
We are all kinda gay here 🏳️‍🌈


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  • I think you are severely underestimating how many toxic trash players (and humans in general) there are in this world. On one hand, good for you. On the other, don’t just assume the other side HAS to have done something to provoke it.
  • you literally just told someone that said it happened to them that it was their fault?? Said person did only tell about one single time it happened without implying it happening regularly for them..
  • to be fair, if you wanna hold conversations, maybe add the others as friends and go on discord or whatever? the filter is ridiculously and often unnecessarily strict, but it’s still better than before where every second post on these forums were people complaining about end game chat and how the devs don’t do anything…
  • It was end of 2023 I think. Otz and other big content creators speculated that the devs must have changed something regarding mmr and it turned out to be true (the softcap for high skill was upped so there was a tighter bracket for high skilled players) Since then people asking if the devs changed something regarding mmr…
  • I swear, the fact the content creators called out that change in mmr last time broke this community Your mmr is in no way determining what killer you a going to face. It’s just the skill level of your opponent (and teammates) - based on a calculated score which is literally only influenced by escapes/kills and it doesn’t…
  • es war eine Belohung für den SAW Spalt und ist entsprechend nicht mehr verfügbar. Aber sie haben angefangen, Charms im in-Game Shop anzubieten - bin mir nicht sicher wie genau das funktioniert und es ist nicht garantiert, dass SAW charms da auch mal angeboten werden..
    in Jigsaw Anhänger Comment by Mooks May 10
  • not sure either, also maybe it will just take some time and the merging then works (I remember I had an unexpected error when I did it years ago and then like an hour later it was done.
  • well then I guess it should have worked already?? Do you get any error message when trying to link your epic account?
  • 🤨
  • i think so. You have to at least have started the game once on the account and maybe have done the tutorial or a single match(?)
  • yeah you have to have DbD base game on both platforms separately, then merge both via BHVR account. DLCs and in-game purchases would be shared then
  • (sssshhhhhh, that’s the part that you should not speak out loud) seriously though, it can be problematic with a swf that combo their entire builds around it (break out, flip flop, boil over, anti slug builds, etc) - but… indeed like the problem lies somewhere else and not toolbox sabotage..
  • no one said it was common or accused you of doing it.. But it does happen unprovoked.
  • Honest question. It feels like they don't want anyone playing killer at all yeah, BHVR wants the players to only queue up as survivors with no killer players left whatsoever so that their successful game finally dies completely off because they are obviously tired to create new content for this game. Also, definitely never…
  • we don’t even have numbers, do we?? AND it’s a PTB and the devs have shown they are willing to tweak or even revert stuff completely if feedback is showing the changes really weren’t as expected..
  • 🤨 …or the killer was just being toxic? it’s not only survivor players that can be toxic. It’s not one sided at all and people being toxic without a reason happens all the time in this game…
  • there is nothing revealed except for the license that doesn’t even tell you who the killer is or what the power might be?! you can’t be real with that? You meant including Forged in Fog, right? … RIGHT? also.. you think they don’t have a gameplay design team? Just because you don’t like their decisions they must not exist??
  • it was taken out of the roadmap - there was an updated version without the three perks. Why they are not featured in the may dev update I really don’t know 🤷‍♂️ plans change I guess
  • awww kinda hoped the rumours to turn out false but well. It is what it is. Not disappointed just.. indifferent(?) So Macmillan entity egg is probably something related to the anniversary event after all
  • but they have only one of those available apparently..
  • you can only change this option when entering the menu via main menu. If you enter it from the lobby or somewhere else, the option is disabled.
  • The egg is hatching, kinda supporting the spider/entity offspring theory sharing this from Reddit - source:
  • haven’t experienced it with the elite series 2 on Steam. Though maybe there is some interference with the mouse? Can you try to turn the mouse off during a match to check? I guess other input devices aren’t plugged in?
  • So you mean this?
  • it’s for any auric cell purchase!
  • that’s weird, and hopefully not a bug introduced with one of the recent bugfix patches.. I guess it won’t register any other button without a menu function either (just for testing/trouble shooting)?
