Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Yes please! I would love the ability to target SWF players, and remove their advantage from the match as soon as possible. Unfortunately survivors would loose their minds, and this won’t happen.
  • Some ideas: 1) Remove SWF from rank progression. 2) Give bonuses to the Killer when playing against SWF (more perks, increased speed, shorter swing cooldown, etc) Killers don't care about additional BP, they care about game balance. 3) Give killers the ability to ignore SWF players. SWF simply nullifies killer perks 4)…
  • Maybe survivors simply can't rank up as fast? The biggest issue with survivors advancement is their teammates. That is why rank reset is loved by killers and hated by survivors. Survivors should start blaming bad survivor play, and not killers for their slow advancement.
  • No the game would be a lot better without Endurance Perks (Sprint Burst, Lithe, No Mither, Balanced Landing)
  • Exactly. It should be a way to slow the inevitable. Saying you will ambush a survivor when they will be long gone, isn’t working.
  • 1. Repost was due to mobile glitch during posting. 2. Setting up for an ambush would require you to be near them to take advantage of the 0 m terror radius. The perk doesn’t really allow for that with the current #s. Your experience is more likely the result of bad survivors rather than the killer using the perk to his/her…
  • Most likely on XB1 it is a ping issue with the other survivors. I drop games if I have red ping as a killer or survivor.
  • If you want to have “fun”, no. If you need to win to have fun, yes.
  • It’s a good start, but after time I do think that the exhaustion timer could be adjusted for each perk.
  • Do you really need to confirm a player as being toxic, after they rage in post game chat?
    in Guilty? Comment by Plagues7 July 2018
  • Add Franklin’s Demise to your load out and you can keep them from using their flashlights too. It isn’t camping when they give themselves up. These are the same type of players that complain about BBQ&C. Damned if you do... damned if you don’t...
  • On XB1S I am having games were I have the survivor in the middle of my screen (while countering a 360) and within striking range and missing. I literally have to strafe across while swinging to have a chance of hitting.
  • I’m not sure reverting the Nurse is the solution. I think the solution is having the game balanced (slightly) differently on console. As examples they could up her base move speed, reduce the post blink stun, or add an additional blink that could make her move viable on console. Unfortunately the FPS rate may be more of an…