Slugging For The 4K - An Exaggerated Problem?



  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Tell that to the dips who run 10 seconds away then return to where they left the slug~
    We never say it was practical, only that people very often do it.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    So, the teabagging survivor lost the game and is trying to get a rise out of you for what feels like a emotional dig or victory for them over you and you're giving them that satisfaction by attempting to bypass the game as intended and taking out your frustrations on other players who aren't the player who tried to get a rise out of you?

    If the teabagging survivor in question actually seriously thinks they 'won' by getting what's widely acknowledged as an RNG pity escape why would you care about the opinion of someone who has so little game sense they don't understand a 3K means the Killer won?

    The 4 minutes mention is also erroneous as it's a hard cap set by BHVR. The intent behind both slugging the second last survivor for the 4K and hiding in a locker for the Hatch is to bypass game mechanics and gameplay as intended and waste another player's time and, if the timer were one hour, the same people who try to justify it now would try to justify it then. If you want to say the Killer's role is to kill and that justifies slugging the second last survivor then the Survivor's role is to survive and that would justify the hiding. In reality those are just examples of poor sportsmanship and a lack of consideration for other people and the Killer who slugs the second last for the 4K is not behaving any better nor any better than the Survivor who is locker hopping in the hopes of getting Hatch

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    It's a good idea, but also - fix the tricks that allow people to avoid AFK crows.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    It always comes down to this...if the match isn't winnable then why not go for the hatch? Because the match not being winnable is a loss lol. Hiding for the hatch is basically bashing your head against a brick wall trying to get a win from a lost match, especially if the killer stops the slug from bleeding out (which I have done 3 times tonight because last survivor refused to come out of hiding) no idea why people can't take the loss and just move on

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    On the flip side a survivor will hide even tho they lost. If a survivor is willing to hide in an already lost match then people can expect killer to slug an already won watch. Survivor wants a hatch in a match they lost killer wants Mori in a match they won. Still makes both sides to blame for the prolonged match. To be fair tho, I know if I'm survivor and I'm slugged and my team mate heals me I'm making sure we both die quickly so I'm not stuck in a match I lost. Kinda why it's handy to keep the 3rd alive... Give them an option of end it fast by running away from me towards the other player or end it slow via server end timer

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,228

    Why not just give up and concede the game though? You know the killer is going to keep looking for you and all you're doing is wasting everyone's time.

    I'll take a different tact here then a lot of responders. So our scenario is we have two survivors, one slugged, one up, and a killer who want to find the one up, why more emphasis on the killer:

    1: Best case scenario, even if the up survivor just starts spamming noise to indicate their location, its still going to be a longer wait for the slugged survivor then if they were just hooked. I pretty much always just give myself up if the killer wants to slug as I hate the thought of making that slugged survivor just sit for 4 minutes, but even then it can be awhile for them to get to me, down me, and then potentially walk back to the slug, hook them first, come back to me, mori or hook me, when they could have just hooked the slug at the start. Someone is still stuck in the game longer than if there was just a hook and then a hatch play.

    2: Just on an enjoyment / psychology front: we all agree the slugged survivor isn't having fun, but hiding out as the survivor can be enjoyable. You're camped out in a bush or locker, watching the killer searching around, hoping you don't get found as the meter ticks down, anticipating that mad race towards the hatch. It still has the DbD elements for that player. I've met a few killers who claim to enjoy that search, but usually people think it is boring and pointless.

    So the slugged survivor thinks, 'Why are we doing this?', the killer thinks 'Why are we doing this?', while the up survivor thinks 'I know what I'm going for.' It just doesn't make sense for the Killer to engage in an action that they themselves find unenjoyable.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290
    1. I'll generally hook right away unless I suspect there's a save incoming. Then I'll either give hatch or gate if I find hatch first. Thing is - maybe half the time the survivor will still sit in the gate teabagging until I chase them out which is frustrating. If it's been an annoying day that'll often be enough to make me unlikely to give the next group much mercy.
    2. I cannot stand hiders. I'd rather face the sweatiest, most BM looper in the entire game than someone who wastes my time to that degree.

