The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • I think the way to get out is do gens, open gate and escape. That is the way out. The point is when they fail to do that, they get another chance, another way out via hatch. Why stop there? If they fail to get to the hatch why not have a dragon swoop down for survivors to grab on to so they can fly out? How many chances do…
  • They are not called hiders either, bottom line is Devs made the game, they make the rules. According to Devs, survivor aim is to do gens and escape. Killers aim is get kills not only sacrifice for entity but kills in general. Sacrifice or Mori or bleed out all counts as kills. Wouldn't make sense to say the aim is only to…
  • Lol escaped how? Defeats the purpose of doing gens at all, hide the whole game and magically escape. You have just created a whole different game with a completely different premise by changing the goal of the survivor from escaping to hiding.
  • I would be fine with 15min timer tbh, 2 survivors remaining, 15min timer until they are both sacrificed. Beats the 1 hour timer it currently has.
  • Server end is not the same timer as bleed out, there is a reason why slugging isn't reportable but avoiding gens and deliberately hiding to server end time is reportable. Killers shouldn't have to go into a match fully loaded to counter a tactic that isn't even allowed.
  • I agree slugging to get 4k should go, killers shouldn't have to slug to get 4k in a match they steamrolled and hands down won. But I would disagree that slugging is stalling. Bleed out has a timer, bit longer than on hook but still has a timer. Survivors avoiding gens and hiding has no timer. It's infinite until killer…
  • I'd say a formal forfeit would work but survivors already have the option to surrender by allowing themselves to be hooked if they want. They only don't surrender because of the hatch as an option. Which is why I'm fine with the hatch being an option so survivors have an incentive as long as there is some sort of aura…
  • In my experience the possibility of the hatch encourages survivors to not engage, actively avoiding gens. Nearly 50% of my matches I would say. It essentially encourages survivors to break the rules as avoiding gens when hatch hasn't spawned is reportable and results in auto sacrifice when server ends anyway. I understand…
  • To be fair players hide when it's 2 v 1 anyway, they know hatch is an option so it puts the game in a stand off position where survivors don't do gens (because what's the point?). They hide and hope the other player gets found and killed first. I don't see how removing the hatch would make this any worse because the result…
  • Yes hatch is gameplay but so is slugging. It's a legit tactic that can and will be used to help the killer. I say help the killer because there has been times I have slugged 3rd survivor, hooked the last one then the survivor I left slugged crawled to the hatch before I could go back to hook them. So it's not a guarantee…
  • I think these killers are playing a fair game. If survivors get steamrolled and killer is left with 2 survivors remaining is it fair that the last survivor can get easy hatch escape? I would say no lol if killer steamrolled the game so is just ensuring they get they kills and the BP.
  • I genuinely do think it's easier as survivor, I tried killer a few times and gens just flew. Tried survivor and I did fine, escaped many times and got the tome done. And you the nail on the head there with the statistics and balance issues because that's my point. I find many survivors want to be on par with the killer or…
  • And survivors wonder why killers slug lol they use flashlight and flash bangs and then complain about being slugged saying it's toxic and boring. Makes no sense.
  • Solution being pick them up before 60 sec? And if people have flashlight and flash bang or next to a pallet? What's the solution then? Can't pick up and can't leave them on the ground, lose lose situation for killer and win win situation for survivor.
  • I really don't think the game mode would work. I'm a killer main and even I think lights out is easier as survivor, that's why I played survivor to do the tome. Survivor mains are very difficult to please these days, like you say even with the extra buffs for survivors this time round still isn't good enough and I don't…
  • Nerf lightborn and increase slugging, good idea lol
  • Not sure how it's a gameplay flaw, camping is a valid tactic on any killer. Just so happens it doesn't comply with survivor rules of no camping, no tunneling, no slugging, no noed, no doing anything that stops survivors from escaping. There are counters, just have to learn to use them.
