Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I play a lot of killer, and a lot with knight. most of my games are 3k's. Once you figure out little tricks with him, he is very strong. The guards job is NOT to down a survivor, that is a bonus, it is to pressure multiple survivors. A guard chasing one and you another, is HALF the team not doing anything. FEARMONGER perk,…
  • Here is the problem with all methods of changing it. IF BHVR actually cared, these things would not exist in the game or they would be much harder to do without some sort of punishment. These things happen because BHVR allows them too. Why can't say Skull Merchant place her drones by a hook, but Bubba can face camp with…
  • THis topic is null and void. Pinky requires a direct hit which for most players can be difficult to achieve, takes a bit of skill to do. So you want to punish skill now? The slow down is Clowns power, his only power. Needs it to chase. It is also an Iri add on, so you wont see it every game unless a High Prestige level…
  • All they need to do is code it in a way where a certain distance from each other, or split the map into quadrants and guarantee 1 in each qua This would ensure you don't get totally screwed by RNG. Lost count how many times all my SH are on 1 side of a map. Brutal, especially on maps like RPD and Mother dwelling.
  • Don't forget removing Toolboxes too :) My suggestion was remove toolboxes (no brand new parts), and make Sabo base kit on a cooldown.
  • So make the strongest tile in the map even more of a nightmare for killers.... Not like Garden of Joy isnt rough enough as it is... Shack is fine the way it is.
  • Just so you know, the Kill rate, does not count DCs towards it, they have stated this many times. After the 1st paragraph, I can not take anything you say seriously. Wanting people to act like "men" but not acting like one yourself while writing this up. Be more constructive, be more thoughtful in your posting. Postings…
  • Of Course, NURSE. All needs to be said, PRE nerf Nurse. I watched that video too...
  • After reading this, all I can say is this a very uneducated post. BHVR has stated the game is meant to be a bit more Killer Sided. They want a 60% kill rate. If you have payed any attention to high MMR SWF's they will almost always destroy a killer. When it comes to SWFs, survivors are ahead. In higher level gameplay you…
  • For all who are interested, if you want a Perk Suggestion for the Knight, one that is slept on I think, that not many killers really get a ton of value from, FEARMONGER. Since your path for Guards can be longer, it is pretty common to surprise people on gens, and this counters sprint burst etc allowing your guards to catch…
  • Learn to counter the killer and you will counter the Killer Instinct. That simple. With Neme and Wesker. The notification to them of where you are is the penalty you pay for cleansing your infection. Neme doesn't need a cleanse other then cough and tentacle can hurt you. Wesker does, the hindered sucks, but YOU choose when…
  • The 2nd buff which he needs. Start with 2 traps. Allowed to have 8 traps placed on map. Reload at lockers. Can have 8 on map, and 2 "equippied". When the 9th goes down, the 1st one disappears, Just like Hag. This would save Trapper sooo much begining game time, and having to travel to pointless areas of the map to get his…
  • This guys post is pretty bang on I think. I completely agree with his thoughts and changes
  • You can't build anything in a game like this without someone figuring out a way to abuse it. The perks come down to the PLAYERS using them. They need perks to vary greatly. A weaker player trying out killer, needs decent slow down so he can actually play a game. A new survivor needs perks to give extra life, to learn how…
  • I haven't seen a twins in 3 months lmao. Don't think it is a problem, if it was Wesker, or knight, or ghostface, then yes. But for a 1/100 chances in a match. Not high on their list. Let the 3 Twins mains have some bonuses :p
  • Correct, they are. Killers struggle because of Survivor healing. in all fairness, Circle Healing when used right, is prob the strongest survivor perk in the game. FREE medkits. It comes down to skill, and over time you will get better. You will know when to heal, when to use a medkit. Worst thing you can do is use it…
  • Correct, it is not that bad. I play a lot of Clown. and to get value you have to be pretty close already. Soooo easy to avoid a bottle, especially when it has to hit you directly. I barely use it because decent survivors once they know you have it, rarely put themselves in a spot to get hit directly and at that point as…
  • I suck at looping and running tiles. I don't have enough time in the day to learn what is a Z wall etc. This perk assists with that, but it is only good as the player running it. As a killer main, I have noticed people are better at looping, but it makes me better at chases. I need to be more aware of what is around and…
  • I honestly think that Pips should be awarded just for playing. Not make it a marathon of things you need to do. Killer just needs to kill, Survivors need to run a marathon and your dependent on 3 other people as well. Someone hogging the unhooks, cleansing the totems, or you just can't touch a generator because you got…
  • BHVR, These are amazing changes, maybe Solo Q will be a better experience. NOW, Can you please address the poor state of quality of Pyramid Heads Add Ons PLLLLZZZZZ. I love him as a killer, but damn, are his add ons a waste. The range add ons are the only decent ones. Stack range, rest dont do well with him. Trapper Change…
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