Only thing that comes to my mind is Mr. Krab's voice saying, "MONEY MONEYYYY MONNNNEYYYYY" The devs did this to encourage you to spend money to skip this very difficult task with your points but didn't make it "IMPOSSIBLE" so that it can't be done. It's a marketing strategy for them to make more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Camping is super annoying, but unfortunately for some it's their method of playing this game...I mean hell there's even a perk that encourages Killers to camp! I personally don't do it; I stay on the move after hooking a survivor to maximize my bloodpoint earnings but I've ran across some (mainly on the Switch version) who…
-'s Halloween....go out and get yourself a free Snickers. You're not yourself when you're hungry.
maybe different concoctions in his bottle that cause different effects?
Almost all battle-pass games are "FREE TO PLAY" this is not "FREE TO PLAY" With the addition of this battle-pass, this games needs to go free to play. Absolutely no reason to have this game at 39.99 anymore. Going free to play will bring in such a bigger audience && the die hard fans of it will still do exactly what…
all they gotta do is enable keyboard support for this game on xbox/ps4 and i'll ######### on PC players all day.
You're not really missing much TBH. I love the game, think it's fun as heck and while the Switch version isn't "Bad" it's very buggy and missing so much content atm and it just doesn't feel like a lot of effort went into optimizing it. It almost feels like it was rushed. I'm sure it'll come around and be great (as great as…
It's not flawed...just challenges. Everyone will complete them and then it'll go back to normal until the next tier is out. I personally love it!
Why aren't they already in the game? Licensing issues?
Yeah the game is running like crap on my Xbox One X. It's almost as bad as my Switch version at this point! (at least for the menus/lobby/offerings).
What movie was Quentin in?
i'd just like the archives and the festive theme. I know it isn't much, but it's still enough to make Switch users to get their panties in a wad. Like I stated above, I'm an Xbox main so I get the content and I purchased the "season pass" if you will, but I'd still like the opportunity to experience the same thing on the…
Could you imagine if the demogorgon had a tooth ache how pissed it'd be? Wowzers.
thanks man. sorry everyone for posting in the incorrect place.
I'm currently downloading a patch on the Switch...had to restart the switch for it to begin the download so maybe that helped?
I can guarantee you it'll still have framerate issues, gameplay issues and matchmaking problems. The perk to getting this on the Switch is that you can play DbD on the go!! (long as you have a mobile hotspot) I'm fully expecting this to look like poo poo but damn it'll be nice playing at work when I have downtime.
I main on xbox too....looking forward to the switch version as well...getting it on this platform so I can still play when I'm away from home! sucks i'll loose all my perks/survivors/killers i've purchased along the way, but it's all good!
I'd LOVE to see another original killer too! But Pennywise is & has been since i was a child my favorite "monster" (or alien). It'd be dope to eventually see him on this game.
Yeah i've read issue is that when I click on the game from the dashboard, it says "This console will use the internet to check whether this software can be played." and then it does...only to say, "You cannot play this software yet. Please try again later."
I pre-loaded the game yday from the E-Shop and it just keeps telling me the game isn't avaiable yet and to check the e shop for more info. I'm assuming this is a typical Nintendo failure.
This has been out since midnight on the Switch and I can't even play it yet...saying the game isn't available?
Agreed...let's get her fixed but as a hype/something to look forward to (aside from ded.servers) I'd love to see some cool new killers/interesting survivors. Jason would be cool I just don't see him coming over anytime soon due to the Friday the 13th game... but yeah a alien/huminoid fella would be neat.
I downloaded it from the Nintendo E-Shop and it's the 24th and 9:27am and it's saying the game isn't released yet? Shouldn't it have gone live at Midnight?