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  • Every single tournament, always had someone running DS (usually tournaments restrict perks, so only 1 survivor ran it, but if all 4 could run it, all 4 would run it). Why would that be the case if the perk is so bad?
  • Where is your data on those kill rates?
  • He has been playing both sides on the experiment. And this isn't an "us vs them" thing, this is cheating.
  • The filters are enabled by BHVR themselves, people have already stated so in the thread. If they removed those hooks in the game, then the filters would not work.
  • If i were the developers i would not whitelist it. Simple. I would remove the filters that make it so these are possible, and i would take reports of people using this type of thing very seriously, and use easy anti-cheat to detect and ban people for using it.
  • I really did too. I don't use reshade out of principle. You are using a 3rd party program to gain an advantage, in my mind, that is hacking plain and simple. It is no different than me using "hacks" to increase my movement speed. It is using something that is not in the game, to give me an advantage over other players. I…
  • This really is the problem. And when i post these things on the forum people think i don't care about the "average" player. But i'm honestly not that great as survivor. I run into the same types of things you do when i play survivor, so i know what it is like. The reality is there are different games being played here and…
  • Try playing trapper some time.
  • Have you never watched a tournament? People do use these types of filters.
  • When i play nurse? No. When i play non top tier killers? Every game is a massive uphill battle to get lucky to even draw. You probably are wasting your time going down this path. I have 3.5k hours in this game.
  • I rarely get those players, the majority of my games are high skill survivors who are trying to win at all costs. Almost every game has at least 2-3 players queued up, with a high number of games having a full SWF based on their name coordination and such. If i can, i also will ask them at the end of the game, and they…
  • You forget though, that the math aint mathing. Chases are balanced around lasting 45 seconds. So lets say you have an "average" 45 second chase. 45 seconds 2.7 wipe animation 3 second pickup animation 10 seconds to walk to a hook 1.5 second hook animation ~11 seconds to walk from any corner of the map to the middle of the…
  • That's what i'm hoping, but if so why haven't they mentioned it yet? Maybe save it for the live stream? If that were the case they should have said: "we are making some changes that will be revealed later and as such are tweaking these gen defense perks" Some way to give us a hint that something like that is taking place.
  • Sorry, edited the post. Please see that new comment.
  • This is too off topic anyway, and i don't want the thread to get closed, so at this point i'm going to disengage from this discussion anyway. If you'd like to continue it, feel free to make a new thread about it and would be happy to participate.
  • Maybe i'm missing something, but i have checked it a few times. There's 6 nodes collected that are 35k and 6 nodes collected that are 25k so (6 * 35) + (6 * 25) = 360
  • True, the question is if they finally nerfed them too hard. Usually when they have done this, another gen defense perk is buffed in some way, so we are able to just switch to the new one. This time around they just hit all of the good ones left at once. So its a question on whether they are still enough. After doing the…
  • CS is inherantly asymmetrical. 1 side is on offense and 1 is defense. And they have different weapons available.
  • I'm not saying that you need to nerf gen regression for it to happen. I'm simply stating that, as they make things less viable, killers will turn to strategies that survivors find "less fun" in order to continue to play in a viable way. So its just going to lead to less fun for everyone.
  • Again, talking about the offensive usages of the perk, like, standing in a doorway and physically using your body with basekit BT to prevent the killer from going after someone else. The killer can't "chase you to a corner of the map" the survivor dictates where the chase goes.
  • Why is it then that some of the most successful and long running games in history are ones that do just that? DotA LoL Counter strike Rainbow Six All of these things are extremely difficult to play and often find you "having to deal with something that takes thousands of hours to be able to get the skill to counter" and…
  • "Too reliant on game mechanics instead of learning the game properly" What exactly is there other than "game mechanics" that doesn't make any sense.
  • So take those strategies away. What is left?
  • Again, just because something is rare, doesn't mean it is balanced. Why is it ok for those "seal team 6" guys to just queue up and have a near 100% win rate? Why is that ok? What if there was a killer offering that: Made the killer move at 200% movement speed Permanently exposed all survivors. Permanently revealed the aura…
  • Its not a threat, its a prediction. If they keep nerfing the things that are viable alternatives to the "unfun" strategies that survivors complain about, then all that is going to happen is more and more killers are going to play in that "unfun" way.