    However, here's the problem.

    Scenario 3.

    3. I down survivor 1. I can try for a pickup, but let's say survivor 2 has BGP and a flashlight, or 1 goes down on a pallet. Now I cannot help but slug or…well, see the sentence after next. So I can camp a slug or go hunting for the last one. I choose the latter, survivor 1 sneaks around, gets survivor 2 up and then I have 2 people hiding because now both want hatch. And this can go on until server closes.

    Isn't it better for all involved not to chance it?

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    True death is no escape, but if survivor can't do gens they have failed. If survivor can't get hatch, they failed. If they can't open gates before the time expires they failed. Personally that's too many chances, so when survivors fail at doing gens it's gameover. That's why when I'm able to, if there is 2 v 1 and I can't find the 4th after slugging the 3rd I keep both alive so there is no chance of escape. Can't get hatch because there's still 2 people left, can't do gens clearly otherwise why hide it out for so long? No escape, hiding at that point is futile and accomplishes nothing because if they keep hiding they both die. If killers want 4k for ego reasons then survivors want to hide in a futile match for toxic reasons. But you say why should you just die when you have a chance to escape. Why should killer just allow the hatch potentially allowing a survivor to escape? You say the killer won but not everyone considers 3k a win. This 3k being a win is mostly from MMR going up when there's 3k. MMR that no one can see or cares about. So it's perfectly reasonable for some killers to not consider 3k a win as it doesn't count towards achievements, gives a lot less BP, miss out on mori.

    There's very little a killer can do to look good in survivors eyes to be honest, can't slug, can't tunnel, can't camp, can't use noed even have salt comments about using light born as a crutch lol I know I'm not the only one that gets this. So in light of that, I really don't think many killers care if they look good or not for slugging for 4k. Killers can end it quicker yes. But like or not, so can survivors by a acknowledging they have lost and can't win.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    They won the match according you, but maybe not according to the killer, that's my point. No where does it say in the game win or lose, it's all subjective. If I get 2k Vs a team of hackers I consider that a win. If I stomp the team before they get even close to doing all gens and 1 still makes it out then I don't consider it a win. You basically dismiss all the things that a killer might want or feel a win grants them. But your not willing to dismiss anything the hatch gives a survivor. I can say "oh extra BP and don't lose MMR... Good reason to try hide and escape a match they already lost." It's survivor entitlement, expecting another shot at escape when they failed." Makes way more sense for a killer that's won to get 4k than a survivor that's lost to still escape, if killer lost the match and was expecting a kill you might have a point but to reward the loser with another escape option and deny the winner a 4k is very strange.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710
    edited December 2024

    Because many people see it as 1v1v1v1v1 even bhvr kill rate is based on this. On that basis a killer can get 1k and say they won against that survivor so 1k is considered a win...a small win but still a win. So if a killer gets 1k and wins v that survivor then they should take the win and allow survivors a cheap escape for doing nothing? No they go for 2nd kill... then 3rd then 4th. 4th being the tricky one because of hatch so killers play around it. The fact that you close yourself from the discussion shows your unwilling to listen or learn about others views and opinions even if you disagree with them. But each to their own, can't force you to discuss the matter further any more than you can force a killer into not preventing the hatch going for the 4k lol.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,302

    You might have misworded it, but in case you were talking about something else: the devs aren't okay with 4-minute bleedouts, but they are okay with survivors hiding for 10-20 minutes. Seems like a pretty biased addressing of the problem to me.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    Care? Not really. It's annoying enough that I'll try to prevent it in future.

    That entire page long paragraph misses the point. I'll inconvenience someone for 4 minutes to avoid being inconvenienced for 20+. It's not only the fault of the hiders, it's BHVR's fault for having so many ways to avoid AFK crows. If they cared, this would have been fixed a long time ago.

    Again - 4 minutes versus server closing time. Neither are great, but one is objectively worse than the other.

