It's funny that they are worried about survivors being selfish while the win condition for survivors is only Escapes according to them since they introduced MMR.
They said before the reason for slugging is hooks breaking and not respawn and they fix it and they still slug, now it's the hutch fault the devs maybe will fix it and they will still slug, then it will be because survivors perks activate from hooks so they will still slug, there is no amount of fixes to them to stop this…
for me as a solo survivor I will not play the normal Mod anymore I will wait for the 2v8 it was more fun and it didn't have the frustrating things, and I think it's more fun because there is no MMR this is how dbd used to be that's why it was more fun, it has very good potential to it they can add more classes and more…
Let's put in this way if survivors had this for end game build running at 140%, it will not make it past PTB for sure.
I gave you the same energy that you give me, so Sure have fun 😘
I guess you taking the "video game" seriously if you commenting this much 🤷♂️
Bro has nearly a 1000 comment on a video game forum and telling me not to take it seriously😅
Such a great solution I need to just Dc I never thought about that, I guess I can't have an opinion on my bad experiences in a video game it's a big deal to have an opinion. 🤷♂️
I wanted to get over it and go next match but I was on the ground for 4 minutes stuck with the killer while the game is already over I guess you Implying, it's my fault so sure.
Good for you 🤷♂️ I still don't get your point it doesn't happen for you a lot so BM is OK ?
for my matches I get nod at and hit on the hook by killers most of the time but I don't post about it, because I don't feel the need to but doing this for 4 minutes I think it's not acceptable and shouldn't be accepted by anyone, so you saying if it's doesn't happen most of the time it should be a fine behaviour ?
this is the first part of the recording, and please show me how I BM the killer, I don't care about his previous matches I didn't BM im a different person then the survivors that act toxic but he decided to do this to me, this is not the full match because I didn't expect this happened to me so I don't record every game, I…
I mean sure if you don't like it they should change it I'm not against that I like how you want to justify his actions by bringing other toxic things I don't understand what's the purpose
Well at least the killer playing the game and looking for them this is called gameplay, what is my gameplay when I was on the ground ?
Well killers have the option to push survivors out and I doubt 2 survivors can hold a killer for half hour pretty sure the killer have the Option to end it, in my situation i couldn't even play the game i just had to sit there and take it i guess, and no I don't find any pleasure of other people doing toxic things to…
Mori canceling is a bug ? what you talking about this how was the Mori system work before Killers could cancel the animation of the Mori and keep spamming you on the ground until you bleed out, and how giving someone else a seizure isn't toxic ?
I really don't get your point a lot of things wasn't in the rules and got changed from the Devs like flashlight clicking and Mori canceling because they were toxic behaviors, so you saying by default it's acceptable is just wrong if they are not mentioned in the rules by your logic they accept it but they changed it why ?
You think I will BM the strongest killer in the game as a Solo q while someone rage quite at start and clearly she is winning the game with 3 gens up, I have 15 min of recording and it not the full match but even if upload this I'm pretty sure your killer bias will still blame this on me.
it's really funny and baffling people are defending this and bringing up other toxic things to justify this, I wanted to go next game but clearly The Killer wanted something else and I couldn't do anything about it.
Do you know emblem system don't mean anything anymore since the MMR came the emblem system is useless now.
It's really funny because I seen multiple killers mains Claim that the slugging happens because certain perks for the survivors activitie after the hook so they slug, but this is not the case in chaos shuffle and they still slug so I'm pretty sure survivors perks have nothing to do with this behaviour.
I really don't know how they can fix these issues, but they are problematic and they need to address them. The wiggle mechanic is not solving killers. Going back-and-forth on survivors on the ground.
I think the devs addressed fair amount of toxic behaviours from both sides as flashlight clacking and Mori canceling, but they need to do more imo for the exit gate t baging and the killer slugging the survivors and going back and forth on the ground.
The more the killers do it the faster the devs will take action against it, so let them and they will act surprised after that why they did something about it, I had similar experiences in chaos shuffle I been slugged more then Usual.
I mean you can believe that, but I believe they put these Statistics for them to have an excuse not to do something about it, I hope I'm wrong but this is my opinion.
So what the point of saying it doesn't happen as much what the idea they want you to believe from this Statistics ?
So if it happens only %1 of the total matches that makes it a healthy gameplay for the game very logical.
This is not the only thing in the killer side is busted you understand doctor can deny the unhook forever if he wants with his power, and also Myers can tombstone you if you get unhooked and you can't do anything about it because you are not able to move after being unhooked, and there is many examples.
For a solo q player I think it hurt us the most because you can't Communicate with your teammates and it's hard to find players to heal you so it becomes not worth healing just Set at a Gen and rapier while injured which is boring to do all the time.
Sure and let survivors choose not to go against a certain killer also and you will have infinite queue times.
I think this is created from the "Win Condition" from the devs, only escapes matters to them anything else you do in the game don't matter, so why the Last 2 survivors Risk getting fond and lose just hide and try to escape "win" in the devs eyes.
Any perk that block the gens I don't like it, it's frustrating to me that my objective is getting blocked sometimes and I can't do my objective.
I think the problem is sitting the goal only escapes matters, from the devs as a goal makes everyone play selfish and can give up at any time if everything you do matters like how the old rank system used to do it would be much better.
so what's the point here if we said it doesn't happen a lot does that make it a healthy game style ?
so what do you expect from killers the goal is set from the devs if you want to win just get a Kill by any means I blame the devs for this the MMR goals for both sides are very bad, for survivor nothing you do in the game matters if you die you lost in the devs eays even if you did a 5 gen chase and die you are a loser and…
they usually don't kill switch things unless it's crashing the game I reported a bug before for them on Ormond map and they just said that it's not affecting the players gameplay which I showed them an Evidence of that bug affecting gameplay
I think it will be hard to implement something like that it will encourage people to slug while 3 gening, I think it's should be a time only requirement, and for me i don't like this thing if you don't do X you will be punished by Y imo.
doing gens I believe it's the most outdated and boring thing in this game
I think making an already done gen to be available again after a certain time will be the fix
you implied that both sides "tunnel" so you compare them at the first place which it doesn't make sense for me either
you are comparing two different things gen progress and hook status if you leave a gen with a 50% progres killers have the option to make it 0% can survivors make their hook status from 2 to 0 ? 🤔
The problem is she only have 1 option to 3 gen or you lose so I don't know why they keep releasing killers that play in that way it's not interesting to go against or play as.
I played for 5 hours today it was 100% BP for survivor on my end
I mean you could say the same thing about nurse despite the "nerfs" or "reworks" she is still the strongest killer in the game by far and she is older then dead hard, so should they nerf her to the ground because she stayed on the top for too long ?