started getting heavy lag input which resulted in my character becoming almost unresponsive. Felt like there was a 2 second delay on movement.
  • First main was Freddy. Then I went through different favourites. Hag, Doctor, Pyramid Head, Artist and finally my current main Deathslinger. I just love landing impossible shots with Slinger and feel like once you've tuned your muscle memory in on him you can go on some amazing streaks. I do play about 60% of the killer…
  • I never had any significant rubber banding before and now it's not just rubber banding but I literally teleport to places on the map I was standing at about 10-15 seconds before.
  • Making a post about not caring about tbaggin proves that you actually do care about getting tbagged 😂
  • Most SWF aren't even that good. People see 3 TTV in pre lobby and think they're going to be playing some pro team when in reality they're just average. Killer at the moment feels heavily balanced around playing against a good 4 man SWF. That's one of the main reasons solo queue is such a ######show at the moment and people…
  • In the last few years I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've actually had survivors blatantly working with the killer and singling me out.
  • Trying to balance a game around 3 groups of players is never going to work. The game has constantly been shifting towards having balance between SWF & Killers, which ultimately makes solo queue players extremely weak. Add in the 60/40 desired win/lose ratio for killers and you have an even bigger gap when it comes to…
  • You don't get tunneled every single game so let's stop pretending you do. Even if you did tunneling isn't a perk, it's a strategy that inexperienced or weak killers use because they don't know how to apply pressure correctly or are weak at chasing. I could pretend also that I get gen rushed every single game and it makes…
  • I often run 3 aura perks and it's safe to say after hundreds of games that distortion will block & refresh charges at a faster rate than I can burn through. Its very common to go the whole match and not see the person running distortion. I'm not sure if there's another perk in the game that can effectively shut down 3…
  • Proximity camping seems to be much more common these days than straight up tunneling. Usually it results in a hook exchange, which imo is almost as bad as tunneling in early game. I've been running Kindred & open handed a fair bit and I would say proximity camping is probably prevalent in about 50% of my solo queue games.…
  • Another your game is going to die thread mixed in with I get tunneled every game. Just play the game or don't if it's that bad.
  • So you play against bully squads every match??? The amount of exaggeration on these forums is laughable at times. You probably see a SWF attempting to be a bully squad once every 8-10 games. You probably only actually get a good bully squad once in a blue moon because most of them aren't that good & are just people messing…
  • Sounds like a skill issue. If you're losing to solo queue survivors with 5000 hours logged in the current version of the game then it's on you. Playing killer has never been easier imo. I barely lose games these days even against full sweat SWF squads.
  • Its not really punishing to try out fun or non meta builds if you're good at the game. You need to go into the match with a different mentality other than thinking you deserve to win whatever perks you're using. Biggest issue with Killers that inflate their own skill level by only using meta perks is that their weaknesses…
  • It really shouldn't even be called MMR because it has nothing to do with how a true MMR system actually works. You basically get a grace period if you're new and then you hit the very low softcap and you're thrown in the mix with everyone. Most players that are even semi proficient at playing Killer will be playing the…
  • With the unknown look at what you can bounce your projectile off to close down loops & remember if can go through walls. A lot of times I'll use walls or trees behind the person to bounce it back. You can also bounce it round a corner when you're just about to lose sight of a survivor on high wall tiles. A lot of times…
  • Killer feels much easier to play than in the past. I barely lose games these days playing with non meta killers, perks or strong addons. Even if survivors get a good start Killer is fairly forgiving mid to late game and you can easily turn it around. In the past you would need to play pretty flawless if you had 4 survivors…
  • Proximity camping and hook exchanges are pretty common. Generally after this the killer will hard tunnel the escaping survivor so it would effectively promote this strategy even more for people that are inclined to play that way.
