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  • Lol What? If this should be bannable so should tunneling and camping. I'm not wasting my time in a match with 3 rank 20's that all go down in the first 3 min of the match only to find we are up against a rank 2 doctor. And for those that do camp and tunnel I have no interest in wasting my time when the payout isn't worth…
  • I know this is not what you want to hear but it looks like the game just being itself. This game atm has so many glitches and though the graphics look "better" is still a mess. You can dress a turd in fancy close but its still gonna stink.
  • So some killers are ofc not as easy to get kills with. For instance hard killers like the nurse are difficult to get kills with. However this game is super unbalanced. What I mean is that a killer like hag can put down multiple traps at one given time and instantly teleport to it. We're as the trapper takes much longer to…
  • This comment is funny and ironic.
  • I know how this goes.. I actually got death threats from a killer because we used borrowed time and save them from a face camper. I saved the message on my ps4 reported and blocked them in game and on ps4. But this is what they don't tell you. Even if you block them you can still get matched with them. The community for…
  • The things I like about this game, it's a great concept, it's unique and so far have not found a game like it, characters are not cartoons but not to realistic, you have a variety of characters features and perks to choose from. You don't need to be in a chat it's simple and easy to figure out but not to easy. The things I…
    in I quit Comment by Rainn February 2021
  • Was playing on stranger things map with Freddy when I threw down a pallet Freddy was instantly on my side of the pallet and then seconds later teleported to the other side of the pallet. I didn't get it on video I didn't think to record or save the match. I have had several issues were my character won't run or fast vault.…
  • I don't have an issue with the graphics they use. When I play killer I can stand in the middle and hear all gens that are being done. Its really really really easy to find survivors on auto haven now.