Lotta high rank killers gonna learn they aren't as good as they think they are
Ah, I gotcha. Didn't realize there was an 8k cap on those. Thank you!
Oh neat this thread again
Y'all still looking for people? I'm just coming back from a year away, and have no idea what I'm doing anymore. I play equal killer and survivor so I can fill whatever role you're looking for at the time. Discord RaccoonBrainWorm#9621
I'm still pretty new to the game, not sure if I've cracked 100 yet, but most of those gave been survivor. It's easier for me to be a lowbie with no perks going against one experienced killer than a lowbie killer with no perks going against four experienced survivors at the moment. However when a games fun, I have more fun…
I'm a rank 17 killer, and the other day I got put into a match of all rank 7 - 9's. I got three hooks total, no kills, but whatcha gonna do? Of course as soon as we got back to chat, one of the survivors decided to try and tell me all about how awful I am, and how much I suck. It's like c'mon bro, I'm a rank 17 Piggy with…
This. Whether it's a four man pain squad or two friends playing around, we need to accept that swf is a huge hit, and selling point for survivors, which is what, 80% of the player base? It also doesn't make sense, either gameplay wise or business wise to punish such a large amount of your player base. Instead, it makes way…
Look, all that one game means is that we need to nerf Legion.