  • yeah it should be available during the winters event starting early/mid December!
  • are you trying to do it on PC or XBox itself? There should be a tab ‚Input Binding‘ or something like that in the games settings menu where you can adjust it and it should work just fine for most mechanics! (There is some bugs related to it though eg with a certain binding a repelling crows against the Artist is not…
  • they may add it to the store at some point but with the current information we have it will stay exclusive. They had different one-piece cosmetics for auric cell purchases on the last (Dwight’s propeller head and a clown knife I remember) and those haven’t made a return yet. Also single piece cosmetics from rifts also do…
  • okay, I know for a fact that it’s not that easy, as I literally did this for a recording that I made for a gift. Different sessions, though while same setup I used different volume settings for my mic accidentally and tried to level them all to the same volume. I got it done in a quality that sufficed my needs - but there…
  • yes. Literally everything. Not only movement/lag/rubberbanding. The whole engine got upgraded.
  • even if nothing in the update was related to the basement To be fair, last update included the upgrade from Unreal Engine 4 to 5 so that definitely was related to the basement. And lights. And the whole game. (again, no excuse or apologizing for this, just explanation)
  • yeah. Either they are making it seem too complicated or someone else is making it seem too easy. keep in mind that the sounds in this game are very prone to issues and bugs, and there is on top of these adjustments also perks/other features influencing them. I don’t think it’s as complicated as the devs say and warrants a…
  • I looked through the compilations for the Reddit AMAs from June, September and December 2023 and couldn’t find anything. (Also I think there wasn’t one in 2024?) Maybe you misremembered something? Or it was from a few years ago - the devs did make some statements that they never again brought up after all..
  • will also leave this here from another thread. I do think people are downplaying and simplifying issues they don’t truly grasp themselves. These kinda adjustments can easily result in distorted sounds and there is also a subjective layer to all of it (eg higher voices being easier to notice than deeper ones) Again, not…
  • I usually follow these and can’t remember this at all that’s why I am asking - would genuinely interest me where/when they said that
  • I am not apologizing for the devs. I am just trying to look at it reasonably. I don’t think it’s as easy and trivial as you all make it out to be though. Still no an excuse for BHVR for taking so long (I never said it’s okay after stating they will do it) but jeez… why can’t people voice their feedback somewhat reasonably…
  • even then they have different injured sounds not only one per survivor. And again, plenty of survivors to adjust - also including licensed ones which may need to be approved by the license holders (though maybe not as balance changes should be possible without approving but we don’t know exactly)
  • can only share their answer from the Reddit AMA Q: Are the levels of injured sounds and panting survivors emmit gonna be normalized soon? Different characters currently get vastly different outcomes on mindgames depending on who they are because of audio, ultimately pushing players towards certain few characters. Signed:…
  • yeah but when did they talk about that, any source?? we already have the feature that there are no direct repeats of maps (except for when new map released/map rework/offering used)
  • as already mentioned this is an acknowledged issue that BHVR is actively working on and trying to fix. Though, apparently, there is also the fact that DbD had been able to be run on system with less than minimal requirements before the update, so you could check if your system is actually supposed to be supported if you…
  • what new map rotation system? Has there been any official talk about that?
  • sure. This one is up to date though and has a good reason to stay.
  • it’s a new feature! A tanuki only appearing on the Yamaoka maps. They added it in the latest update after a Japanese only poll asking which of several Japan-related animals/creatures should be added. There is also a new achievement for finding it
  • The only issue acknowledged and fixed was strobing which was literally a health hazard. Why are the standards so low for a game that deserves more? you could have worded this better/not directly after one another… They prioritized the right issue first
  • it clearly is a spider nest, and with the hints from the 8th anniversary roadmap picture we can conclude it’s hinting at the Spider killer for the anniversary chapter.
  • and dataminers can’t be wrong or outdated? Also, a partygame can still have skill based matchmaking to ensure that players with different skill levels don’t get matched against eachother. also, trapper got buffs, blight got nerfs, and killers are not meant to be on the same strength level anyway - that was never the devs…