The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • Just a 800% bloodweb menu speed of animation increase would solve most of these annoyances that we face.
  • I noticed that when you get out of a game, for a little bit you get a sort of weird speed increase of the bloodweb. It lasts about a minute or so before going back to normal speed. I believe this is what you mean by this. You got out of a game and that happened.
  • 100% agree with them. I really wouod love spending more time playing the game rather than spending my time waiting on my friends to spend theirs aswell just a much needed change?improvement overall.
  • I'm baffled that this ptb doesn't even have AT LEAST prestige visibility in PRE-LOBBY. Abslolutely insane.
  • /shrug I will have given my best shot.
  • Punishing bad behaviours is a way to mitigate alot of the problems this game has. A minute for first warning that resets every 24 hrs is way too soft. Youre better off playing the game if the first punishment would be something between 5-10 mimutes. Other games does it and does alot more strictly than this. Removing…
  • A survivors lock in before killer(say 10 seconds)could give time to them to react to these quick loadout swaps as a solution to this. Given it is enough of a problem to address it.
  • Killers having visibility on what tools that are brought by survivors is healthy in my opinion. Mitigating their usefullness is a valid move considering the impact they can have in a game.
  • 3. I know this is an alternative, I even agreed that it was partly a solution for the matter at hand. I just had to re-specify it since it isn't an option as of right now(current patch). I think this is the furthest we will get to agreeing on these matters. In all seriousness thank you for your input. It was nice to talk…
  • And the damage is done to the lobbies they left. Also have you met the players of this game? I would say that it would be a one time thing after that change has been implemented, since they won't get any different result from shopping a couple of time, the player base that does shop will learn that it is pointless. Sure,…
  • I feel like this is a system that would require testing. You cannot find the perfect matchmaking formula if you never try to expand on it. Everyone loves a game where you can go: Man that was a fun match and you type W killer in the egc. MMR and prestiges are not related. people that shop for a lobby do not shop to get…
  • If people knew that they were getting matched in a lobby were everyone is of equal skill, regardless of prestiges or all the reason they did wouldn't hold as much weigh to them. What I mean by this is say tomorrow matchmaking lobby shows mmr(lobby avg mmr) for everyone and the "lobby shopper" sees that he is matched with…
  • I do not have the energy nor the motivation to convince you folks of anything because clearly you say that my arguments are not good enough but this is based on your opinion and I did, multiple times I would add, address as much as you are throwing at me. Yet nothing seem the make your opinion on matter budge. I do not…
  • I will say and agree that pre lobby is obviously part of the equation for me, but it's not the whole thing. The fact that you 3 thinks the same of that matter prove it's going to be hard to agree on that matter. I would say 15 of my private dbd friends in the server I have been in for the past 6 months think otherwise of…
  • Thank you for your input I agree on everything that you stated. As I said in earlier comments, what they did to badge visibility is nothing but a band aid solution and hinders their player base that is already lower on the survivor side, instead of removing incentives for people to play survivors, they should embrace these…
  • My fun was increasing that meaningless number. People hiding for whatever reason is valid and those are not two scenario are not the only reasons people uses anon mode. Also people already tunnels anon mode if you want to go this route.
  • Hiding is not a problem in itself. It's hiding it for EVERYONE that is the problem for me. I don't want to hide it. It should be an OPTION. Good for them? I don't know what point you are trying to make on this one. If they are getting dodged and have a decent mmr @low hours and feel like they need to hide their badge, well…
  • They said they ran a/b test. Not A/B/C test.
  • You can check peoples steam profiles SWF bringing a low hours person in their game don't dodge them(???)\ There's a limit to speed over quality if the game is going to lead to survivors killing themselves on first hook when they figure that their teammates don't fit their skill level. ^^ it is a band-aid solution.
  • I already did, many times already. Read the thread. tested a/b, no in between has been tested (in between being what I have been suggesting).
  • You too! Thank you for giving your point of view it was nice to discuss!
  • That's not what works best or else I wouldn't have made a forum account to discuss the very thing that I cared about. Don't you reckon?
  • Then when match ends and everyone sees mmrs changes Or average lobby mmr to protect individuals from being flamed.
  • Killer wouldnt see survs mmr only their own
  • If you get into a lobby and you see that your mmr is similar to teamates, they wouldn't dodge.
  • I am no advocate for lobby shopping but we got to shed light on the matter and address the reason WHY people do it. If X player goes in a match and has let's say 2k hours. Then look over to his teammate that has a p0 dwight that just started playing the game. Can you really blame the guy who dodges? Why are they getting in…
  • that's your opinion on the matter and I respect it. it doesn't have to be either black or white is mine. there's a solution out there for all to be happy with. I am just trying to talk with the community to find it.