  • Just to clarify I have adapted, I get 3/4k very regularly by going anti loopers and tombstone Myers. I counter and tunnel out the loopers asap and usually win (usually followed by angry rants of survivors post game). When I say killers became a joke I refer to the concept in general that survivors don't feel threatened,…
  • Only played for the tome rewards. Tried both sides. Being a killer main I instantly found it pretty bad and boring so I did the survivor tome side only (begrudgingly). Tome rewards done, won't be doing lights out again as either side. It's a good idea in principle, definitely adds more suspense as survivor, sitting on a…
  • Literally every match someone has flashlight or flash bang and go for saves. Fair enough, part of the game, no complaints here... But it does result in far more slugging. Not really sure what survivors want, they hate being slugged but they bring the very things that promotes slugging. Strange lol
  • Personally I burn the rule books and play how I want, I tunnel, camp and slug if the situation calls for it. If I want to use noed I will. if I want to use double iri Myers I will. I expect survivors to play how they want (and they do) and I counter it. just don't cry to me when I play how I want. So many times I have had…
  • That's pretty much how the game has been, final 2 usually hide for as long as possible hoping the other dies so the remaining survivor can get hatch. Killer finds one survivor, slugs them then spends about 4min looking for the last one to stop hatch spawning and get 4k. Makes no difference if it's Mori last survivor or…
  • I agree there should be a mechanic to prevent it or at least clarify how long a player can hide for without touching a gen. Seems no one knows if 5 min or 10min avoiding gen is too much or 20 to 30min. It's a very vague ruling.
  • I'm not sure of any documented cases of bans for that exact reason if I'm honest. Going on the basis for ultimate goal being survive... How exactly does hiding and avoiding gens until server end time means they survive? When server ends the survivors get sacrificed automatically, so hiding and not doing gens isn't…
  • I can provide evidence from the Devs that state it's reportable as it's holding game hostage if gens are not being worked on and survivors are hiding. The objective is the escape not survive until the end of time. Regardless if you agree with it or not, it's BHVR game so they make the rules. Don't like it? Don't play…
  • You could sit on the edge and wait it out with a key but at some point you will come across killers like me that will slug the 3rd survivor and still hunt you down for the 4k.... Or wait until server end time is up which you get automatically sacrificed anyway. Soloq is awful, pretty brutal actually. But avoiding gens, not…
  • The counter to Myers is lockers. Use them before t3 hits. Can't stalk when in lockers or on hook. Ye it gives a free hook but Myers is a long game killer so survivors need to think long game. Hand a few hooks if need be while others do gens will stop T3 from activating. I say this because I'm a Myers main and it's crazy…
  • Have to say, I disagree... Slugging can be useful but to say hooking is a punishment for killers and tunneling doesn't work just isn't true. I have no problem tunneling out first survivor. Been running lethal pursuer, get first hook pretty quick then chase them again when they get unhooked. When 1st survivor is out might…
  • Personally I have found that the tactics I use as killer started off as a direct result of survivor tactics/behaviour. Constant gen rushing pretty much taught me to tunnel 1 out asap. Constant flashlight and pallet saves taught me to slug The amount of survivors that hover near a hooked survivor taught me to proxi camp.…
  • Im reading that as it only applies to that method with madness T3 as it has a direct effect on the survivors ability to do gens. That would be holding game hostage as no one can do gens even if they tried and no one can be killed. But if the killer is patroling gens not going for chases and only attacks when they go on…
  • A killer patroling 3 gens ignoring chase isn't holding game hostage. If survivors refuse to do gens regardless of the likelihood they will be hit or hooked, it's the survivors that are holding the game hostage by not doing their objective.
  • They have every right to add a penalty for's their game lol no one is forcing you to play it. Also without the DC penalty think how many games would end in the first couple min because the match isn't going well for a particular player. Look at it like each match you load into is a contract, you agree to the terms…
  • Tunneling, camping and slugging out of control? You listed 3 different strats there...I think 3 different strats being used is fine. It's not like it's just 1 tactic being used over and over. 3 shows some variety imo
  • My games still consist of people trying to loop (failing usually). If people are looping less then that's a good sign imo. Spent a long time going anti loop killers and making sure the scooby doo loops are ineffective in the hope that people will loop less. I dunno about others but I find looping and being looped very…
  • Anyone with boil over or if there is flashlight saves, pallet saves, flash bangs, hook sabotage, body blocking.…they get slugged.
