Yea low tier killers need the early game slow down but honestly ruin usually gets cleansed anyways. So in general those killers are bad by design and its harder to win with them but a perk that gets cleansed anyways isnt going to be that big of a difference unless the survivors are low rank and dont cleanse which would…
im litterally saying you dont need this perk to win. If you cant find what im complaining about hmmm maybe im not complaining. I simply asked a question. Way to try and look smart tho good job :)
Yea dh is super buggy lately and sprint burst is awesome when you get off the hook but i think dh is better because making the killer one tim can make a huge difference. It can be the difference from getting out the door that they are camping with noed, it can allow you to continue a monster loop if you make a mistake or…
Im so sick of these negative posts about ruin. Buddy I play both ends we we're wrecking killers with ruin and I'm wrecking red rank swf without ruin. A game demanding you to step out of your comfort zone and learn how to play the game is only gonna make you better. Stop whining and try new builds or killers. If you…
Ive been doing fine without it and I've played against red ranks as freddy, spirit, and doctor. You just have to adapt and not base your entire gameplay on one perk. Try new perks dont just give up after one game. Lately I run devour, bbq, sloppy, and monitor
Matchmaking has been ridiculous lately. Me and my buddy always play together and are both rank 5 but somehow always end up with rank 12 survivors or higher and a high rank killer. Even after super long que times. Im about to just reverse boost so i can have fun again being high rank is litterally a punishment
Run small game. Ever since i started running it i get ruin out of the game pretty quickly. To be fair tho low rank survivors have no clue what ruin is or how to get rid of it and i can understand how painful those matches would be but ur just gonna have to grind through it to a better rank.
I can relate bro I have been missing so much because of them being so laggy it feels like theyre just impossible to hit especially when theyre all together it lags so hard.
I mean recently the servers feel wayyy worse. I cant tell u how many times my friend will get into a match and ill be left in the lobby or vice versa and it takes foreverrrrrrr to find a match. I swear it feels like i play one match per hour sometimes because of how slow it is and not to mention how consistent disconnects…
Yea im a killer main and when i play survivor i will litterally stare at ghost face and it will make the noise that im exposing him and stop at the last second without either of us even moving and then I get exposed. Definitely extremely broken and unfun to play against.