  • I have zero p100s. I am just trying to find a middle ground where everyone is happy with the lobby changes. Including the other side of the medal. I posted various solution ideas and yet here we are again.
  • I never thought it was an issue before mandy mentionned it and I clearly(again you didn't read previous comments before posting this) posted that I do not condone lobby shopping. you're assuming things for some unknown reason.
  • removing features from the game isn't about ego really, it's about people working together towards a goal and being able to monitor your friends progress without needing external means to do so. Ego in a PVP game is not a bad thing to an extend, especially when it's meaningless in terms of skill. We need to understand that…
  • on the first paragraph the assumption part is the very root within, since now there's no substantial manners for these lobby shoppers to shop as easily, those who cares enough to shop in the first place will use the now even more ridiculous reasons(anon mode, default skins, globes, names) even more than they used to. On…
  • I care about it and others like me does. as stated previously it's not about a badge it's what it means for the people getting in a lobby with 2k hours getting matched with 20-50hrs players. many other games have prestiges and it would never do what this game does to their system of prestiges to band-aid a mmr that isn't…
  • Others assume is the very reason people dodge in the first place so this argument doesn't stand on that matter, they mentionned it was good when it was both so keeping this way of lobby for killer wouldn't change anything as of what is going on right now I agree with you punishment is not a good one but still an option and…
  • Just for an example of it would be OG DH… I know ALOT of survivor mains that quit because of this singular change(I am not an advocate for old dead hard). Just reverting this perk to it's former glory would bring back a TON of survivor mains
  • We got to accept that this game is a PVP GAME and it has PVP issues that needs addressing. I believe competitveness for this game is healthy to a degree. Prestiges are clearly not the culprit of this issue as much as the majority believe it to be. Exploring different options are indeed what this game needs to do and…
  • I am pretty sure you can read again to understand my point of view that i made absolutely clear multiple times. And once again i am going to repeat it wont be on both side if all killers dont see no prestige aside from egc. What's so hard to understand about this? Doing so reduce their "lobby shopping" on the killer side…
  • There is also punishing lobby shopping. After you leave x amount of lobbies you get a cooldown. That woyld discourage a major amount of people to shop for a lobby. ( i made it x amount because i know that sometimes your friends shows up and all that jazz)
  • I feel like you didn't read the part about killer not being able to see prestiges in any scenario.
  • This lobby shopping solution seems like a band-aid to excuse the worthless mmr system, im not trying to show off how comp I am. I am trying to enjoy what i enjoy ever since i started playing this game, grinding bloodpoints and seeing how far my friends are into their journey. Let me do that in peace and enjoy the…
  • I don't care about other random people as much, it's about me and my friends mostly that it sucks for. if you make it that killer DO NOT see prestiges AT ALL(NOT AN OPTION JIST HOW IT IS NOW JUST FOR KILLERS) and I also do not care what other people think of it. I WANT TO SHOW IT and I should be able to. Why is it so hard…
  • Ever since I understood how prestiges worked and what it gave I had a roadmap, the camaraderie of us all working toward that goal so we could show off to each other is now gone. I poured my heart in this thread, this game, my whole motivation to play has just been DEMOLISHED. What do i do now? I move on, spend my energy,…
  • I would also like to address the fact that it is only fair for someone who has 2k hrs in the game to not want to play with somone who has 20 hours. It's nice to play with competent teamates too, if lobby shopping is such an issue, it should be pointed towards mmr system and not people who wants to showoff a prestige badge.
  • If killers never can see the prestiges of survivors they would NOT dodge. It would be the same as of right now on that matter. As for survivors, people already dodge anonymous modes,default skins, globe players, this won't affect anything in that regard. Implement the hide prestige option to the anonymous mode and let…
  • There is clearly a way to make everyone satisfied and create an effective way to address lobby dodging.
  • Also if killers are leaving lobbies, make THEM not being able to see prestige as the fault is on them leaving, NOT the survivors
  • How would it not solve this issue? It was never tested and people have different reasons to use those hidden modes, i play everyday with high/low prestiges and i never thought of to myself: wow this is an issue that needs to be addressed in a fashion like so. Nonetheless, giving tit a fair consideration would make people…
  • FREEDOM/EXPRESSION should be encouraged, not tuned down.
  • People let's understand that i do not condone lobby shopping but I am an advocate of people EXPRESSING their LOVE for the game. Don't want to get dodged? Hide it. Don't want to get tunneled because you're afraid of being tunneled? Hide it. Want to show your survivors teamates that you love XYZ survivor. Let em.
  • Regardless of wether it wasn't supposed to or it was, now it is clear that the incentive for it is near 0. Just give the option to people with different mindsets to CHOOSE.
  • I want to feel that too, i never got the chance to get to that point. A feeling that I fear i won't be able to feel if they don't make it a CHOICE for their players
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