Currently i'm playing a lot less dbd that i want to because dedicated bugs, it's just frustrating.
Please, or at least tell us how is the test going.
Please 😅
Low tier killers generally all they need is more time. Adding an early game mechanic, like the one with "gas canisters to generators", in replacement of ruin and nerfing top tier killers accordingly, would not overbuff any killer in specific and ended up breaking the game.
By pings i didn't mean like pinging your specific location how it is in idk, LoL, but just to mention like a swf would do like "near bassement". Also that's how i feel when i play agaisnt swf with good communication.
It will be better for killers if they balance the game, maps and killers having solo and swf players with communication, so there wont be distinction (or at least not that big like is now) between both groups and will be a lot easier when it comes to making changes for killers and survivors, without affecting negatively…