  • What is the bigger problem. The fact that 95% of the killers are not viable at a high level, or that 5% of the killers are too strong lower levels? You need to address the thing that impacts the most players. And take a look at these forums, people are tired of seeing blight/nurse/wesker every game. See my point? 2 things…
  • Trickle down balance: Imagine a scenario for DBD, where we see killer shack for example. Killer shack, is one of the strongest structures in the game for survivors. At a high level, a good survivor pretty much can waste a solid 30-40 seconds or more of a killers time just at this single structure, let alone when it is…
  • Its simply a statement as to how long killer actions actually takes, if you look at other posts, you'll see the main point is quite simply the game goes TOO FAST if you do not have gen defense and aren't playing nurse, which is why every game has gen defense. And the game should not be balanced around that fact, they…
  • Because there should be more than 2 viable killers at a high level, especially when the game has 36 of them.
  • That's also a fair point. I'm more responding to it being 3 seconds vs 4 seconds vs 5 seconds. In reality, take a second off for the current animation to play out. But 3 seconds is too short unless you are downed like on a pallet or loop 5 seconds is too long because you can offensively use it in corners of the map and…
  • Good luck finding them with knockout.
  • And chase #1 is precisely the problem. Basically, the way a standard game works is as follows: Start the game, all the survivors spread out and hop on gens Killer starts a chase with 1 survivor 3 are sitting on gens Now, does the killer get a down before 2-3 gens are done? If not, the survivors are probably going to win.…
  • formatting sucks, but you get the idea.
  • Watch a few videos and comments scott jund makes, now do the same for tru3ta1ent. If there was a spectrum, you'd probably see this: survivor sided middle killer sided |———————————————————————||———————————————————————| On that spectrum, i'd put several content creators around this:…
  • It leads to being used offensively. Now it means that, if you are being tunneled, you are fine, because, in theory, you should be going down near some structure or pallet or something, you DS, and you have time to get there. But at 5 seconds, you could just body block in a corner of the map dead zone and have enough time…
  • You are being intentionally obtuse. I pointed out a problem, and the response EVERY TIME, as you can see in this thread is "but average players" etc. And i'm pointing out that a streamer here, who is clearly biased towards survivor players as you can see if you are even somewhat familiar with them, even says that you MUST…
  • I post scott because he IS biased, towards survivors. If i posted tru3ta1ent you'd see the opposite end of the bias.
  • Yeah, and again, if you keep nerfing these things, all you will see is MORE of the thing you are complaining about as more and more things become less viable. 2 things can be true at the same time. 3 killers in the game are a little to powerful when you stack multiple slowdowns. 32 killers are too weak unless you bring 2…
  • Right, so you balance for everyone EXCEPT the players who are at the top? Its ok if survivors are massively OP at the highest level so tournaments have to restrict them so heavily?
  • UPDATE. Scott agrees again, the game is BALANCED around the killer bringing slowdown:
  • You never balance games around "the average" player. And if you do, please tell me when they are going to nerf skull merchant, who is obviously, per the statistics, the most powerful killer to EVER EXIST in DBD HISTORY. And stop wasting their time on killers who are UNDERPOWERED (per the data) like blight. Why does blight…
  • It has been proven time and time again. That yes, tunnelers gonna tunnel and campers gonna camp. That will always happen. But every time they nerf gen defense, you see MORE tunneling and MORE camping. Notice how people have been complaining constantly since the nerfs to eruption, and ruin, and pain res (to be what it is…
  • I have already made it clear in other threads. I am tired of this argument that "it isn't necessary unless this game is your job". Or "SWF squads with clock callouts are rare" or "most survivors are bad you win most of your games" YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT KINDS OF GAMES I GET AND I'M TIRED OF YOU TELLING ME THAT. I get these…
  • What they need to do is nerf all the gen defense perks and buff the basekit like they do with killer addons, like they literally are going to do with leatherface. Stop balancing the game around gen defense perks being required, nerf them all, buff the basekit.
  • That's why the gen kick limit was introduced. You will outrepair any killer that tries to do that.
  • Its only good by comparison now. Pop is useless again, Grim embrace is only slightly nerfed, but its still only a "Decent", pain res nerfed again to 80% total regression, doesn't even add a whole gen of time, despite actively requiring you to NOT tunnel. All this is going to lead to is either more tunneling and camping, or…
  • Is fair when a killer hooks a survivor then immediately runs to the opposite end of the map, looks at the wall, and waits for them to get unhooked and healed before they target someone else?
  • Sure, i'm not discounting that. That's why i'm saying the data is basically useless.
  • Because apparently all gen defense needs to be completely nerfed. There's a reason that everyone is using pain res and pop. Because they are the only good gen defense left, and the game is balanced around killers bringing gen defense. I just hope they buff the basekit of all killers to compensate. I would love to see these…
  • I actually think the interaction itself is technically fine. The problem is that buckle up should not give endurance to both. If it only gave endurance to one of them, then it stays as a way to pick someone up and they are protected. But now you are discouraged from using it with FTP because you don't also get endurance.