hey people. same here but until they either fix it or disable it. I think it only happens when paired with lullaby. 1 game had the glitch then i got rid of lullaby and the glitch stopped.
I think this merciless storm bug triggers losing 50% or all of it when 2 people on the gennies when its paired with hex: lullaby. get rid of lullaby and the glitch stops
its been happening to me last few days. i play a game then kicks me out twice from the lobby then its ok for 1 match. repeat and cycle. i am switch user
Switch player here. I play all the time got the game 4 months ago and racked up 500 hours. I play mainly survivor on handheld and killer on TV. Eventually I will get the new dlc but I'm missing a few killers and now 4 survivors. Only have silent Hill I need to pay for, the rest is shard work. Useally I just read these post…
Same on trapper. I get 48 blood points per game. Going to skip it for a while. Hope it gets fixed later
Also as trapper once I went to kick a gen and got got trapped in the gen. I had to aim in a specific place to kick it and get unstuck. Can't remember which map but was an updated one
I was using trapper Happend on 2 maps one being hospital and other Seemed to happen not long after I hooked the first player Using all hexes. Devour hope. Ruin. Haunted ground and no one escapes death.
On switch as well
On switch as well