  • Exactly, you would scratch it up to a loss so would be willing to reveal yourself to move on possibly by doing a gen or something. But that's a rare instance in my experience. Most of the time both survivors want the hatch so both hide. That seems to be the issue. So to answer your question "what am I supposed to do as a…
  • For me, survivors bring it on themselves. If they are going for flashlight saves or they crawl to a pallet or they bring boil over or body block or sabotage hooks or something they are getting slugged. What am I supposed to do go for pick up knowing they will be set free? I understand why survivors try to stop the killer…
  • I'm a Myers main, p100. Think you pretty much summed it up why some people play Myers, it's for fun. Don't need, BP or pips. I have had many matches that toxic survivors get annoyed by Myers which is a bonus lol but a lot of players like going against him because he gives good jump scares when undetectable. That's the fun…
  • Cage system in 2 v 8 was very quickly abused, it didn't take long for killers to work out rough estimate on where cages were. Would rush over teleport it away and repeat so no one could save. Not only that but enjoyment is subjective, what 1 person finds toxic and boring another might find fun and reasonable. I for 1 do…
  • I agree, in some cases it is impossible to finish gens. That's called checkmate as far as I'm concerned. Survivors hiding isn't a counter because if they both hide and the killer doesn't find them or refuse to down them like they refuse to do gens it goes to server end time which results in both survivors being sacrificed…
  • To be fair, there has been a surge of gen rushers recently. I play tombstone Myers alot and usually I get T3 by the time 2 gens are done. Recently I been struggling to get t3 before 3 or 4 gens are done. Especially on certain maps. That's why I run corrupt intervention now, slows it down enough for me to get T3 and take 2…
  • I hate to be the one to say it but that's survivors for you. Not saying all survivors are like it but a huge proportion of survivors are toxic from my experience. Not sure if it's due to boredom or they know they can't win or something but I'm constantly coming across people that openly and admit to joining the match to…
  • Should have just stayed abit longer, server would end and you would have had 4k. Also I would report them and if I find them slug them and watch them crawl around.
  • Personally I prefer playing killer in dbd but survivor in tcm. Reason being, more variety of killers, I prefer to play solo and not worry if my team mates are pulling their weight. Survivor on tcm is better imo, more variety of tasks, more escape options, survivors actually have differences in skills, relies more on…
  • Again I have to disagree, in many cases getting it down to the last gen is where the killer is at his strongest. Losing 2 survivors and having 2 remaining is definitely not at their strongest, especially if they avoid the gens. That is acknowledgement they lost the match and try to hide for like 30min. Not quite comparable…
  • 4 gens done doesn't mean the killer lost. Many times I have killed all 4 survivors with 1 gen left. It's 4min... Not that long
  • I wouldn't say bleed outs are rare, it's a very common thing especially in 2 v1 situations. But as you say when survivors get slugged for 4min they don't like it... Sorry but no sympathy from me. I even made a post 2 days ago regarding a match I had where survivors hid for 25min not touching gens. 25min not doing anything…
  • And this is why you will never understand any other view other than your own, instead of trying to understand and being open you instantly close it off by saying "I'm done with this discussion" as if I have some how insulted your mother lol. i was more than happy to explain it in simpler terms for you but being as you have…
  • Yes it's the responsibility of the killer to find the survivors but that only works if the survivors are doing their objective. If the killer has got the match in a position where the survivors admit defeat and acknowledge they can't do the objectives without dying then they are admitting they have lost the match. In that…
  • I think no one can agree on a solution because some killers feel that a game that has massively gone in their favour from start to finish, they counter the constant loops, deal with mind games, get the hooks required to off 2 survivors, basically work hard for the whole match to have 1 survivor that may very well have done…