    And posts like this contribute to killers being mean. Because if you legitimately want them to suffer, then…well, isn't turnabout fair play?

    (The game isn't balanced around solo queue. SWF versus killer is pretty balanced, some things excepted).

    It is what it is. If they wanted it fixed, it would be fixed already.

    Hatch - minor concern, mostly because BM can be annoying.

    Hiding - major concern. Especially if they somehow manage to unhook or pick up.

    It's easier just to camp the slug. Sucks, but hunting all over the map for 2 survivors who want to troll sucks more.

    Survivors give up because they want to go to the next game. I'm completely against it, but I understand. Time is valuable.

    Now, apply this logic to 2 survivors potentially taking the match hostage in a way BHVR does not seem to want to fix or take action on. Slugging is preferable.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    If the game is balanced around swf, then every single possible buff should be given to solo que survivors until their escape rates are as close as possible. All info perks like kindred, bond etc. should be basekit, perks that are solo que killers but worthless against swh like third seal should be taken out of the game. Unless actions like this are taken to show that Bhvr. actually cares about making the game playable for the majority of survivor players than it can only be assumed that the ability to "go next" on hook is purposely kept in the game by Bhvr. due to their choice or inability to balance their game. Without that "escape hatch" even the resolute players still playing survivor at this point would stop playing.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    I think it's because it's all related, slugging for 4k is usually due to 2 v 1 situations so 3rd survivor is slugged left to bleed out while other survivor is hiding waiting for the hatch instead of healing the slug. A lot of complaints seem to be that survivors can't do anything when slugged so might as well go afk for 4min. But the reason why they are left for the full duration of the slug timer is due to killer looking for the last survivor so won't hook them AND the other survivor not healing the team mate due to hiding and also not coming out of hiding so killer can quickly down and hook the last one then go back and hook the slug. Which then leads to why this situation happens...being the hatch and if it's reasonable to hide out for the hatch or save the team mate from being slugged.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    This reason is why I constantly suggest a way for the killer to "end" the match after killing 3 survivors. Like in basement a glyph spawns that they can go through to leave the match and get some bonus BP, basically saying "I killed 3 of you, I win, I'm out", then the last survivor can do whatever they want in the empty trial.

    This glyph could also be made available during EGC too, so if survivors wait at gates, you don't have to go push them out or wait for EGC to run out, you can just head to basement, interact with the glyph and peace out.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 902

    i rarely slugged for 4k, but when i did, last survivor intentionally crawled to random spot of the map and forced me to search for them and thus waste so much time for both of us in most of cases

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 261

    I'm kinda surprised nobody else has questioned this because it's definitely the moment that's left me scratching my head.

    Oh well. Until BHVR implements a systemic fix for this problem, I'll just continue to not do it on killer and bring Plot Twist on survivor so I can incentivize the killer to pick me up if I'm one of the last two.

    Tbagging on hatch? Really? That's what you're worried about? I'm at 3500 hours and I rarely see that. Why do you even care, they're popping off because they won a coin toss, it's pathetic and laughable.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Similar response, because killers objective is kill... If there is a survivor left then killer should kill. Personally I think if the survivor can't win then it's a loss... just a matter of when, after 4min of being slugged? After 20min of hide and seek? After 1 hour server time is over? All leads to same result.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 902

    so you just confirmed this is nothing but ego thing. You'd just want to unnecessarily waste your opponent's time no matter which side you play just because you want to deny them to finish the match.

    And i'm talking both about survivors camping the hatch/waiting at the gate and killers intentionally slugging survivors until their bleedout timer is about to finish and then hook them.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,186

    I only slug for the 4k when I am trying to get the adept. Imo, they should just rework the hatch mechanic so it's not a coin flip anymore, or just remove it. Killers don't get a mercy kill when all 4 survivors are escaping, so it isn't really necessary a mechanic to help at least on e survivor escape.