  • They stay private because they know what they're doing is potentially breaking the TOS and they might find themselves getting punished for it or the Devs implement something to prevent it. I mean I've given two good reasons why it's potentially not good for the game but if you can't be bothered reading previous comments…
  • You can butter it up any way you want. It's called organised win trading. The prize has no real negative effect on the majority of the player base except the excessive amount of rare & Iridescent addons you can accumulate through methods like this, but other than that it really doesn't matter about someones prestige level.…
  • Exactly so why even do it. Like it's definitely not for the fun that for sure. I can't think of anything worse than fishing for the correct game and then everyone lines up in front of the killer to take turns at getting hit and healing before moving on to standing under pallets to take turns at dropping and resetting the…
  • I care because when people abuse game mechanics that result in achieving things at a rate of 3-5x what the normal player would it becomes a problem for the Devs and they normally rectify the situation by nerfing it so it's not possible anymore. Happens all the time in different games, so if it ever happens in DBD then…
  • I would probably say working with the opposite team to gain an advantage would cover it tbh. The advantage is you actually don't have to play the game in order farm BP. The most efficient way is collaboration with the opposite side. I honestly don't care if people want to do this if it's something that won't end up…
  • I mean you ain't winning as two players so it's generally whoever gets caught first should just die on hook and let the other person try for hatch. Whats really annoying though is when you have 2 people hiding and stalling the game out of saltiness or when you have people hiding in lockers when theres still 4 players alive…
  • I mean you don't know what the new animation is going to be like so can't really gauge how the duration is going to be effected. I reckon they will make it faster though. DS might end up having a double buff if for instance if they made the new animation only like 0.5 to 1 second.
  • They're also changing the stab animation so it might actually be faster and you get dropped quicker. I think the issue with 3 seconds is that the stun starts before you can actually start running effectively only giving you like 2-2.5 seconds to get away. With the new stun duration and potential faster animation it might…
  • Other survivors are undoubtedly the biggest problem with solo q, much more problematic than any killers or meta perk in the game. I've lost count the amount of times people suicide on first hook because they don't like facing certain killers or they don't get rescued within 5 secs of being hooked. A bigger problem is…
  • I think the weakened status actually needs a nerf. The range when looking at him needs increased. Currently you basically have to be within ranged hitting distance to reduce the timer which feels kinda bad when you run halfway across the map looking at him and you only remove 50% of it. It's not like it's that difficult…
  • Only thing I think needs changed is the distance you can dispell his debuff. Like you can run half the map looking at him and still only remove like 50% of it. It's not like it's that difficult to hit survivors so you shouldn't need to be in hitting distance looking at him to remove it.
  • Getting called a hard tunneler when I got 12 hooks and the team still had 4 survivors alive with 1 gen remaining.
  • Haven't DC, but I have noticed I'm getting some delay on skill checks which is really starting to annoy me.
  • If you're losing 4 people to NOED after 5 gens are complete it's purely a skill issue in its current state. Like maybe stop trying to save that one survivor and just accept the fact that you will lose 1 person and open the gates. If they have other end game perks just hide until timer has run out. Also try looking at your…
  • 80% of the time nothing 15% GG or GGWP (mostly SWF or TTV SWF) 5% some salty remarks after they lose. Maybe it's just the way I play. I very rarely tunnel on purpose and I never use gen regression perks and still have a pretty high win ratio. I also play a random mix of killers and never really play meta killers, except…
  • I mean if you're winning like 1 game out of 20 on Killer you must be doing something to make that happen. My guess is that you're rage afking most of your matches when you perceive the odds to be against you. You've already mentioned that you afk or plan to afk if you see certain perks. Like just play the game win or lose.…
    in Rant Comment by Lost_Boy March 23
  • Yeah I'm sure they could but I would imagine they would screw it up in some way lol
  • I don't feel his ADS is that bad if you can consistently hit +10m shots. It becomes more of an issue when survivors are closer to you due to it being pretty slow and easy to predict. The hitbox is probably the most annoying thing as others have mentioned it's not uncommon for the spear to go straight through the target on…
  • At this stage tunneling is just a blanket term used by survivors when they get killed. You can tunnel or go out your way to make sure you don't tunnel and still be abused by salty survivors in end game chat. Most often I'll get called a tunneler when I hook someone, leave the hook, start a chase with someone else and down…