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  • I'm sorry, I have to say this. In your message to that person, it's shouldn't HAVE, or shouldn't'VE.
  • I'm practically always in red ranks on both sides, and still always 4k with killer.
  • It wouldn't be counterproductive if the killer chose not to camp or tunnel. If they were actually even somewhat decent at the game, they'd have no trouble getting kills without camping or tunneling. Plus, they have many other ways of getting kills. If the survivors chose to not do gens, that wouldn't be counterproductive.…
  • I can safely say that I've never seen a comment more stupid and wrong than this one. Doing gens is the survivors' objective, they LITERALLY can't win without it, and looping is pretty much their only way to survive if they've been seen. Camping and tunneling, on the other hand, are completely unnecessary for a killer to…
  • Normally I'd give my argument about genrushing not existing, but killing people is also the killer's main objective, so tunneling is just doing so to one survivor quicker than usual.
  • This game is not meant to be realistic in any way. Getting slashed across the back with a giant blade would most likely kill you, but you only get hurt in this game. A SINGLE perk granting LESS THAN A SECOND of immunity is no big deal at all.
  • I agree with Dead Hard, old BT was broken, this new one definitely is NOT, and Decisive is almost useless now, especially if the killer is running Enduring. Never used DS in my life, but I've seen videos of it. Not a good perk anymore.
  • Am I the only person who doesn't understand why people always want Clown buffed? I'm a rank 1 killer every month, and every time I play Clown, which is pretty often, I get a 4k, without fail.
  • For me, it depends on the killer. Each can be toxic in their own way. Pig: Camping/tunneling trapped person. Legion: Frenzy hitting someone and immediately chasing them despite there being more people close by. Huntress: Iri head plus ebony mori. These are just a few off the top of my head. Then, of course, there's…
  • Yeah I figured it would have gone well, I more just meant seeing it then not being 100% sure if you were about to be covered with toxicity or not must've been torture.
  • I'm not sure if this is directed at me specifically, but I do just want to point out that I have said many times that it's not always the player's fault for poor map pressure. And as for this, exactly. It's very rare that a killer gets the worst possible scenario when they get into a match, so they should definitely work…
  • Yeah I agree, the objective, whether it's the gens being done or the killer killing the survivors, is done really quickly, it does usually end up being a really boring game.
  • No, thankfully not. Although I'm sorry that you have. Sounds like torture.
  • I more meant 'playing smart' as not being on the same gens and traveling in a pack the entire match. Sure, I get that it is boring, just doing gens and escaping, but sometimes that's all you can do. Also by 'playing smart', I meant that at least YOU know that you're on a gen by yourself, so you can hope that there's at…
  • I wouldn't say that killers have NO pressure at the start of a match, just very very little. But yeah, content creators certainly don't help. I get they're trying to make content to satisfy their viewers, but they don't realise that they're often spreading toxicity throughout the community.
  • Sure, but the survivors working on separate gens isn't "gen-rushing", it's playing smart.
  • Ok, to reply to Ugum, I said GEN-RUSHING, not tunneling. For most everyone else, I said multiple times that it's not always the player's fault if they don't apply pressure. It could be the killer they're playing as, the map they're on, or both. Then like LustForBP said, there are PLENTY of perks that killers can use that…
  • Yeah that's fair. I've seen many people talking about adding a secondary objective for survivors to do before they can do gens, but I kinda don't agree because then it would feel more like Farming Simulator. Lmao but yeah, I agree that many people probably believe that the speed of the gens themselves is too quick, not the…
  • Lmao.
  • Yeah it's like whenever I see a killer complain about "gen-rush" I just think to myself "Well maybe you should've played better or applied better pressure." Of course, the pressure isn't always the killer's fault, but it often is.
  • Yeah I actually was just reading through your thread and was seeing all of the arguments about "counter/punish gen-rushing myeh myeh" so I figured I should make this to allow people that agree with me to voice that they agree with a person that agrees with them. That's a lot of agreement lmao.
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