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 347

    Both slugging and hiding for the hatch are frustrating playstyles, actively encouraged by BHVR's design choices. Instead of revisiting the rough edges of the game's basic concept, they've opted to pile on new features and mechanics, hoping something sticks. And now, here we are. Blaming players for engaging in unfun tactics (as if self-moderation ever worked in online multiplayer) distracts from the real issue: BHVR's failure to address core problems and their reliance on bandaid fixes.

    We’re still playing a game without a clearly defined win condition, where the only thing that truly matters is the end result of kill or escape.

    Rather than having these endless, unproductive debates between players, maybe it’s time to direct the discussion toward BHVR. Ask for meaningful, foundational changes that could genuinely push the game toward a healthier and balanced state.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290


    They've said that they will never, ever, ever give solos and SWFs different abilities and perks.

    Also - yes. Sweeping balance changes that'll completely upend the game. It's…fun to dream.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    No, some of it is the hiding survivor's fault for also stalling the game out and some of it is why killers might slug for the 4K sometimes, namely the potential of two survivors taking the game hostage in a way BHVR don't seem to care about.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Glad to know we ain't the only ones who noticed

    We know people have already pointed out the points that we're going to point out, but that's the point so we going to point it out again~

    First the 1 down and 1 hiding situation. What specifically stops the killer from hooking that 3rd survivor? Fear of hatch? Ok why, since we already pointed out what the killer has done the trial, seems dumb to put it politely. If that third survivor is down already nothing really stops the killer from killing that one and rarely is there a good reason to stall to guarantee the 4k.

    Second about healing the slugged mate. As we said before, the killer will usually patrol in a way that lets them keep an eye on the slug. If the hidden survivor tries to help the slug without a specialized build then they go down and the killer slugs them while they chase the picked up one and eventually gets them. That's practically a death sentence for both survivors so understandable they are unlikely to do that. We get it's not all the time but it's common enough that the 3 of us go and look with extreme caution. In addition if the slug actually does go afk after recovering (or sometimes after they been slugged) there's actually zero reason to try and pick them up.


    But the reason why they are left for the full duration of the slug timer is due to killer looking for the last survivor so won't hook them AND the other survivor not healing the team mate due to hiding and also not coming out of hiding so killer can quickly down and hook the last one then go back and hook the slug.

    ...this sounds a lot like "survivors are to blame for not coming out to die". Remember that the common situation of "slugging for the 4k" is 1 survivor is slugged and 1 is hiding... meaning that 1 survivor is hook-able by the killer (less the killer lost the slug for whatever stupid reason). How is that the fault of the survivor?

    Fourth we disagree that these (slugging for the 4k and 2 hiding all game) are related. Both are stupidly annoying true but aside from that both are their own separate forms of beepery.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    They don't have to give them different perks. Just make all info perks basekit because swf doesnt need those perks anyway because they get all their info from coms. Get it? And sweeping balance changes are better than falling back on the "going next on hook" mechanic just so survivor players dont quit the game.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    Killer can try to kill that 3rd survivor. But it could go sideways if there's a save or something and then you've got two hiding.

    Again, also, it comes down to:

    • Killer's victory state is undefined. 3k is a house rule. 4k seems to be implied by BHVR, as they define it as 4 1v1s. So, by this logic, killer is losing once and winning three times.
    • Survivors being inevitably BM on hatch or in gate, even if these are given. And nobody likes being BM'd.
  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 902

    even if theoretically soloQ was equalized with SWFs at some point, that would be the state of the game where game would be absolutely unplayable for the killer role, now even at S-tier. But that day will never come since soloQ will still be bottlenecked by players simply refusing to play the game the way it's intended (people not using/abusing voice chat, people giving up because they still can't do some basic things in the match etc.)

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290

    I don't think it's possible without completely breaking the balance of the game, but stuff like baseline kindred (sans killer aura) and bond would be a great first step. Also completely remove self hook suicides as on the occasion I play solo queue, maybe half my losses are someone ragequitting a generally winnable game.

    Unless they go down on a pallet. Or there's a BGP/flashlight on the last survivor. Or a flashbang. Or crackers. Or a sabo.