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  • They don't. Undying and Haunted take up 3 diffrent totems, if Haunted dies, undying saves it. But that could be interesting for a Boon Hex style perk tbh Oh no, my problem with Plaything and Despair was that they both work activate while hooking a survivor. The issue is, which one activates first if you run them both? The…
    in Hex: Despair Comment by Milo June 2023
  • How would that work with Plaything? What would be first? Otherwise seems okay. Generalizing the penalty to 10% would makes sense to me. Also, i know the time for this part "For the first 90 seconds only the cursed survivor is able to cleanse the hex totem." you took it from Plaything, but I think 60 seconds would be enough.
    in Hex: Despair Comment by Milo June 2023
  • It's just dumb to me how while carrying someone you can hit a diff survivor and then they can't block the hook , but a healthy OR injured survivor can body block thru any situation while in normal chase I don't get what you mean here? Survivors can bodyblock you in both situations.
    in Body blocking Comment by Milo June 2023
  • It's way too weak atm to deserve such a nerf, but yeah this was another way they could've nerfed it.
  • Geography - how often do you do 3 full gens alone in a match? Also let's say it did somehow activate, don't maps still track completed gens? Wouldn't that mean you could have 140% gen progression increase? Lockpick - I'm more concerned it would make Left Behind obsolete. Also the key seems random atleast to me. Familiarity…
  • ... But if it can't activate in a match anyways what's the point?
  • some extremely badly designed perk I wonder what you're talking about.
  • Hackers.
  • Yeah something alongside Knock Out/Dredge's darkness could work. But going from the HUD idea, maybe it could also hide the progress bars for yourself? Although, again, that would mostly affect soloq :/
  • "By technicalities" this already exists. It's not exactly named after him but, it exists. It would be even nicer from them to do create something like a full cosmetic for Dwight tho.
    in Puppers skin Comment by Milo June 2023
  • Do you think this should have the penalty of unsuccessfully unhooking yourself?
  • His hit and run playstyle works really well with removal of burn mechanic on top of medkits and CoH getting killed. I don't think the burn mechanic on it's own did this, but he is stronger now against soloq.
  • Adrenaline should make the visual terror radius heart appear on survivor from Killer's POV. That will also take away the "i got screwed" feeling when the survivor sprints into the sunset! Yeah, no, after last change (unless the killer protects the crap out of it) it just gets destroyed in those 30 seconds max.
  • No longer a horror game.... after a bunch of hours. Which makes sense. It's not the dlc's fault.
  • I liked that other post more tbh? The tokens make sense (even tho I disagree with earning them, just start with 2 automatically), the item loses either all or half of it's current charges when thrown and Enduring literally only reduces pallet stuns, so unless they change it again then no. I do think this perk would be…
  • That could be an interesting perk tbh, I doubt that it would be introduced as a basekit mechanic.
  • ^ Agree You made the mistake of still keeping the Teamwork cooldown, which is ridiculous, while having a VERY weak effect (that is literally outclassed by Leader). Divine Prayer should only have it's blessing effect and instead be on a Boon totem perk. Something even simple like "Increases all action speeds by 5% while…
    in New perks Ideas Comment by Milo May 2023
  • Okay, either my math is wrong or something, or it would take 120 seconds to repair a pallet/wall at 4 tokens. So, skipping that part... I once was worried about a perk that could reset a pallet so you could use it again. However that fear turned out to be false, can well you could still kick god pallets anyways. This has…
  • Some rift cosmetics are slowly but surely making they way into the store. The only ones that haven't been "unlocked" again yet are the recolors from what I've seen.
  • If adept didn't require you to kill all survivors then yeah, sure. But since it does......... yeah no.
    in Slug for 4k Comment by Milo May 2023
  • To add onto that, That PTB was just a big test for those features - finisher mori and infinite unbreakable. They might've scrapped it or not, we really don't know cause they didn't really say anything about it since. But that never was supposed to enter the game after that PTB.
  • That's his point. Strong if the survivors group them, not so much if they don't. +You're basically guaranteed atleast injuring the survivor once in a chase!
  • I got them, although it's past from the usual time they gave them... I think? Not sure tbh.
  • They get more cosmetics but aren't they technically WAY more expensive because of the lootbox kind of thing?
  • Oh, I thought PC got it first, then it went to mobile. Huh.
  • How does that promote dc'ing lol.
  • I mean... sure? But it still would be only really useful for exhaustion since the other effects either are pernament, so short it doesn't matter or not even used lol.
  • Fix the damn bubble*
  • You... you can't upvote yourself. As for the suggestion, the profile thing I can agree cause that's actually a valid point (but I don't know how often someone does that to be fair), not with the whole lobby thing in general.
    in Lobbies rework? Comment by Milo May 2023
  • And you're wrong. I play both, but prefer survivor. CoH was just so stupid I refrained from using it till I got really tilted from soloq lol.
  • It's not the particular challenges im struggling, just playing killer pushes some weird buttons that makes me just tense up. I'm not saying the challenges aren't easy, because they are. But the matches themselfes, after I'm done with a challenge, aren't that relaxing. It's just the way I function while playing killer I…
  • It was unhealthy because you could infinitely heal yourself, it wasn't about the speed.
  • Use Bond or Empathy while solo queue-ing. I know, I know, a perk to solve problems isn't ideal but old CoH was a mistake and it shouldn't return.
  • It's one of those perks, that it's weird it didn't get a nerf yet, but I could see it not being as much as of issue lately. (However, if they did decide to nerf it, removing the movement speed if you were injured would be good enough imo)
  • Damn, I wish when I was playing killer for challenges it was "relaxing". Most of the time I feel myself tensing to finish those challenges lol.
  • This is the problem of survivor event rewards. Give them too easily, people will just kill themselfes the second they can't get any more (putrid serum), too hard and you can go a couple of games without getting one.
  • That's mostly an issue with how many chapters per year they produce. (with varying amount of survivors) I wonder if dbd would take a hit in playerbase if they skipped atleast one chapter to work on game health and other things.
  • Doctor's still can force survivors off a gen even for a few seconds, while still retaining his power. This could be an idea for a future status effect, however Incapacitated should remain as it is now imo.
  • Yes. But, you can run ealier than the killer hooks, giving them way less time? And also you can just hide, it's not like they know you were starstrucked, unless they have awakaned awarness.
    in Nerf starstruck Comment by Milo May 2023
  • It doesn't give the killer an easy down tho...? Unless you're not moving at all.
    in Nerf starstruck Comment by Milo May 2023
  • I don't think so? The only thing they removed was being able to use it multiple times per hook state.
  • Franklin's works on every item tho, not just flashlights.
  • What were that Doc's add-ons? And were they actually close or did you just hear the TR?
  • The bar doesn't exist yet.
  • Why you didn't go for it immediately anyways?
  • Boil Over did get heavily nerfed to counter that strategy tho. BO feeds off current wiggle progress, so if a killer drops instantly, or almost instantly then it does literally nothing. It's more of a matter of a cordinated sabo squads, than BO. However, I believe that by removing the feature that fills the wiggle bar when…
  • Okay, fair I must've missed that It won't be in this PTB. Still, they didn't give us exact numbers in the anniversary stream, nor any official post regarding this topic (as of now, atleast I haven't seen one), so I think they meant the feedback and/or questions when the PTB hits live.
  • We will get our questions... in a week. For now we should just chill.