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  • So, if in some character arc is mentioned that he or she knew a lesbian woman or a gay man, you would be satisfied with your demand?
  • Actually we are not born this way, but we develope this way. We are born asexual and usually with puberty we develope these feelings. To focus people with that kind of sexuality in Dead by Daylight makes it to a political statement, because at this point nobody cared about their sexuality and you want to highlight that. Do…
  • At which point a gay man isn't treated equal to a hetero man? And what has that do to with the game? Is this really a necessary plattform for a political statement? Currently the lore of the game doesn't care about sexuality. Why should it be focussed when it never was a topic? Right now every character can be attracted to…
  • I don't understand what's the point of this discussion. So people are offended because some character hasn't a background story that reveals that he or she is gay? What's the point? Does it make Yui more sympatric if she would be a lesbian? Are you more comfortable to play the Trapper if you would know he is gay? Why do…
  • I agree! There should be an extended version of this. Would even pay some money if this would be offered as a dlc :)
  • I think it's better now, at least with me. Results were okay. Still, I hope they extend the rift season, because this game was unplayable for about two weeks.
  • I was just wondering when the dev's think I would be able to play the game again with none of these emblem issues? I mean ... the current rift-season won't stop, because of that, isn't it? Any ideas?
  • Yes, the last fix didn't solve that issue. How is that even possible to destroy the pip ranking system, that totally worked fine and there was no need to change anything on it?
  • I think they also should expand the time to complete the rift season because of this. I mean, I got zero points in Unbroken, too. No matter how long I survived. The more matches I would play to complete the rift, the more -1 pip I get like this.
  • In most cases I can hear a terror radius, but it so quiet comapred to earlier versions. I play with headset. The rest of the game has an accurate sound, but not the killers. I don't know why this happens to me.
  • Common guys, at least with the second example: He was 100 % visible behind me and nothing happened to reveal him, while he was chasing me. He just need to stop for a second to stalk me and he was able to do it, although I had clear view on him. I can accept that it isn't possible to spot him, if something hides parts of…
  • Well, I think the best way to stop face camping or camping is to stop the timer for the survivor on the hook. The closer the killer would be, the slower the timer would went on. So camping would be totally useless in this case, because it wouldn't kill survivors. The main problem with camping is, that a survivor needs to…