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  • The trickster introduced a new tier to the killer chart, the "Z" tier, the only killer that i remember being in a so bad state was ghostface when he was on PTB, but he was fixed, THIS KOREAN BOI WAS LAUNCHED INTO LIVE SERVERS LIKE THIS!
  • I don't think they have play testers at all besides of the ppl that play PTB, because NO ONE would look at the trickster now in his current state and say "Good job, he's playable, we can launch him now", this boi will need changes ASAP to AT LEAST, be a C tier killer, because he stands at "Z" now.
  • -Slow killer -His power is terrible so i don't see the reason of him being slow -When throwing knives on ppl, he gets even slower, wich makes him easy to loop -Knives made ouf of plastic and needs 8 to actually hit someone -When you hit someone with a knive and is a hit, they get the speed boost to loop you even more -The…
  • The perk is supposed to counter a tunnel action against you, if you are repairing a gen, healing or cleansing a totem, you're not being tunneled anymore.
  • I consider it a unfair perk because it corrects your mistakes, a survivor can do a very bad loop and be in a really bad spot, bud DH can correct this error, and on dbd, the killer relies on survivors mistakes.
  • Playing as a killer it's like disarming a bomb, you are under pressure, and a countdown is in your face to make the things worse, tunneling is a consequence of this.
  • Yeah, MMR was a complete disaster, but atleast they tried, but im really triggered about the Trickster, i always try to wait the new survivors/killer come out to see how people can use them efficiently, but i really, REALLY don't understand the purpose of this character, it is a 2x weaker Huntress, he will probably need a…
  • As a player of both sides i understand that the old mori was really unfun to play against, and i can count in one of my hands the times that i used one as a killer, for me, it was a good change for the game.
  • If it was a perfect game, then it would be deactivated, because you and your team cleansed all the totems.
  • I will give you one suggestion, play as a killer, give your best, try to understand both sides and go to high rank matches, and i guarantee you that you will completely change your opinion, DS, in most cases, is not used as a anti-tunneling perk, it is used to abuse the 60 seconds period to do all you want, you will…