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  • Just looked it up on the Wiki. Hadn't even played as Bill or explored his Perks yet. I'll use it by using him and see if it helps. Thanks!
  • I prefer playing as Ghostface. As a Survivor, I prefer going against Ghostface. I suck at playing as The Legion. I suck at playing against The Legion. Ghostface is actually very easy to escape from if you're patient and aware. I'm sure the same can be said for most Killers, but players who play as Ghostface like to crouch…
  • Don't get yourself in a position where you can be blocked? Playing as a Killer, Survivors have blocked me from hooking other Survivors. In that time period, I was able to down another while the one I was carrying was able to escape from me. At which point, I was able to hook the one who was blocking me instead. If used…
  • It happens to me after a couple of hours of playing. Restarting my console makes it stop.
  • I think it would be more beneficial if the aura of the Hatch was shown to the Survivor for a few seconds after the second to last Survivor is killed or sacrificed. At least now the Survivor will have an actual chance of getting there first. I'm still a relatively new player, I've only been playing for about two months now…
  • Chucky from Child's Play will not work. He's way too short; same with the Leprechaun. Do you really think you have a chance playing as him in Coldwind Farm or Backwater Swamp? And don't even get me started with Yamaoka Estate! How about The Nun from the Conjuring franchise? I'd like for there to be a Killer that's totally…
  • I find Ruin adding an added element to the game, honestly. I've had to play against Killers who've used it, and I've used it as a Killer. The Totem is usually found within the first three minutes of playing, I've noticed. On the rare occasion, the Totem will remain untouched well into the match. It can be frustrating when…