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  • I don't mind the idea of messin' around with survivors and not taking the game too seriously... But when I say I am bad.. I mean, I may try my absolute best and be so bad as to never once ever hit anyone. lol. I can play the game for many hours during a "season" or whatever and get finally to rank 12 (my current and…
  • 'when I get a ruthless/merciless killer, and they say I "camped" and "tunneled" ' ... Do you camp and tunnel often as a survivor? If so... how does one camp and tunnel the killer? As a poop-survivor, I would love to know how you do this.
  • Honestly confused on the OPs thinking. "Whew, a lvl 1, I am so glad they are here!" ... "OMG they switched to a lvl 50 with good items... now we're screwed! If only the lvl 1 was here to save me!" Yeah... I totally hate seeing experienced players in my matches... totally want my fellow survivors to have zero clue on the…
  • As a survivor, I HATE NOED, but it isn't the worst thing ever... it ranks high on the "makes me sad" list. I think it a smidgen under "over powered" but a smidgen above "fair gameplay". And I won't even lie, I have no clue how to make it "balanced" within the current game mechanics.
  • Killers get the red carpet. They roflstomp survivors left and right and complain about not being able to rolfstomp harder. Reason you get DCs is because roflstomping too hard. Play with your food. Let them get points too. (Should actually get more points for the killer for this sort of stuff IMO...) Or you go super unlucky…
  • So is it that killers are more in need? I been tempted to try a killer, but I am a pretty bad DBD player as is. That's not too exciting for others. Like... I might kill more people from boredom than hooking. But I been eye'ing the Plague... and Legion...
  • I am tempted to just drop completely when I see this totally OP killer. He really needs a re-balance. Not in the sense of a total nerf or what not, but something to offset the ranged hook that allows him to be the sneakiest of all killers ever. Seeing posts of others kills outright abandoning their preferred killer for the…
  • Upon crossplay, my personal experience is 4x-5x longer wait times and incredibly bad teams. Additionally, I almost NEVER see a PC player anymore. Maybe I was always lucky beforehand and got matches super easy... but I am never lucky so this boggles me.
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